posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 10:28 AM
This is not really just a is an illness, a disease and it is not contagious. So why would you avoid your friend in question?? Avoidence
or *walking away* in my personal opinion could be the WORST thing a 'friend' could do. Support is the key, help is a possible solution.
Also, some people I've known in my life who I could swear had this, actually had something a little less dramatic, it's called mood disorder. Which
could also be associated with manic depression or bi-polar. There are medical terms/names for all of our little outbirst or mood swings now a days!
We act different and visit the old Doc and they simply mask it with some strong medication that even makes things worse in the long run..
I'm all for the medical field, please don't misunderstand me..but I believe with all my heart that people can be healed without medication, not
always, but I'd say the majority of the time.
People are lost today, let's face it. This world is overwhelming and even takes a toll on the strongest of us. But the minute you feel weak or
hopeless, soon comes a diagnosis of some 'mental illness'..which to me is WAY overdiagnosed!!
I've seen healthy, normal everyday human beings just lose hope or give up, they are then institutionalized, medicated or sedated and then they are
REALLY hopeless even pathetic looking and they are expected to return to society in this condition??
Please..the best thing you can do *IF* your friend does actually have the severe multiple personality disorder(which is quite rare) is to be
supportive, try to understand them, but not make sense of it because if it is the true disorder, it will never make sense to you. Try not to make fun,
or joke about it or throw it in their face. This would not heal someone who say had cancer, so why would it with this illness..Treat your friend as
though you would any friend who was sick. And lastly, talk about it with them, let them know your concerns. Maybe there is something deeper going on
that you are just not aware of?
ALSO!! There are diseases actual physical diseases and cancers that can cause such imbalance..perhaps yor friend could use a good ole checkup/CBC