posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 10:27 AM
Drugs are death penalty in Saudi Arabia, but hashish is generally not considered a drug. Since they v=cant get drunk, they smoke alot of hash. Even in
the shops.
Springer, I was wide awake in my history class were you?
The death of western civilization will mean the end of humanity? What are YOU on?
Have you forgotten that 4/5 of the planet does not live in the west, and that humanity lived just fine for thousands of years without the west?
Destroy ther west, and you destroy the superpower mentality, massive scales wars, and probably, the devlopment of WMD, seeing how the third world has
to buy thier crap from the west, or get thier tech here.
Western civilization has been nothing but an oppresive plague, despite the marvels and advances.
Name a huge war that didnt involve the west, or the west didnt start? I cant think of a damn one.