posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 04:20 PM
A more potent illustration of your argument would be:
1. How many Iraqi's have killed each other in comparison with U.S. inflicted
2. Are 'infantry' doing anything to stop the wholesale MURDER of those which
the Hague convention places directly under our protection?
3. How many cadre 'professionals' are tying down 130,000 troops as babysitters
to social adolescents lacking the group-will to stand up and be reckoned?
4. What fraction of U.S. force casualties have occured at the hands of remote COE
systems vs. direct engagement?
5. How greatly have U.S. force casualties OR Iraqi ones decreased on a monthly
equivalency over the last 3 years?
6. What percentage of ANY attacks have been backtracked to their instigator with
successful elimination of the threat resulting in a NOTABLE REDUCTION
in /either/ Iraqi or Coallition followon casualties?
Of course, any halfway honest assessment of the Iraqi campaign, by the numbers, would lead to the inevitable conclusion that a tiny fraction of opfor
'elite' is stiffening an otherwise lackadaisical insurgency into a force that is beating the shiite out of their own and at least /humiliating/ the
U.S. occupational force.
Which, given as your humiliation translates to our wasted money and appearance of weakness (inviting further attack), I find it ridiculous that you
would claim status of being 'all that' as ANYONE'S protectors.
Not least because UBL would have had a helluva lot harder time making 9/11 happen if U.S. forces in the Gulf had not been a daily incitation to
barbarian hatred.
Mind you, there are some simple things that could and should be done. Things which I assume ('in the absence of having read' FM 7-8) that even a
grunt could manage.
1. Nobody comes home until it's over, over there.
If that means 250-350,000 men. SO BE IT. You volunteered to defend We The People without asking if we wanted you to. And we know that the 1 year
term of Vietnam tours did to force competencies, let alone densities. No wives, no kids, no mom or pop. You are killers. Maybe frustration will
motivate you to be taken seriously.
2. No hostile has a weapon.
Or the means to make one (Batteries outside of cars. Cellphones not registered to user. Transmitters or wire of _any_ kind). On the penalty of an
immediate field court. No matter who. No matter which mullah or holy-see is involved.
3. Everyone has an Identity card.
Stating residency and workplace with competent biometric, DNA and blood workup 'next of kin' relevance. If you are caught on video, as a corpse or
by any other forensic link. You are dead. While your family are subject to eviction/burn down. If insurgent materials are found at work, so to are
all your coworkers. Being caught without an ID card is worth an instant Field Court. Being caught with a false ID card is worth an instant Field
4. Any attack by any means which relates to cellphones or automobiles is an instant void on priveleged use thereof for 1 month. Dealers who sell
cars, owners who do not secure cars will be subject to Field Court if their vehicle is used in an IED or driveby attack. Repeat offenses to be
regionally six months, a year and 'indefinitely' restricted as necessary or until they get tired of walking.
5. Gathering in groups larger than 5 for any reason without public permit is subject to arrest and 1 year sentencing for each man over the total in
public assembly. If arms are displayed, all participants are subject to remote annihilation on suspicion.
6. Remote monitoring.
Will be implemented in every city center and along all traffic routes. To include telephone pole sensor mounts and MULTIPLE (not 9, not 12 but 20-50)
UAV orbits.
Any attack on any of these systems to be considered a Field Court offense.
7. Anyone dealing internationally will, in combination with the government issuing the visa, be responsible for insuring all foreign visitors to the
amount of 1 million dollars 'good behavior'. If a foreign national is found inside the borders without it, they are eligible for Field Court. As
is their host. While the agency which delivered them loses it's contract, instantly and irrevocably. If this shuts down borders. So be it.
WE DID THIS ONCE ALREADY. Defeating a nascent insurgency in the Werewolves within six months. Albeit we had the French, British and Russians to play
bad-cop with mass rape, burndown/shelling of whole villages and 'evacuation to the East' as potent alternative negative incentives.
And that is the key.
Because as soon as you make it a 'known element' of police-missioning rather than a 'tactical' response-in-the-moment. You create an incentive
system which forces the masses to pick a side and support it.
As usual, people vastly overestimate the 'sensitivity' of the world in comparison with the WILL of Americans to see a little blood on the bayonet
for what was done on 9/11. And YOU are not held to the world's standard but to ours.
A standard which you have failed, are failing and WILL CONTINUE TO FALL SHORT OF so long as you don't WIN the war. And lacking that, FIND THE
SYMBOLIC WILL which drives the other side's desire to do so. So long as you are not in Pakistan, hunting down UBL, you are failing U.S.. So long as
you make Iraq a second-best alternative not worth locking down until they squeal. You are failing U.S..
Don't pretend there is an excuse for what you are NOT doing buried in the R&P Manual. Because there isn't. We are going to end up spending a
Trillion Dollars in Iraq, for your failure.
And when, in 2009, you come skulking home with your tail between OUR legs, leaving behind a destabilized ME at the venal command of a new POTUS. I
want you to remember what I said:
Training Don't Mean Nothin'. If you have THE WILL to win. They have it, in spades. And you are doing nothing to take it away from them.