I see 1770 as the moment when all the pieces fell into place. The achievements of the followers of Frank and Zevi, who were common or garden
con-merchants, would have fallen well short of world domination or even major control of the US, Canada, Europe, Australia and Palestine, without the
help of the Jewish international bankers. Similarly, it could be said that the bankers would have been nowhere near as successful had they not been
influenced by the Frankist Luciferian anti-Talmud anti-Torah anti-Ten Commandments philosophy of win-at-all-costs.
In books such as William Bramley's
Gods of Eden, it is admitted that Adam Weishaupt started an Illuminati, but the claim is that his
Illuminati was "bogus", and the "true" Illuminati dates back to 1100 or earlier with branches such as the Rosicrucians. These claims are made by
Zionism's apologists, disinfo agents who are trying to divert attention from the most significant Rothschild - Weishaupt conspiracy.
The Young Turks included Donmeh who were cryptoJews posing as Muslims. Now Turkey has
fallen out with France and Canada over
plans to make denial of the Armenian Holocaust a crime, whereas in Turkey one must pretend that the genocide never happened. The fake "Jewish"
Holocaust (as opposed to the actual deaths of some 100,000 to 300,000 Jews mostly from natural causes in labor camps) dates back to 1900, when Rabbi
Stephen S Wise touted the "six million" figure". He was also heavily involved in trying to get the "gas chambers" tale off the ground in 1942.
Wise (Weisz), who was a president of the American Jewish Congress, was
said to be a
Sabbatian and fervent communist who
supported the massacres of Christians in
Russia and priests and nuns in the Spanish Revolution.
The current hierarchy would be along the lines of: (1) House of Rothschild and Jewish world bankers (2) US Zionists including the Bronfmans (3)
Israeli government (4) US government (5) Governments of UK, Germany, Australia, etc. In any case, the true powers-that-be are several levels above the
"puppet upon the throne".
So I have not reached any firm conclusions about the pre-1770 period. The conclusions about the last 100 years are shocking enough: WWI and WWII were
fought so that today we could enjoy events such as 9/11 (with pathetically faked videos of the Pentagon), London 7/7, Egyptian ferry sinking, etc. In
other words, the House of Rothschild has its own global terror network and facilities for nuclear blackmail administered from the Rothschild's very
own sovereign state. The Mossad act as the enforcers for the Rothschilds' protection racket, with the clients being the nation states.