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If you download you're a terrorist!!

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posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 07:44 AM
...or at least that's what Congress wants you to believe...
(i did a search and didn't find anything on this topic...)

For the last few years, a coalition of technology companies, academics and computer programmers has been trying to persuade Congress to scale back the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Now Congress is preparing to do precisely the opposite. A proposed copyright law seen by CNET would expand the DMCA's restrictions on software that can bypass copy protections and grant federal police more wiretapping and enforcement powers.

A new bill in Congress would expand restrictions on software that can bypass copyright protections and would grant federal authorities greater wiretapping and enforcement powers.

Bottom line:
The 24-page bill is a far-reaching medley of different proposals cobbled together that would follow on from the controversial Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

The draft legislation, created by the Bush administration and backed by Rep. Lamar Smith, already enjoys the support of large copyright holders such as the Recording Industry Association of America. Smith, a Texas Republican, is the chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee that oversees intellectual-property law.

A spokesman for the House Judiciary Committee said Friday that the Intellectual Property Protection Act of 2006 is expected to "be introduced in the near future." Beth Frigola, Smith's press secretary, added Monday that Wisconsin Republican F. James Sensenbrenner, chairman of the full House Judiciary Committee, will be leading the effort.

"The bill as a whole does a lot of good things," said Keith Kupferschmid, vice president for intellectual property and enforcement at the Software and Information Industry Association in Washington, D.C. "It gives the (Justice Department) the ability to do things to combat IP crime that they now can't presently do."

During a speech in November, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales endorsed the idea and said at the time that he would send Congress draft legislation. Such changes are necessary because new technology is "encouraging large-scale criminal enterprises to get involved in intellectual-property theft," Gonzales said, adding that proceeds from the illicit businesses are used, "quite frankly, to fund terrorism activities."

huh? honestly, who the hell are they trying to fool!? since when does downloading anything bring in huge tons of cash for anyone!? unless you're talking about banners, and even then how are you gonna fund anything at $0.02 a click?!
i'm not advocating intellecual property theft, but trying to make cases of petty theivery into a federal crime is a crime within itself. (or at least it should be.)
yet no one objects if they see the banner of terrorism or child pornography, 'cause really, who'd want to be against those!?
if the government can justify new laws because it funds terrorism, soon anything can fund terrorism, then anyone who breaks the law can be aiding and abetting terrorists, and then eventually we'll all be terrorists.

I don't think he meant to, but it seems that George Orwell accurately predicted 2006 in 1984.

[edit on 28-4-2006 by karby]

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 07:54 AM
The noose is tightening...

These guys are sick. Orwell rolling in his grave, for sure.

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 07:56 AM
George Orwell had it correct, didnt he? NEXT- the "Thought Police"

Have you started speaking in "Newspeak" yet?

It's all coming! In the meantime, i will download anything i want.
So should you.

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by karby
huh? honestly, who the hell are they trying to fool!? since when does downloading anything bring in huge tons of cash for anyone!?

- It's all about an idea of maximising profits that has gone so waaaaaaay to far it isn't funny.

The movie industry and record business are all afflicted with an insanity that has them believe that if all the downloading can be stopped they will then make all the 'missing' sales they think those downloads represent, thereby furthering the interests of their shareholders.

It's wrong, crazy, utterly pointless and in the end counter-productive.........not to mention a lie (as retail and on-line legal sales continue to climb).

.......and note the targets of their legal action, all easy ones and not a high income or powerful parent in sight (you can bet Bushs' Beatles on his I-Pod - which must be illegal cos they aren't available legally for it - will be quietly overlooked or just written off and joked someone else gets fined or settles out of court for a few grand).

The whole problem is that they refuse to acknowledge a reasonable concept of 'fair use'.

Why should anyone go along with that crazy idea that back-ups or copies of CD's and/or DVD's one already has bought and owns should be illegal?

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 10:01 AM
Well IMO congress just messed up because guess who is up for re-elections in november?

Guess what will happen? There will be a flood of investigations as soon as the democrats have the power to.

I am so sick of crap like this that I cant wait to see this coming!!

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