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Science proves the politically biased are legally insane and medically addicted/diseased!

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posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 01:47 AM
Prelude to Debate:
[Study Article 1]
[Study Article 2]


Disease; Noun: An impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning.

Addiction is now narrowly defined as "uncontrolled, compulsive use despite harm"; if there is no harm being suffered by, or damage done to, the patient or another party, then clinically it may be considered compulsive, but within this narrow definition it is not categorized as "addiction".

Learning: is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values, through study, experience, or teaching, that causes a change of behavior that is persistent, measurable, and specified or allows an individual to formulate a new mental construct or revise a prior mental construct (conceptual knowledge such as attitudes or values)

1. mental illness, lack of sanity, or
2. a legal plea, see insanity defense.

Sanity: Sanity is a legal term denoting that an individual is of sound mind and therefore can bear legal responsibility for his or her actions. It is generally defined in terms of the absence of insanity. It is not a medical term, although the opinions of medical experts are often important in making a legal decision as to whether someone is sane or insane. It is also not the same concept as mental illness. One can be acting under profound mental illness and yet be sane, and one can also be ruled insane without an underlying mental illness.

Loose Legal Definitions:

UNSOUND MIND, MEMORY - These words have been adopted in several statutes, and sometimes indiscriminately used to signify, not only lunacy, which is periodical madness, but also a permanent adventitious insanity as distinguished from idiocy.

DEFENSE, INSANITY - A criminal defense asserting that at the time of the commission of the acts constituting the offense, the defendant, as a result of a severe mental disease or defect, was unable to appreciate the nature and quality or the wrongfulness of his acts. Mental disease or defect does not otherwise constitute a defense. U.S.C. 18 (in other words inability to distinguish right from wrong).

What I Think:
Thanks to bias, politically biased people have a distorted view of reality. The perfect example of bias is the little known scientific fMRI brain scan study with politically biased people from each side. The study proved that politically biased people dismiss negative things about their leader heroes, and during the dismissals their reward centers in their brains actually fire. In effect, they actually get a rush from dismissing the painful truth in the same way that drug addicts do when they get their fix. True drug addicts are usually just as much addicted to the rush of the game as they are their drugs, in fact its often what brings them back. They're addicted to the glory of when "they're" "right. In the current state of politicians and politics the only way the subjects could get consistent "glory" would be to be in an almost absolute state of denial.

My reasoning with the the insanity case is that they cant control themselves for their own well being and if selecting the wrong leader was "illegal" they wouldnt even realize that they're "breaking the law" by blindly making the wrong choice. I'm not sure if there's any decision making process involved with many of these cases.

When presented with negative information about the candidates they liked, partisans of all stripes found ways to discount it, Westen said. When the unpalatable information was rejected, furthermore, the brain scans showed that volunteers gave themselves feel-good pats the scans showed that reward centers in volunteers brains were activated. The psychologist observed that the way these subjects dealt with unwelcome information had curious parallels with drug addiction as addicts also reward themselves for wrong-headed behavior. -S.A.#1

The average political person usually seems to fall into the line of binary thinking (left/right, on/off, 0/1, etc). If they hear news that glorifies their side (or any member of it) they enter a state of bliss and glory; they feel as if theyre personally right. When they hear negative news about their guy they automatically start searching for reasons it must be false its all just a smear campaign by the right/left.

They have absolutely no desire to know the truth about much of anything, obviously, since they only wish see their guys look good so they can go and gloat to their opposite coworker or whoever. This is the dark side of our indoctrinated competitivness that nobody likes to talk about. Its so widespread that there would be mass hysteria if all news outlets were to continually broadcast that bias study for several weeks straight. Talk about a buzz kill, or would there be a greater collective high from biased people of both sides dismissing the study and the implications the phenomena plays on their memories perception of history? The powers at be could have all sorts of fun playing that sick joke on everyone just to watch everyone scramble, and test their devotion like never before; that will never happen because theyd lose too power of manipulation and justifiable treachery.

This is dangerous because it allows the leaders to get away with anything, no wonder nobody cared when the news got out about both Bush and Kerry being members of the ultra-elite Skull & Bones. Its not even like its a theory, its a fact and it even made mainstream news, yet nobody cared. So if you get millions of people who disregard issues like that and forget about them, what will happen when you show them far worse things and more importantly things that are vast in scope? Dismissed! Political bias is also dangerous because youll get people who will believe bad things against the enemy without actually checking into the claims.

Clearly, politically biased people are legally insane, because they cant decypher right from wrong when assessing their favored politicians. They also legally have unsound minds because they legally are under permanent insanity as a result. Additionally, theyre scientifically addicted to this sad form of insanity, as proven by Westins study (be sure to read that entire article). Because of the addiction, this would indicate that the phenomena is also a disease. Since learning is described as Any improvement in behaviour based on new information, its safe to say that people should take this disease of epidemic proportions very seriously.

All Democrats are insane, but not one of them know it; none but the Republicans and Mugwumps know it. All the Republicans are insane, but only the Democrats and Mugwumps can perceive it. - Mark Twain


posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

They're addicted to the glory of when "they're" "right. In the current state of politicians and politics the only way the subjects could get consistent "glory" would be to be in an almost absolute state of denial.

Yes! At last it is known that certain addictions have been encouraged and made to be the "norm". I think its more than glory, it makes them feel "right with the world" that they have judged their world correctly which in turn gives a sense of stability and relief from fear.

The average political person usually seems to fall into the line of binary thinking (left/right, on/off, 0/1, etc). If they hear news that glorifies their side (or any member of it) they enter a state of bliss and glory; they feel as if theyre personally right. When they hear negative news about their guy they automatically start searching for reasons it must be false its all just a smear campaign by the right/left.

Yes, this is so very true and the core of this addiction. This can also be said for protestants V catholics, misandry V misogyny etc. I believe that it is well known by the few how the many operate and the many havnt a clue! All these polarised ideas are encouraged and used against us but aide the powers that be.

This is the dark side of our indoctrinated competitivness that nobody likes to talk about. Its so widespread that there would be mass hysteria if all news outlets were to continually broadcast that bias study for several weeks straight. ... The powers at be could have all sorts of fun playing that sick joke on everyone just to watch everyone scramble, and test their devotion like never before; that will never happen because theyd lose too power of manipulation and justifiable treachery.

Interesting! I believe that they did this sort of fun testing with the stock market in the US back in the depression, the mistake was rectified and I believe we will not be seeing a depression quite like that one again. I do think that the action you refer to as "the sick joke" will happen when a new shift in thinking is necessary, when the Bush era is done with.

Clearly, politically biased people are legally insane, because they cant decypher right from wrong when assessing their favored politicians. They also legally have unsound minds because they legally are under permanent insanity as a result.

Then unfortunately that would mean most of us are legally insane. As I mentioned above, so many people are trapped within a bi-polar thinking set. I admit that I can identify when this happens to me as I belong to a conspiracy set, despite the fact I can also call it "researching beyond the box" its still a set as long as I let it "prove" my thinking. To combat this I try to read and understand "stuff" I would not normally look at.

Additionally, theyre scientifically addicted to this sad form of insanity, as proven by Westins study (be sure to read that entire article). Because of the addiction, this would indicate that the phenomena is also a disease. Since learning is described as Any improvement in behaviour based on new information, its safe to say that people should take this disease of epidemic proportions very seriously.

Umah, dont say disease too loudly or Big Pharma may hear!

I really enjoyed reading this and have enjoyed commenting too but lets not forget political views V no political views

posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 07:14 AM
But I think ALL politicians are corrupt buggers and ought to be serving time, so I'm doubly biased. I guess I better get ready for the rubber room, a lobotomy and a cocktail of expensive drugs

Seriously though, I can imagine this sort of stuff being used to justify the pacification and re-education of dissenters by big government, whilst the Pharma boys celebrate with another large G&T at the club

posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 01:54 PM

It's really a shame there aren't any reliable independent media outlets to disseminate this sort of information.

Oh wait! This is one!


Two quotes for the occasion.

"The partisan, when he is engaged in a dispute, cares nothing about the rights of the question, but is anxious only to convince his hearers of his own assertions." - Plato

“The tendency to claim God as an ally for our partisan value and ends is the source of all religious fanaticism” - Reinhold Niebuhr

Don't you just love how science is forever playing catch-up to philosophy?

I get such a kick outta that.

posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 03:23 PM
This reminds me of the study that shows that Corporations, treated as an individual, are literally sociopathic and skitzo.

posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 03:31 PM
I can believe this I really can... but then I always thought that 'fence sitters' were really cowards too. People that have no beliefs or values and change with the wind are in my opinion only selfish and believe all reality revolves around them and what they want from life. That is my opinion and no bias scientists were queried for their input.

posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 03:59 PM

I always thought that 'fence sitters' were really cowards too.

It's cowardly to base opinions on deductive reasoning and sound judgement combined with the best information available, as opposed to an emotional reaction, or a faith-based response? I would have thought the COWards would be in the pastures, not up on the fences.

People that have no beliefs or values and change with the wind are in my opinion only selfish and believe all reality revolves around them and what they want from life.

There's a BIG difference between people with no beliefs and people with beliefs that fall outside the bounds of the two totally different, but equally ludicrous partisan worldviews. BIG difference...

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 03:11 AM
First, I cant believe I forgot to post the image I made just for this subject:

binary: Exactly, it's as if it's set up to be that way. I'll eventually do a world/histpry study on binary divisions. One historical/modern example it the way the Muslims are split between the Shi-ite's and Sunni's.
sick joke: I doubt "they'll" ever do it like that, not under this controlled media, but I strongly feel that it's actually necassary and sociaty must turn this into a major issue. It needs to be treated as the disease epidemic as it is, a political revolution is long overdue.
legally insane: Most are in certain respects, but the differnce between politics and the rest is that political bias affects and threatens the future of everyone. The example of religions is that it doesnt exactly threaten society, unless you live in Iraq or similar areas. It can threaten world stability, if abused, considering this Christian/Muslim polarity the establishment has US falling into.
big-pharma: HAHAHA

Good points. Expanding on the actual politicians I firmly KNOW that these fMRI tests need to be performed as prerequesites to running for office. Further, they also need to use the almost perfect lie detector capabilities that fMRI now offers us. It would take a major political / truth revolution to ever push that into reality but the technology is there waiting.

Good quotes, and good observation about science catching up with philosophy. The latter is reaching the peak of its "S-Curve", and soon that perspective wil be inverse. The technolgies they (the federal government) have lined up for us over the next 5-20 years will "change the social fabric". The question is how long until that happens...

It's cowardly that Reps'/Dem's always refuse to hear your independant view that represents the truth, and then they tell you to "pick a side".

Beliefs? So then you admit that politicals is a religion?

thanks for the applauds guys!

[edit on 26-4-2006 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

[edit on 26-4-2006 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 03:57 AM

Seriously though, I can imagine this sort of stuff being used to justify the pacification and re-education of dissenters by big government, whilst the Pharma boys celebrate with another large G&T at the club

That's exactly where this sort of (scientific study) is going. Just another way to gain power over the individual. If you hold too strong an opinion, one that is insufficiently malleable by the dialectic system, you will be labeled and brought under control by one means or another.

Blairistan? Is that near SOHO?

Greetings from Tejas, in far north Mexico.

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 01:31 AM
No, I think the powers at be would much rather that society forgets all about this one because it allows them to get away with almost anything without their blind faith followers batting an eye. Most government corruption is likely a result of political bias, that and the deeper and darker bias threat that I will post about real soon...

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 04:12 PM
Those who are politically biased do have some level of mental retardation. They will agree with the actions of their party no matter how absurd or detrimental to the countries best interest, and they will condemn the actions of an other's party no matter how brilliant.

For example, if a president (not their "own") did a particular act (it really doesn't matter what it was) they would condemn it, but if "their" president did the same thing, they would justify it til the cows came home.

Just a small example, when Clinton bombed one aspirin factory in Sudan thinking WMD were there, the conservatives never let it go and ridiculed him immensely, but when Bush destroyed an entire country over the same mis-taken issue, they go on and on how he must be supported and those who disagree should be shot. This goes beyond simply being loyal. This behavior is downright dishonest at best and mentally insane at worst, actually criminally insane in my opinion.

I believe the 'masters of conspiracies' were brilliant in making Bush president for all these pre-planned wars. With the ignorant NASCAR dads on the side of war there would be little opposition except from the expected left-wing wackos.

Can you imagine if Al Gore had won how much he would have been criticised for invading Iraq by the likes of Rush Limbaugh. They would have pointed out all the flaws of evidence, the rush to war, the mismanagement of the war, etc. But since it was "their" president all these insane commentators are on the other side.

Issues and ideas are not really important to the politically biased, only whose side you are on counts.

People need to back off supporting blindly any political party.

Don't get my message wrong, I am not a Republican or a Democrate since I know that BOTH parties are controlled by the same 'Agents'.

All the "conflict" between the two is simply for public consumption and mind control.

The 'Controllers and Manipulators' rely on the stupid American to remain partisan and politically "insane" in the freaking membrane. Wake up now before your country is lost and you are thrown in a Halliburton concentration camp!

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 01:02 AM
Well said!

My only potential objection may be to the part abut aliens from the first link. I posted there to not foul up this discussion with that subject.

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