posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 07:54 AM
Wow, never really considered it, of course I've heard of steak ta tare... But never considered just lopping off a bit of steak before I cooked it
and eating it.
To be honest I have never actually brought any meat that I trusted enough to do that, I usually cook my steaks on the rare to medium side... Although
it really depends on the cut, a friend of mine would give me some free steaks sometimes... they got well done!
I think as I am right now the only meat I would happily eat raw would be a fish I'd just pulled out of the river, don't know exactly why that is,
maybe cows could carry more germs that are compatible to my body?
Any way.. I urge everyone never to think about raw white meat!!! No Chicken of piggy wiggy!!! cos that would just be daft.
Is it wrong that I feel like getting a burger king now?