posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 12:40 PM
Ran across this article in the New York Time:
I especially like the comparison of humans to a frog in a pot, the old saying that if you slowly increase the tempreture, the frog will never realize
it's being boiled alive.
An interesting proposal by the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies is to drop the reluctance to accept adaptation as a strategy, to help
the public focus on the reality of Global Warming. Apparently polls shoe that Global Warming is very low on the publics list of concerns.
As long as most people hear about the Global Warming issue through terms as, per decade, and end of the century, they will lack a sense of urgency.
Perhaps by taking measures to begin to adapt to a changing world, an increase in awareness to this problem could prompt people into taking greater
Without motivation to begin taking some serious action to combat this problem, it will be delayed until it is most probably too late, and thus we will
literally become the frog in the pot.