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What are the most convincing proofs that aliens exist?

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posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 05:19 AM
What are the most convincing proofs that aliens exist?

I really want to believe in aliens and I need convincing articles from the most trusted investigators and writers.

And oh I've read a book (forgot the title, don't know if it's reliable)
Here are some of the topics I've read on the book:

-Russian autopsy video on dead grey.
-Alien captured by US federal agents and interrogated. I remember seeing the video but I forgot the source.
-lizard-like chupacabras. According to the book evidences on these creatures are very convincing. Mutilated cows with missing brains and the area around the wound are clean - I mean when examined under powerful microscopes their was no sign of cell damage meaning the cut was so precise it's impossible that the culprit is an animal or a human even with the most sophisticated niddles or lasers..

[edit on 29-4-2006 by MADtank]

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 04:40 AM
Disclosure Project - a combination of the video testimony AND the supporting documentation plus the wide array of radio interviews given by Dr Greer, forms the most cohesive body of evidence for me - not only because of the calibre of the witnesses involved, but also because the issues are placed into context so you understand why the secrecy exists and why it's so difficult to break to the mainstream. The Disclosure Project forms a neat 'launchpad' to place other (perhaps considered 'fringe'?) cases into perspective.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 05:53 AM
The fact that from the beginning of recorded history ancient peoples recorded sightings, and it has had a dramtic effect on the course of human civilization. The Dogon tribe in Africa holds religious beliefs that the star Sirius is a binary system, originating a buncha1000's of years before Sirius B was discovered with modern astronomy. Either there's a serious glitch in time and the distant past is the distant future, or more likely the original "gods" are non-earth beings playing god. Biblical writings contain lots of accounts in the old skool lingo they used back in the day.

There's too much evidence to deny, beginning around 3000bc up until whoever looks at the sky today, sees a flying saucer, takes a pic, or otherwise records it.

The ancient religious texts are really the interesting ones because it seems that back then whoever "they" are weren't exacly shy, and in some accounts, they actually lived on earth as an elite ruling class, god/kings with agendas of religion and politics, the original propaganda machine.

The real unknown is who they are, or what they are. Are aliens us from the future? another race from the past? Interdimensional beings? Nuts and bolts "get in the saucer and fly from planet whatever to earth" type aliens? Greys? Nordics? Reptilian shapeshifters, or amphibians?

Also, Cydonia on Mars adds weight to the case that several planets in our solar system were "colonized" as well, only they didn't quite survive some cataclysm that made the planet uninhabitable.

The government's silence on the subject is evidence that something is happening, with who or what and on what level is buried in disinformation. Merely the fact that the only reason for not releasing any information is that the blatant coverup is worth it to whoever gets to decide such things, the earth "they", secret government, MJ12, whatever, but there's definitely something being hidden. A secret galactic "cold war" maybe?

There's a LOT of black projects going on, especailly in the desert, real advanced hardware doing otherworldly maneuvers, and a decline in authentic "alien craft" sightings. If you see unconventional stuff in the sky today, it's more likely that it's "our" hardware and not aliens. Before we had hardware though, people were still seeing ufo's, so the majority of sightings and accounts before the technological advent of modern aerospace science are authentic. Aroura, TX late 1800's a craft supposedly crashed near town, and a body was recovered. The body was buried, but there is an account of it. What could possibly fall out of the sky and contain a body in 1890summat?

But overall, it's how the evidence all fits toregther. I haven't heard any theories that don't sound like disinformation, but due to the indirect evidence it just seems to point to us being some sort of alien ant farm.

I had a classic abduction experience once , but i'm not sure what the beings were, it's an experience somewhere between sleep paralysis, and actually having two beings doing something to me in my sleep. I was dreaming and all of a sudden my dream was invaded by two beings, first, presence, then the physical force when one held my head still while the other tried to do something with my mouth. I awoke and openeed my eyes to find the room i was sleeping in was actually occupied b two beings, one holding my hea ddown and the other prying my mouth open. I felt like i was being telepathically manipulated, although i couldn't tell how, it was a combiantion of the feeling of attempts to read, or erase memory. It felt like pure psychic violence. Then i fought back, i jumped up, the being still holding my head, but he came up with me, the other tried to pry my mouth open but i bit it's thum nearly in half and they then aborted mission and somehow escaped.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 05:58 AM
They know now thought that if they try to pull that crap again, they better bring more of their homeys and use a tool other than their thumb to try and pry my mouth open and do the brain suck routine. I'm a pretty peaceful person but if i meet them again they're getting smacked up whoever they are just as a personal note from me. I won't hold a grudge against a race of being, just want to even the score with those two who tried to Barney Hill me. I'm not convinced they were a real flesh and blood entity, a hologrpahic somethin or other, shapeshifters, interdimensionals, but they were two thing s mostly resembling large greys in size and build, with only one difference, they had no face, it was just blank, and not skin blank, i mean it was hollow, nonexistant, like looking into pure energy and nothingness at the same time. That's what really tripped me out, i mean if hey had almond shaped eyes and a face i wouldn't have tried to kill 'em, and maybe woulda got some dialogue going, but they weren't there to talk shop.

I saw one of these beings long before this incident, about 10 years prior, where a friand and I ran into one of these void face energy beings, we boh saw the same thing, we watched "her" (female form, platinum blond in a nightrobe strolling the 'hood at 2am, unusual in itself to say the very least) but when we looked at her face passing her on the sidewalk she had the void face. We deliberately walked by her again, looked a ther face, same thing, a third time, she had no face. Finally we decided to confront her but she vanished, every house within running distance was people we al know, and she didn't go anywhere there, it was like we turned around and she was gone. Also the nightrobe didn't seem to move with her legs, she was just very slowly gliding.

But, the amount and the broad spectrum of sources thoughout known history tend to completely overshadow any governemnt "no comment" routine.

[edit on 4/30/2006 by DezertSkies]

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 06:24 AM
imo, the most convincing proof is that so many people have claimed to have seen them. that and the many documentrays i've seen on the subject. also, the universe is huge, theres no reason not to believe we are the only intelligent life.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by DezertSkies
I had a classic abduction experience once , but i'm not sure what the beings were, it's an experience somewhere between sleep paralysis, and actually having two beings doing something to me in my sleep. I was dreaming and all of a sudden my dream was invaded by two beings, first, presence, then the physical force when one held my head still while the other tried to do something with my mouth. I awoke and openeed my eyes to find the room i was sleeping in was actually occupied b two beings, one holding my hea ddown and the other prying my mouth open. I felt like i was being telepathically manipulated, although i couldn't tell how, it was a combiantion of the feeling of attempts to read, or erase memory. It felt like pure psychic violence. Then i fought back, i jumped up, the being still holding my head, but he came up with me, the other tried to pry my mouth open but i bit it's thum nearly in half and they then aborted mission and somehow escaped.

Couldend it be this was just a bad dream u had, the paralysis u experienced could well be the fact that your body was still in a sleeping state wich happens often to people when they wake from bad dreams.

Your also saying u bit its thumb in half, assuming the beiings where organics this means one of them should have been bleeding at some point leaving evidence behind for you to investigate.At least i would if i ever have the privilege to be victim to this.

If there was no blood or anything organic found on the scene after this experience then i would conclude this was all a bad dream that felt real because at some point u woke up while your body was still in a sleeping state.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 09:48 AM
Well, to be honest, I'm still sitting on the fence re: the issue of 3D aliens.

However, years ago I read an interesting account which persuaded me more than any current-day speculations that aliens (whatever they actually are) may have been around for quite a while.

The account concerned a village in England, three or four hundred years ago. A crowd of people outside the village church saw a sailing ship moving slowly above them, in the sky. A long length of rope with an anchor attached, was trailing from the ship. The anchor dragged along the ground at some point, from memory. The ships occupants acknowledged the villagers. A young male villager grasped the rope and began to climb up towards the ship. The rope was released by the ship's occupants. The young man, plus rope and anchor fell to earth. I can't remember the fate of the man, but it's claimed the anchor remained (may still remain) outside the church for many years. The village was not close to water. The story was handed down within the district, parent to child and reportedly is contained within the old church records.

Unfortunately, I can't provide the title of the book or even the author, although it may have been one of Colin Wilson's early ones. The author was reputable enough for me to believe there may have been at least some truth in the account, fanciful though it sounded. The author included the tale to strengthen his own suspicion that aliens adapt their appearance (and that of their vessels) to 'blend' with human technology of the day. In the account detailed above, sailing vessels were 'latest technology'. The author went on to say that thousands of years ago, in India, 'aliens' appeared overhead on 'flying carpets'. These days they seem to favour metal craft.

Another incident involving a man I knew professionally and personally for many years intrigues me, even more so because the man in question has always been extremely sceptical of anything remotely connected to the 'paranormal'. He owned and operated (still does) several successful businesses and was approx. 45 years of age, single and father of three late-teenaged children when the alleged incident took place. At the time, he was living alone in the enormous (and run-down) family home, which was located at the top of a hill at a point where the road ended. The house was surrounded by virgin bushland. The house itself definitely had an unsettling atmosphere. The fact he could live there on his own, by choice, is testimony to the man's total lack of imagination and complete disbelief in all aspects of the supernatural.

He arrived at my house early one morning in a dazed, nervous shock. He was desperate for the reassurance of simple human company. He was a mess. He said the night before, he'd awoken from what he believed was a nightmare --- only to discover the nightmare was actually taking place. Two tall entities dressed entirely in red were trying to 'take him away' ---- just as they had in what moments earlier he'd believed was his dream. He described the entities as 'very tall and thin' and dressed in outfits which resembled (for lack of better description) 'wetsuit type things': meaning all in one, tight body fitting outfits. They wanted him to go with them. He was afraid of them. Terrified. But he made his living by being adept at communicating, so he attempted to 'talk them out of' taking him. He told me he'd repeatedly said: 'You don't want me, fellows. I'm not what you want. I'd be no good to you. You don't need me. I'd be useless to you. You don't want me.' etc.

He said this went on for a long time, by his reckoning, but the entities would not leave. They did not speak. The only light in the room came from the open double glass doors and several windows, plus a little illumination from the 'on' switches of the nearby tv and video player. My friend said he tried to convince himself he was dreaming, several times, but he knew he was not

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 10:09 AM
(cont.) He said he tried opening and closing his eyes, to see if this would make the entities disappear. It didn't work. He hid under the blanket. When he emerged, the entities were still there. Finally, after what seemed a very long time of struggling with the situation, he reached out a hand for the switch to a bedside lamp. At that point, the entities vanished.

My friend said he was in a cold sweat and terrified to leave his bed. By this time, he'd been reduced to the level of terrified child. Using the remote control, he switched on the tv and sat up in bed, still scared witless, trying to concentrate on the tv. He said he'd several times begun praying fervently. When it grew light, he'd leapt from the bed, thrown on some clothes, and departed the house. He arrived at my place shortly afterwards.

His face revealed he was serious about the incident, but it was so unlike him that I still had a difficult time accepting it could actually have happened as he described it. I'd never heard of aliens who dressed in all red suits, to begin with. So I asked him if he'd been drinking, because he was fond of the stuff. He replied he'd drunk the usual amount and had retired reasonably early. He was adamant that the incident had occurred as he'd described it and was not the result of drink, nor was it the dream he'd first believed it to be. I had no answer, other than to advise him, as usual, to find himself somewhere a bit more 'friendly' to live. None of his friends liked his house's atmosphere or its isolated location.

Some months later, during which my friend and I had had a serious disagreement, I saw him again and we spoke briefly. As an afterthought, I asked him if he'd had any more visits from his 'men in red'.

I've never forgotten his response. It wasn't really what he said, but how he said it and the expression on his face that unnerved me. His face suddenly took on the expression of someone with a secret ... a very personal, satisfying, secret. With a weird smile on his face, he hesitated before replying. He didn't want to discuss it with me any more, that was clear. But finally, smiling very oddly, he said: ' Yes. They've been back a couple of times. But they're not red any more."

Surprised, I said: ' Not red? So what are they like now?'

He spoke about the aliens in a very possessive, weird way --- the way people usually describe someone they're having an affair with: ' They're becoming more golden' is what he said. I have no idea what it means: 'becoming more golden'.

Whatever was going on between him and the aliens, it was clear he now regarded them very warmly.

But the change in my friend was very disturbing. In the months he'd obviously been 'seeing' the aliens, he had a total personality reversal and became ruthless, unbelievably cunning, dishonest, callous and abandoned any pretence of ethics or loyalty. We parted company. I was glad to see the back of him. Yet until his experience with the aliens, we'd enjoyed a close relationship spanning well over a decade. I still don't know what to make of any of it.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 11:34 AM
Here is eveidence:

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 11:49 AM
Here's one piece of evidence.

Modern technology can't even replicate these structures and people will try to convince me that the ancient Egyptians had the technology to build them!

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 11:55 AM
We're here, aren't we? The universe is unimaginably big. What's the more preposterous idea; that we're not alone in the universe, or that we are?

Now, have we been visited by extraterrestrial intelligent life? A different topic altogether, and I vote, "No".

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 01:03 PM
The British RAF relesaed files under the British FOI act concerning Unidentified Flying Objects, they even state the colours of the ships.

Such an authoritive source for me states proof of something unknown that has happened.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by onbekend59

Originally posted by DezertSkies
I had a classic abduction experience once , but i'm not sure what the beings were, it's an experience somewhere between sleep paralysis, and actually having two beings doing something to me in my sleep. I was dreaming and all of a sudden my dream was invaded by two beings, first, presence, then the physical force when one held my head still while the other tried to do something with my mouth. I awoke and openeed my eyes to find the room i was sleeping in was actually occupied b two beings, one holding my hea ddown and the other prying my mouth open. I felt like i was being telepathically manipulated, although i couldn't tell how, it was a combiantion of the feeling of attempts to read, or erase memory. It felt like pure psychic violence. Then i fought back, i jumped up, the being still holding my head, but he came up with me, the other tried to pry my mouth open but i bit it's thum nearly in half and they then aborted mission and somehow escaped.

Couldend it be this was just a bad dream u had, the paralysis u experienced could well be the fact that your body was still in a sleeping state wich happens often to people when they wake from bad dreams.

Your also saying u bit its thumb in half, assuming the beiings where organics this means one of them should have been bleeding at some point leaving evidence behind for you to investigate.At least i would if i ever have the privilege to be victim to this.

If there was no blood or anything organic found on the scene after this experience then i would conclude this was all a bad dream that felt real because at some point u woke up while your body was still in a sleeping state.

I was definitely out of dreamstate, awake, out of paralysis and they were still there. They were te exact same being/entities i've seen before. I bit one's thumb but no, there was no evidence left. I don't think flesh and blood greys were there,but some sort of energy was there doing something to me in waking existence. I think it was some sort of projection of the actual beings, and not themselves, "holographic robots" perhaps? As i said there was a feeling similar to sleep paralysis but when i woke up and began to resist the beings were still there, even beyond my paralysis, and when i figured out what was happening i was instantly awake and they didn't go away. I was standing in fight stance ready to toss hooks at 'em when they finally disappeared, well awake, and the fact that the first time i saw onw of these things i was with another person who saw it too, and we were both awake and walkin' the hood at night.

I've seen these beings on several other occasions aside from the two sigtings above, but this is the only time they attempted to do the brain suck on me. and other encounters are similar to the first, a being is where it shouldn't be and it has no face, then it's gone. Aliens, interdimensionals, ghosts? IDK but my point is that it DID have the "aliens stealing my brain" vibe.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 04:32 PM
Michael Jackson.

hillary clinton.

Al Franken?

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 08:16 PM
Of coarse aliens exist they cross the border everyday.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 08:41 PM
I've been researching/investigating UFOs for about 30 years now and I can definitly say that the most convincing evidence is not here-
But I'll go with the lead thread in this forum for the best indication of something real.
The best evidence to prove the existence of ET is absent

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 09:06 PM
For me, 12/!980 Rendelsham Forest, England was the guru of UFO existance, bar none.
Halt (Ret Brig Gen) and Penniston (Ret Stf Sgt) are still coming forward and drawing other participants of the base at that time out and their speaking too.


posted on May, 2 2006 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by TrappedSoul
Here is eveidence:

These are really good, i believe ive seen videos more close-up of these so called *ice crystals* somewhere in a ufo documentery.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 05:35 PM
The most convincing proof to me has to be the Belgian triangle sightings in 1989-90 where loads of witnesses saw the ufo's.The Belgian government cooperated fully with civilian UFO investigators, an action without precedent in the history of government involvement in this field.They also released the story about f-16's that where send to intercept the ufo's.In three cases the pilots managed to get their radar locked on the object, with the immediate result that the object's behavior drastically changed. The object literally played hide and seek with the fighters. It dived toward the ground to evade the airborne and ground radars. Then it climbed back into radar range in a liesurely manner, thus initiating a new chase.

The way and speed of how this object was manuevering makes me believe that this was not a man made fighter jet of that time.Considering all the info on this case i am almost 100% sure that these triangle shaped objects where in fact of alien origin.

I live in Belgium myself and can confirm for these events to have happened, the media where all over it at that time.

Check this link for all the information about this particular case.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 06:53 PM
Check out the book "the day after roswell" by by Colonel Philip Corso. Very interesting read. Also take into account the shadiness of the governments around the world. Also if you seriously think that outer space, which for all we know, could extend in all directions to infinity, could only support one planet with life on it...and you really dwell on that for awhile. The possibility of other life in the galaxy is as endless as the galaxy itself

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