posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 01:45 PM
A year or so ago (on Rense, most likely) there was an article, plus photos of the alleged experiencer, regarding an hostile, flying entity which
attacked a Mexican partrolman's vehicle. According to the article, the entity was hovering in or around a tree. It allegedly attacked the car,
leaving scratch-marks on the windshield. During the experience, the patrolman had time only to throw the vehicle in reverse, subsequently crashing
into something behind. The patrolman was reported (by paramedics called to the scene) as being highly distressed and suffering shock.
If true, it calls into question the abilities of the alleged 'flying entity'. Why was it unable to penetrate the car's winshield, whilst at the
same time (according to witnesses) it was able to hover in mid-air and accelerate through the air at rapid speed?
From memory, others witnessed the alleged entity and someone managed to obtain blurry video of the thing as it flew through the air at considerable
If the account is true, perhaps windshield glass has powerful protective value?