posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 10:07 AM
This article just puts things into perspective for me personally. I could be completely off but I think time has erased the truth somewhere, or
atleast covered it with so many different theories and opinions, that the easy solution or understanding of life in general just became lost like a
needle in a haystack.
I posted something along these lines (with very few replies I might add) that we humans *most of us* have actually lost our wisdom over time, when
really we certainly should have gained it, and intensified it-atleast!
Each and every year, with each new thought that springs from someone through some belief or whatever..we just move that much farther away from the
truth and the meanings of life as humans. I am guilty of this, we all are..and it is only because everytime we learn something new, whether it is fact
or not, it makes us feel that much more important and more accomplished then the last generation or generations from long long ago.
The answers have been there for the beginning, we just painted them with more dramatic colors which covered the boring truth.
OK blah blah blah..just some random thoughts of mine, I feel SO much better now thanks