posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 02:24 PM
Ok so its been a while since my last post and that particular situation. I moved from that to something more confusing. (if you don't know what im
talking about,which you probably don't, don't worry about it its not important)
So this girl and I started seeing eachother. Dating isin't the word for it so you know what i mean. Now as a result of this we both aknowledged that
we grew closer, even though we didn't and still don't commit our selves to eachother. How ever we did discuss the fact that we would be jealous of
each other of we "hooked up" with other people. So a while ago I invited this girl to be my date at my father's wedding in May. (This is being
posted 4/26/06 just for reference). So she agreed and were set to spend the weekend at his house.
Now of course prom is approching (In early june I beleave) so i go to officially ask her the other day and she says "maybe, my sister told some else
i didn't have a date at the time". So after all this time and all the things we've done together and that kinda crap, her answer was maybe becuase
her sister mentioned something so some else briefly. Every time i bring it up with her her response is "I dont want to think about prom yet" Keep in
mind the day after she said this she went prom dressing. She won't even tell me who the other person is. I mean its not like im going to go so far as
to confront this person or anything of that nature. I am just trying to understand what the hell goes through this girl's mind. I mean at first we
were cool and everything but now it almost seems like she blows me off completly, and yet we talked on the phone last night for an hour and a half.
Is it just me or am I actually missing something here. and it sucks cause most people already have dates so what the hell do i do?