There appears to be something going on with hidden/lost/occult knowledge being kept secret from the masses. One day I'm convinced that the cursed
order of Catholic Jesuits is behind everything, then a day later I'm convinced it's the evil Synagogue of Satan who follow the Jewish Talmud instead
of the Torah. Then I think it's the esoteric freemasons, not the blue lodges but upper echelons of 32 & 33 degrees or higher but then they are all
mixed up in Jewish Kabbalah along with Hollywood Actors and musicians (Madonna) (holy-wood) pagan celts?
Then I find out about the "Crown" & the city of London, the Knights Templar & Bank of England & its long arm of the law the BAR.
The Queen of England is head of the "Order of the Garter" which you can watch the masonic ceremony on PBS which also represents the head of all
Witches & Wicca. The Emperor of Japan is a member.
The British Monarchy all wear the Cross of Malta a Catholic Order but claim to be head of the Anglican Church. Hitler was a Catholic? Top SS. were
given Vatican passports and smuggled to South America near the end of WW2 and the Head of the German SS started the CIA?
Therefore all one can do is read as much as you can get your hands on.
One thing I know is the Apocrypha contains Macabbees which talks about breaking contracts & bonds of Rome then says Jesus' true form is a feathered
serpent? King James removed this? why?
Queztacoatal? Aztecs & Myans? December 2012.
The book of enoch talks about Metatron time keeper also a feathered serpent. Lucifer a feathered serpent? David Ike and the lizard people, the DOORS
and the lizard king??
Its a big stinken mess for the WORD CONTROLLED CREATURES called "humans" which are re-defined as monsters unfit to own property in early legal
Just start with your local Acts of Parliament (speak-lying-thoughts) parle - french for speak/ lia - lie / mente - greek for mind.
Acts of Parliment are just like Acts in a play they have no actual power if you truly understand what words truly mean in a court of law.
Legal fictions, ships, charters, corporations, provinces, states, princes--persons natural & artificial. Maritime Admiralty Law vs. Common Law?
Why is computer programing language filled with esoteric terminology? Why is the law filled with spiritual & esoteric terminology? Lilith Adams
first wife according to the Jews who rebelled & wouldn't submit to Adam and never took the knowledge of the Tree of life and is an immortal demon now
aslo the name of a gov't computer system? In Dungeons & dragons I learned what coporeal & ethereal along with numerous esoteric knowledge & spells
etc. To bring something to power in law you incorperate a company? Corpse--dead. coporeal--ghosts-not in this physical plane?
From my research one thing I can truly say is that there are NO Muslims hiding in caves trying to get us in the west. Its our own gov'ts behind this
crap & the our laws are based on ROME to this day and everything is a contract that you must agree to. Don't accept anything from the gov't cause
their are ALWAYS hidden strings attached.
I'm moving to the country & gonna disappear. LET GOD sort it out!
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[edit on 30/12/2008 by Mirthful Me]