posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 12:06 AM
A significant portion of my dreams always seems to revolve around doorways to places I have never been.
They are quite graphic intensive and always in colour. I don't "fly" or anything...I just appear at these doors.
It happens so often I started keeping a journal of them (at least 2 per week) and I wake remembering them and the smells, feel of the places as if I
was truly there.
Is this astral projection? What is the purpose?
They are usually to "normal" places aside from one and only one where someone had passed away and the door led me to the body.
Does my mind create doors based on what makes "sense"?
I've visited some pretty nice places and even a couple of empty locker rooms LMAO!
I never get a sense of having to "do" anything when there...I'm just sightseeing I guess.
Are their standards for figuring out if it's astral projection? maybe just a dream theme or something (going on for about 10 years now)
I am also quite empathic and visually "see" injury, pain etc on others in the form of a white-ish body halo...I guess an aura or whatever it's
Could it be related or symptomatic?
Any good sources of information?
Point me
edited to add: deja vu is also a chronic thing - anyone have ideas on this as well? Why is deja vu about mundane things??? Why would the most
"normal" daily occurances stand out ? Is this just a memory glitch perhaps? Anyone know of any scietific studies on it?
[edit on 21-4-2006 by justgeneric]