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Scalar Wave technology (Tesla/Bearden)

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posted on Oct, 16 2003 @ 01:19 PM
I always had a gut feeling that such seemingly different events as UFOs, remote-viewing, time-travel, teleportation, the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project, cellular regeneration & EM-based healing, and even "ghosts, etc." were all somehow interrelated under one grand physical theory. The ones that generate the most recent press are the superstrings/M-brane and Loop Quantum Gravity mainstream camps.

An underrated (in my opinion) alternative is the Scalar Wave theory that is directly related to Tesla phenomena. The recent notions of 'time' as postulated by Peter Lynds ( ) caused to look in greater detail at the scalar waves that Tom Bearden has recently popularized.

One of the greatest tasks faced by any disseminator of technical detail is to reword it so the at-hand audience can readily understand. You don't have to do that if you're a teacher; if your students don't understand the math, you just flunk them. It is different when you are trying to promote a concept to a world of laymen. I think a lot of the great radical thinkers haven't gotten due credit because they haven't mastered this the way Michio Kaku did in his best-selling "Hyperspace".

There has been some criticism of physicists who always add other dimensions whenever they run into conceptual problems. Of course the overall unifying theories are simplified on a grander scale but the search continues on for these postulated-but-never-found extra dimensions. I thought the Scalar Wave theories only made use of the time domain as well as the quantum vacuum until I started reading more of the details.

It turns out there are "dimensions" of a sort in these models also. In the pursuit for philosophical "truth", one frequently finds completely different mathematical (or call them regression, curve-fitting, semi-empirical) models that accurately predict the same results for given events in certain regimes. Some of these are known NOT to be "true" (in the philosophical sense) but they give such great results that engineers don't care. In time, clever experiments will determine which is more "correct".

So it doesn't surprise me that superstrings/M-branes, LQG, and Scalar Wave theories predict identical results to some (but not all) events. What intrigues me is that of all these, it is the scalar wave stuff that seems to encompass all the different phenomena that I mentioned at the start. Tom Bearden has been its chief champion-proponent.

His site is at => . Among its free-to-the-public material are extracts from books and lectures at => . One of these was a circa 1981 presentation "Towards A New ElectroMagnetics". It was abstracted in 4 parts:
Part I - Solutions to Tesla's Secrets and the Soviet Tesla Weapons ( )
Part II - Reference Articles for "Solutions to Tesla's Secrets" ( )
Part III - Clarifying the Vector Concept ( )
Part IV - Vectors and Mechanisms Clarified ( )

I combined these into one MS-Word document at => for those who would want to archive it instead of reading Tom's web pages. I don't know how much it has been updated by later articles in recent years (some of which are preserved at => ). But careful reading shows some similarity with the superstring/M-brane and Loop Quantum Gravity theories. And it does give clues how the engineering might be done to achieve these "quantum" events in a non-relativistic fashion. Which is most appealing to me (I'm ready to ride-the-ride and quit-the-debates!). I've never seen that directly in the other theories.

Another past Bearden article was brought to my attention by Jerry Decker of KeelyNet (forum at => ). "Photon Quenching of the Paranormal (Time) Channel" investigates dimensional rifts using Scalar Wave theory and offers some non-occult scientific explanations. I archived this in MS-Word format at => .

Often we read about reports that the ET technology is almost like "magic" and hundreds of years beyond ours. Reality-engineering, Hilbert-space soliton "bubbles", etc. Lockheed's Ben Rich was quoted as saying that "we have things in the middle of the Nevada desert that the best minds in the world couldn't CONCEIVE of for 40 years � and wouldn't be made public for another 50 after that." We have some really sharp minds in the world today. Just look at the likes of Witten, Sarfatti, Hawking, Jadczyk, Puthoff, Smolin etc. So if these statements are true, what is it that these great thinkers can't "conceive" of?! The Scalar Wave theories deal with all of this and more (like regenerating broken and burnt human limbs).

In some cases, UFOs may not be alien machines but experiments with Tesla phenomena. It would be in the best interests of certain governments to perpetuate the notion of UFOs to cover-up these tests. And it appears to be possible to engineer our own realities and evade the normal laws if Nature. When you are reading these essays -- especially the �/Bearden_23.doc and ..,/Bearden_24.doc Word documents -- do a 'Ctrl-F' on terms such as "UFO" or "physical reality" to quickly home-in on these topics. Be careful not to "proof text" and stop further reading just because you found what you consider to be errors. Discipline yourself to read them through before making a final judgment.


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