ok, not sure where to post this - but i feel this is a good forum for it!!
ok 2 questions really
(PAST) - i read somewhere (i'm sure it was on ATS) that if the cold war ever kicked off, britain would do sort of an 'all out attack' on the USSR
and fire everything it had!!
britain had 600/800 nuclear warheads during the cold war, all these would be used - air strikes/naval attacks would also be used to destory russian
troops throughout europe.
if this never defeated the USSR, it would be more than enough to break russia's back, and by this time america have had enough time to deploy to
finish the job!!
now if this 'sucide attack' (if you will) by britain was NOT enough to destroy the USSR, its more than obvious they would nuke britain and destory
us, the plan then was what was left of britain would be run throughout the commonwealth!!
now a part of me thinks, "WOAHHH man thats pride!!", something britain would do (our history) - go all out, and risk destroying itself first rather
than losing the war!!
but another part of me thinks, yeah but would we really risk 60 million lifes?
would love to hear more info about this, because i can't find the past thread where i read about it.
(FUTURE) - if a cold war scenario, ever happened again (and whilst reading around the net) i'm sure it will!!
russia have started to get on its feet again - and russian national pride will make them build a stronger army than they EVER had before.
now china (also communist country), possibly by there side!!
what chance do the US/UK (possibly the rest of the commonwealth), have against russia & china?? - i mean thats got to be the dream team from hell!!
chinas manpower & russias military muscle.
if that ever heated up, god ^END OF THE WORLD^
or we'd have to surrender to save it.
ive also been putting 2+2 together too, and thinking about the middle-east...you look (afghanistan, iraq, iran) look on the map where these countrys
are, isn't that a good base for a strike on russia?
are the US/UK fearful of another ^cold war scenario^ and preparing already?
would love to hear some views on the above subjects, later
[edit on 28-4-2006 by st3ve_o]