posted on May, 4 2006 @ 12:55 PM
I'm now convinced that...
a. The war on terrorism is more about winning the lobbying support of big businesses like Hamilton than killing terrorists.
b. The way this war has as is been conducted has hurt America and provided more justifications to those who hate her.
c. The war on terrorism is a never ending war which has never been one and cannot be one by anyone other than those who engage in total genocide
Think about the war on terrorism. What is terrorism? Terrorism is a human concept before it is an action. Can you beat a concept with tanks and guns?
Not as long as those weapons haven’t been used enough to deny the ability of people to move their own arms and legs and think their own thoughts
(i.e. dead).
Of course you can kill a mere terrorist even if you cannot destroy the concept they have adopted. But that doesn't change the fact that the war on
terrorism is to all practical purposes never ending and cannot be one.
But how effective have we been in the war on terrorism? Well to my mind it wasn’t so long ago when Jihad could not be recruited on the back of
examples such as the often paranoid military occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Afghanistan now produces more opium than ever, and in case you
haven't forgot we still haven't found Osama Bin Laden. Paradoxically Iraq is often producing less oil than it was under Saddam (thanks to violence
but not our own bloody sanctions). Furthermore even though Iraq was used to recruit Western support for the war on terror Saddam’s involvement did
not turn out to be a total lie, but always was.
They say the war on terrorism is to protect of freedom. But look at them!!! Compulsory I.D cards due in the U.K with DNA, eye scan and figure prints.
Government legislation hindering peaceful protests (on grounds of terrorism) whilst completely banning it near certain government buildings (hence
icons likely to attract a gathering).
And so long as we invade them, use depletive uranium, deliver unexploded bombs which like those used in world war to will be a deadly reminder for
years I bet the would be terrorists can out bread the rate will kill. And at the end of the day they are men dying for what they believe (something
few of could have done), and they are only returning what America has long exported all over the world. Remember that though America is full of
weapons factory their cargo is crossing the sea's into other (often undemocratic) lands. The point that in the whole of history it has never been the
other way round.
America is loosing the war on terror. All the objectives are failed or lies from the beginning in the form of propaganda. Less oil, less peace, more
contempt no improvement.
Because they have done NOTHING to improve the way they treat the peoples that often make up their enemies. In fact ever since 2001 quite the reverse.
Be it by bombing innocent civilians, calling them collateral damage that they do not even bother to count in places such as Iraq (and for all I know
is the same true for Afghanistan).
I believe we were right to remove the Taliban, although I don't know what to make of the embarrassment of our occupation or its poor organisation. I
am appalled at how our poor treatment of other human beings has grown worser, realer and all so much more like idealistic terrorist propaganda that
only Al Qaeda could hope will deteriorate still further. After all its rarely the decision makers in these organisations who blow themselves up or
witness the worst of our behaviour in Guantanamo and other places around the globe.
There is nothing material I can see this war has brought us so far. And if we include the capture of Saddam surely we can out way that by the civil
war of Iraq. And if you want to dig for why so many Arabs hate us, consider this for starters: "Why were so many of his mass graves dug at a time
when supported him, if the gassing of Kurds was so bad then why didn't it hit the news so heavily in 1988 instead of 2001?"
Americans are nice people. It's their two major party political system ("democracy twice" by my name) that damns them. It's the corporate
lobbying-influence which often damns even more this political system. Just as its the state of Americas poorly competitive mass news media which makes
the whole thing so possible.
And little is different back here in Britain.
But what about our freedom: No terrorist has ever held hostage my right to leave this country. But if from 2008 I need to renew my passport but fail
to give the government all the details I want, then this is exactly what they are going to do to me. Why I'm not a criminal, not even a moral one
(unlike so many of our power wielding men).
At this rate, if they do win it can only be through a nuclear explosion some time after a terrorist has used a weapon of mass destruction against
the western civilian population.