posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 06:32 PM
Im just posting these for opinions and what they may be.
Perhaps they are nothing, perhaps they show us something that helps another 9/11 theory.They were removed from the DVD for whatever reason.
These are
QUICKTIME video files.
This first clip is of a fireman carrying something.I have no idea what it is and dont assume anything.Maybe someone who knows can tell us.
Here is the same guy saying that the FBI 'said' it was the planes that took down the towers.He states that FBI were at the firehouse and that is
what they told the firemen.Authority is one thing, but having an FBI agent telling firemen that the planes took down the buidlings....odd they would
know that for sure.
Here is a clip of a FEMA agent telling the base WTC7 command center that the last explosion hit pretty close to them.What explosion? I thought there
were no explosions? Could this be days after when they were doing demo to some structures? Why would he or anyone for that matter be near and that
close as seen in this video if that is the case, that this is days after.Seems pretty dangerous to me.
This one is my favorite.I have been trying to hear what it says.I have a few words, but not all.Maybe someone can hear something I cant?
This is a clip of a firemen being reassured that they will make it out alive if they stick with chief phfifer and the camera crew because 'They know
what's going on"
This is what I got from the video at one point....
SECOND PLANE JUST FLEW....inaudible from that point.
Why would they be edited out for the DVD? In all, it only makes up a total of 30 seconds of film.There are said to be more of these left out clips,
but I have not found them yet.So maybe in all it makes up a minute or two which is rediculous when you think about it when dealing with documentaries.