posted on May, 18 2006 @ 03:08 PM
I'm so stupid I didn't even realize "we" had a literature corner here, or I would have plugged the Gutenberg myself. Wonderful site - I downloaded
153 books a couple of days ago... The nice thing for me is that it gives me a chance to look at books I've never heard about, books I would never buy
in real life, books I thought were about something else than they in fact were about, etc.
Well, enough plugging for now. Just go there and fill your hard drive with literature.
(Oh - given the choice, I recommend the HTML versions, since they look better and often contain photos, maps, etc.)
*/ edit:
Have now checked out the millionbooks place; not bad, but a tad too much Indian books for my interest. The associated Canadian library did however
have a few fun books such as "Harper's encyclopedia of United States history from 458 A.D. to 1905" by (president?) Woodrow Wilson. (The fun there
being that I never knew the U.S. was around in 458 A.D. - but then it's been a little while since I went to school.)
[edit on 18-5-2006 by ochre]
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Just a book find for the conspiracy-minded, from the millionbooks-associated Open Source place:
"The Freemasonic Architecture of History" (by Eric Rainbolt of Austin, Texas):
The Architecture of History (How the World has been Set-Up)
Is history being 'concocted'? Yes it is. Hidden powerful interests associated with 33rd degree freemasonry are attempting to take credit in
'architect'ing history to create a despotic one world totalitarian government. If you thought any president since JFK had good intentions, please
look at the long trail of evidence contained in this unique book...
[edit on 18-5-2006 by ochre]