posted on Oct, 16 2003 @ 05:28 PM
In Okinawa on the air base, there is a military house that has been condemed/boarded up. The reason is because a military man claimed there was a
man/spirit that kept visiting him night after night telling him to kill his family and then himself. He went to his first shirt(boss) and told him and
they just thought he was crazy/paid no great attention-he ended up murdering his family. Two more families moved in and the same exact thing
happened...they both ended up killing their families. This is when someone 'intelligent' finally decided to not allow anyone to live there!!
I know you asked what makes this happen or what are some of the causes, but I just thought I'd share this story as I'm actually clueless as to why
something like this would occur. It could be possession, or it could just be 'something' driving someone mad by continuing to force that person to
think about this day after day-a form of mind control? And eventually they just give in, even though they are aware of what they are doing..
I really just don't know, this story scared the crap out of me, because it is real, it happens and there are really no explanations other then
closing the place off to living dwellers..Hauntings and spirit visitations seemed to be a norm over in Okinawa for some reason..