posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 07:01 AM
Thank you seeker, for posting this.
This is something Ive been screaming about.
NATO is obselete. Period. Why are we still in Europe? They do not want us there. I dont blame them. I do not want us there. The billions we spend
keeping us there is ridiculous! Well save so much money! And besides, Europe is insignifigant strateigically now anyway, as far as world affairs go.
They want thier autonomy. Why not give them that? Woith the EU, I doubt we will ever have to worry about getting dragged into yet another stupid
European war like we were twice, WW1 and WW2.
Thus, we should be blessing it, as occupying Europe has been a massive headache for us. The soviet union is gone, and even with new Russian
hostilities, there is no point of us staying there.
I do not like NATO, I want to see it abolished, we do need to find new buddies outside Europe. What about actually trying to foster better ties in the
western hemisphere? if we are to continue this world involvement insanity, why not foster it in our own half of the world? instead of #ing with South
American govornments, what about actually stop overthrowing them and build a western alliance over here? mI mean, #, if we could build stable nations
in our own half of the planet, we could basically forget the #ing eastern hemisphere! And form our own pan American alliance. South America has alot
of potential, and if wed stop keeping them in the poorhouse and start actually rebuilding them and working on strengthening them and doing our own
Nato here, we would never have to worry about anything from the eastern half.
If Europe wants the eastern Hemisphere, let the #ers have it! Really, what does the east have that the west doesnt? Oil? We got it here. Minerals>
resources? Labor pools? We got all that here.
We have been looking for allies too far from home when the west has plenty of potential. if we could for once and for all, eliminate the corrupt
govornments of south America, and blow money there, we could actually survive and still play int eh world scene.