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I Am freaked Out

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posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 03:57 PM
I have been having a dream for about two years now, that i am in a large field surrounded by graves for as far as the eye can see!
The further i walk the less i seem to be getting anywhere, and the graves seem to multiply!
I then get a sudden choking sensation and can't cry out for help!
Everything goes black, and i awake in a delapitated farmhouse being tended to by a young women of old fashioned dress!
She puts on an old wind up gramophone and the music that emits fills me with a sense of happiness and belonging, and i feel warm and comforted!
I always wake in the morning with that feeling in the pit of my stomach similiar to what one would feel after a partner had just ended a relationship!
And even though the place in my dream is so grey and morbid, i long to go back there!
The weird twist in this is, i was browsing some music sites last week and came across this guy called Ian Bartlett!
I streamed the first song called "Beyond" and the blood froze in my veins!
it was EXACTLY! the same song as in my dream!
I investigated his page further and found out that he had composed this instrumental in the October just gone!
yet i know this song from when i first started having this dream!
I have emailed the artist but as yet have had no reply!
Is there any light anyone can shed on this? because to tell you the truth it has freaked me out!

Ian Bartlett Page

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 04:29 PM
Wow... trippy story!!


1) Do you have a radio on anywhere near where you sleep?
2) Does the woman resemble or remind you of a family member? Living or dead.
3) Does this dream seem to be a "lucid" type of dream? Do you have awareness while dreaming, that it is in fact just a dream?

[edit on 20-4-2006 by Creedo]

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 04:50 PM
Thanks for taking the time out Creedo
No radio by my bed, just a mini hi fi system ( don't know if that counts )
The woman in the dream is familiar to me, but only in the dream, let it feels like we are soulmates!
When she is tending to me, there is so much love between us, we are instantly attracted ( hence the relationship ended feeling i get when i wake up )
The dream does seem to be more vivid than other dreams i have!
i would even go as far as saying that for the first few hours after i wake up after this dream, it is THIS! plane of existence that seems dreamlike!
But how can i hear a song that hasn't even been written yet?
I don't know whether to feel reassured or frightened after discovering that song!

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 05:33 PM
I too have experienced similar things with music and dreams. Being a guitarist for over 25 years now I have on occasion written songs (music not lyrics) and years later hear it on the radio played by some band.... "wtf" is an understatement.

If I were you I might try to not overanylize it all too much and just "go with it". Try to experience the moment you and "her" are together. There may be much deeper meanings going on here that are beyond our ability to understand.

I am not entirely convinced that this is purely dream and not a possible past life regression.

mod edit, poor word choices

[edit on 20-4-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 05:34 PM
Lets see...perhaps its about reincarnation.

You keep recycling in this planet, and basically going back to the same type situations that you were in during your past life.
You feel comfortable in the all this as you mentioned, because it has become habit life after life.

For you to move on, you will have to find out what it is that needs to be changed in your here and now...if you want to move on. (as you indicated, you may just be comfortable playing life out as it is.)

The best

Gods Peace


posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 06:03 PM
This is really helping me come to terms with this phenonemon! Heartfelt thanks!
I feel a part of this community already!
Creedo, is it exactly the same songs you hear on the radio?
because this is truly note for note!
When i play "Beyond" ( which hasn't been often due to fear of the unknown to be honest ) I feel a strange sort of floaty airy feeling, almost like what i imagine an out of the body experience must feel like! and the song is instantly remembered! I can even smell a slight damp fungi smell ( This is something else which is in the dream)

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 06:29 PM
im afraid i fear the worst. i think it means that the anti-chirt will walk the earth for the warm and comfortable feeling that must be due to the effect of a spell/hypnosis cast upon u.

how often have u been having these dreams..are there more frequent nowadays??

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 06:36 PM
There is a theory about universal consciousness, that we as a species form links to others of our species subconsciosly.

Meta-physicists, and quantum-physicists, have espoused that we are all one and that reality is subjective. What we perceive is all linked somehow to the rest of our universe and the people similar to us that we make connections with.

On that theory, perhaps inspiriations for new music, culture, and trends are queued up in some subconscious energy grid, and disseminated or passed out to the linked masses at different but similar stretches of time. Therefore, new trends in music and such are waitingt to be born, and it is up the us, the receptors to pioneer them. Take the Seattle grunge scene for example. All at once within months of each other 6 bands all came out at once with a similar sound. Could it be a subconscious pattern, that it all happened at such a short period in time? Coincidence?



posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 06:52 PM
I personally have't had a oobe or past life experience but I have had De Javu on several occassions. Year's before the factual happening.
"Do you think it could've been a form of De Javu because you haven't heard the song/music yet?"
Just a thought.

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Andromeda12
When i play "Beyond" ( which hasn't been often due to fear of the unknown to be honest ) I feel a strange sort of floaty airy feeling, almost like what i imagine an out of the body experience must feel like! and the song is instantly remembered! I can even smell a slight damp fungi smell ( This is something else which is in the dream)

That song is very 'artificial' syntisicer style. I wonder how you can hear such an sharp artificial music within a dream-music!?. The only soft tune is the constant wave/vibration that is there with the song start. This has something of the brainwave generator. Search for it on google. It's a PC programm to trigger deep relaxing states (also oobe/astral projections) by playing two slightly different frequencies on each headset speaker which when heard together create a low frequent beat. Probabily you are sensitive to this.

about the grave..well could be past could be a possible future or could be symbolic or dream-'nonsense'. Not to know.
There are a lot prediction around that we are facing a hard time the next few years (2012 subject) possible wwIII and how it looks Iran and Bush seems to be willing to make this a reality. But you should also be aware that so far never any prediction hold the waters. All failed. So the future is all open. It always is. The future relays on us.

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Allred5923
I personally have't had a oobe or past life experience but I have had De Javu on several occassions. Year's before the factual happening.
"Do you think it could've been a form of De Javu because you haven't heard the song/music yet?"
Just a thought.

I can see what you are getting at but i have also had deja vu ( i believe most of us do at some point ) and the moment is usually remembered and gone pretty quick in my experience! With this, it's a sudden clarity when i play that song which lingers for a good half an hour or so!

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by rottonralph101

how often have u been having these dreams..are there more frequent nowadays??

They tend to come in spurts! I will have them 2 or 3 times a week and then nothing for about a month, then it will be another spurt!
There seems to be some sort of regular pattern to all this!

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 08:59 PM
If memory serves me right, I always went through some kind of euphoric feeling of some sort and be left in kind of a dream state feeling for some time. As for the "Spurt's" you mentioned, I have had the same diagnosis with my own observations and just thought htat the situation that you are going through sound's eerily close to the experiences I have had as well.

Could be some kind of form of premonition or soothe sayer kind of experience too.

I'll be checking back from time to time to see if you do get this some what resolved, and thanks for the thread it is very interesting.

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 09:05 PM
My first impression was also along the lines of reincarnation....perhaps you and the Bartlett fellow have shared a past, and would both 'know' that particular song from another time.

The next time you have this dream, try to 'take control' of the moment. Perhaps you could question the woman, ask her about the music or look around for other 'clues' to the time and location. (I was able to do something like that in a particular disturbing dream that I had over and over. I got mad and tired of being scared and turned on my attacker and threw it out the door! Never had that dream again!)

Let us know when you have it again, and if you learn any more.

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 09:19 PM
I have studied his music page in more detail and he has another song which gripped my attention!

It is called The Great Beyond I have copied and pasted the lyrics here! he certainly seems to be a spiritual type of person!
And another weird twist is, at the end of the song he brings back the "Beyond" tune as a sort of reprise, and says that The Great Beyond is a continuation of Beyond in the song info page!
i am now beginning to wonder ( as another poster put it ) if we are somehow linked through a previous lifetime!

( Part 1 - pallid grey skies )

Whispers of the wind
In a pallid grey sky
Mourning has broken
As we look on the graveside

Unseen realms
Beyond the Thin veil
Beyond the cold tolling
Of the funeral bell

Wisp like strands
Of the silver cord
Detached as you travel
Of your own accord

Death is just another womb
And you must pass through

(Part 2 - And everyone will change)

No longer bound by the earth
Death has become a new birth
You feel the contractions
How will you respond
When you have been born
Into the great beyond

No more tears to cry
No more death to die
The waters have broken
Don't fear to respond
We're all one as love
In the great beyond

And children are dancing and singing
The bells of rejoicing are ringing
Your spirit moves outward
Creating a bond
With the ones who all love you
In the great beyond

And everyone will change
Deeper emotion and deeper love
And everyone will change
Beyond the stars and sky above

(c) Ian Bartlett 2006

Mod Edit: Posting work written by others. – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 20-4-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 08:12 AM
Does the "Beyond" song sound exactly the same coming from the gramophone in your dream? It's kinda techno-ish?

I've had a few dreams that seemed so real that they left me with a sad feeling in the pit of my guts when I woke up before too. I think they just meant I missed or was worried about someone close to me. Like when my girlfriend had to leave to teach in China for a few months some years ago. But she made it back fine and had a great experience.

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 06:19 PM
It sounds scratchy but warm as i remember it in the dream!
But it is definitely the same song!
Interesting that you should mention the techno aspect of it!
The dream is obviously from a past era ( The girl with the old fashioned clothes - The gramophone itself ) yet there would obviously been no music like "Beyond" back whenever it was!

posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 04:01 PM
I had the dream again last night, it was weird!
I felt comforted yet at the same time a bit uneasy!
It was the same girl as always, and the same settings!
But this time the girl was angry and kept pointing to the gramophone and saying that it was not the right time to discover the song "Beyond" as the encoding was far from finished!
I asked her what she meant but she shook her head, smiled and said that everything would be revealed at the right time and that i was to be in a frame of mind of accepting, not questioning!
I am now right back at square one, fearful and wondering what all this could mean!
Anyone have a clue?
Because to be honest it feels like i am losing my sanity or something!

Peace to you all

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Andromeda12
discover the song "Beyond" as the encoding was far from finished!


are you sure she said this?

that rings a little bell....maybe.. i dont know:

Can you please answer me the following:

have you any clue if she meant that discovering of the song in reference to you personel or to the world?

"girl was angry"

question: was she angry the nice/friendly love included way or the really bad way?

"that i was to be in a frame of mind of accepting, not questioning! "

just to clarify becasue i dont know english that well that i see this right.
what does that mean 'you was to be'...?
you should be??

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 09:49 PM
Andromeda Hi
I felt your dream is prophetic, the reason being it's being repeated! Many dreams that have come to pass by many others, were one's that were repeated! That is one sign, another I see here, is the message of Life & Death!

As you stated about the lyrics in your dream, as well as what is posted here, I see it as a strong warning of what is soon to come!
The women in your dream, I feel is a type of Angel leading & guiding you into a deeper & personal Spiritual walk! Some call it an Awakening!
I see the dream is preparing you, their are realities of Death & yet the Endless boundries of Life beyond death! This Dream shows clearly we have a choice!

The love you feel from her, as soulmates, is the taste of what life will be like once we leave these earthly bound bodies! I feel this dream represents Life & Death as I stated, and each time you dream it, you will be more & more aware of the Reasons Why you are receiving this dream! I say it's a Warning & a Blessing! Giving you & everyone here the Right to choose - which is Life or Death!

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