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British Court's 71-Page Ruling On Da Vinci Code Has Hidden Code (Can ATS Crack it)

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posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 10:59 AM
Justice Peter Smith, who officiated over the Da Vinci Code trial in a London High Court apparently, has a good sense of humor. What he did was hide his own (Smithy) code within his ruling, which set lawyers and barristers alike on both sides of the ocean on a frantic quest to see who can break it first. Now the question is can ATS beat them to it?
After remaining undetected for three weeks - admittedly not much to rival the two millennia of the cover-up at the heart of Brown's book - it has emerged that Mr Justice Peter Smith could not resist slipping a code of his own into his judgment on the case.

For the past three weeks, lawyers on both sides of the Atlantic have been puzzling over a series of strange italicisations in Mr Justice Smith's 71-page judgment, which was handed down on April 7. The odd letters appeared to crop up randomly throughout the text and most people assumed they were typographical errors. But on closer examination, a pattern has emerged.

The first clue - the word claimants with the s in italics - is found in paragraph one of the document. In the next paragraph, the m in claimant is italicised. Read together, the italicised letters in the first seven paragraphs spell out the self-referential legend "Smithy code".

Dan Tench, a media lawyer with the London firm Olswang, was among the first to realise something was afoot. After tipping off a newspaper, he received an email from Mr Justice Smith confirming his suspicions.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

This is right up Above Top Secrets alley, put your tinfoil hats on fast and get to work, others have a three-week head start on you, so get cracking. If you can solve one of Skeptic Overlords puzzles, this should be a piece of cake.

Just a suggestion: Member's might consider passing on hints to others so we can make this a collaborative ATS effort. Just let others know you are working on it in this thread so they know who to send a U2 too.

Keep in mind when the judge reviews the solution he will also reveal the name of the individual who broke it. I would recommend anyone who is able to break it, that they send the solution to one of our site Admins., so they can send it in on behalf of ATS rather then just one individual name, we can use the publicity and traffic.

The court's ruling is in PDF format, and a link to it is the first supporting link below.

Related News Links:

[edit on 4/27/2006 by shots]

[edit on 4/27/2006 by shots]

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 01:06 PM
Its an interesting story but I dont feel its worthy of ATSNN.
It belongs on BTS in my humble opinion.


posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 01:26 PM
Count me in I wrote the story and already working on it

Here is what the first part looks like.

1. The two Claimant[size=4=]s Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh claim that the novel The Da Vinci Code (“DVC”) is an infringement of their copyright in their book The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail (“HBHG”).
2. The Claimants are two of the three authors of HBHG. The third author, Henry Lincoln is not a clai[size=4=]mant and does not participate in the claim. No point is taken about his non participation. Nor is there any claim that the Claimants’ title to sue in respect of their interests in that copyright by reason that they had been two of the three joint holders copyright.
3. DVC was written by Dan Brown who lives and works in America. The Claimants’ case [size=4=]is[size=4=] that in writing DVC he produced a book which is an infringing copy of HBHG. The Defendant to the proceedings is The Random House Group Ltd (“Random”) which is responsible for the publication of DVC in the United Kingdom. Dan Brown is not a Defendant, but Random relied upon [size=4=]his witness statements and his evidence in this action. In realit[size=4=]y Mr Brown is on trial over the authorship of DVC.

[edit on 4/27/2006 by shots]

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 01:39 PM
I though it was funny what the judge did, taking into consideration that the issue of hidden codes has become some popular.

I guess he was showing that even him could do a code all of his own.

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 04:34 PM
What I did for those who are not familiar with or do not like working with PDF files you can view the whole document format-ed then cut and paste into Microsoft word where you can work on it on your own computer.

Link removed because the code was solved. No need to keep it up on the internet since it is avaible in PDF format.

Now who is gonna help work on this project?

I am hoping we can assign just certain page numbers to each member (who Volunteers) for ease and then perhaps once one member is done they can exchange pages with another volunteer member to compare so we are sure all italic letters are caught.

Any suggestions on how to do this will be greatly appreciated.

All I really want to see is major Media Headlines saying Members of Above Top Secret.Com crack Judges code

[edit on 4/28/2006 by shots]

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 06:48 PM
I am up for this, just u2u me anyway I can help

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 07:03 PM
Sorry wrong thread.

Here the isolated italics-bold characters (hope I didn´t miss any)

Smithy code Jaeixtotgpsagmqwkadpmq

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 07:18 PM
Missed some here the corrected after a second look:

Smithy code Jaeixtostgpsagramqwfkadpmq

Checking for anagrams.......

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 07:40 PM
text word gag map spams faqir jkq?

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 09:26 PM
ill update you guys since you arent up to dat with italics yet


posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 09:28 PM
Is that all of them?

There is an anagram helper here:

I keep busting on the Q´s.

Add: Qadis == Magistrate

As there are no u´s the other q is tough.

Also, he probably signed his message with his initials: JPS

[edit on 27-4-2006 by HardToGet]

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 09:34 PM
ive got an anagram maker thats better, but i dont think its an anagram

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 09:38 PM
I would have found it by now, so you´re probaly right. What program do you have?

Did you try latin or hebrew yet?

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by bigdanprice
Its an interesting story but I dont feel its worthy of ATSNN.
It belongs on BTS in my humble opinion.


Apparently one of the moderators thought something similar when I submitted this article the day before...

Original ATSNN Submission

I even used the phrase "Right up our alley" which is quite similar to the article posted here. Probably a coincedence, but a bit bothersome, to me, anyway.

Why would this be moved to ATS "Website Related Discussion" and refused ATSNN upgrade the day before? I got an automatic message about the thread being moved, but absolutely no explanation from the moderator. Not to mention that the article is not even about a website...

I like the upgraded ATSNN look, but inconsistencies such as this do nothing for the moral of the contributors, nor integrity of the site. Perhaps this can be corrected?

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 01:15 AM
Don't put the letters in the order you wrote them down. Try counting how many letters the italicized letter is into the word then put the letters in order from lowest to highest.

Or you could use the number of characters preceeding the italic letter in a sentence and the resequencing them.

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 01:26 AM
Presume everyone is aware the code has been cracked? Details in the attached link. Don't look if you still want to work it out yourself!

Solution (spoiler alert!)

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 01:35 AM
Seems I was guessing along the right line of thought. Cool.

What an interesting message to put in a court ruling though!

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 06:07 AM
ya know whats funny, i tried the sequence last night almost as soon as i saw the code but i set it up wrong and at the time was missing letters....DOH!

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Willard856
Presume everyone is aware the code has been cracked? Details in the attached link. Don't look if you still want to work it out yourself!

Solution (spoiler alert!)

What bummer I was hoping we at ATS could have been the first to crack the code.

Unfortunately they had a head start and a few hints along the way

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 10:19 AM
Oh, and don't forget personal communication with the judge himself.
There's no doubt they were gonna get it. I wonder if any of the people who cracked it are on ats? then we could still have some notability for the cracking of the code if one of the codebreakers was a regular subscriber on ats lol.

Just a thought

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