posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 04:05 PM
I appreciate all the replies so far, but as usual, people seem to nit-pick about the minute points rather then the main point. So, let me try to be
more clear.
First, I do not know exactly what news program I saw this story on. I tried to look it up on the Internet to get more information and have yet to
find it, which is strange in itself.
The reason I posted the story is because I am looking for people to help me find it. I thought this was the best place to find such help. I do not
have cable, so I could have only seen the story about the civilian replacements on CBS, ABC, NBC, or the WB. I saw the story about a month ago,
although I have been working a lot lately and could have misjudged the time. It really could have been between 2 months to just 3 weeks ago. I am
sorry I can not be more precise.
The short news report, however, was very clear, three civilians replaced the command positions traditionally held by military generals in the event of
a national emergency. I do not believe FEMA was mentioned but it could have been. To the casual news junkie, this story would not have impressed
anyone. After all, like mentioned in a previous reply, civilians are already in charge of the military.
However, some, like myself, can read and identify stories that are buried, under-emphasised, downplayed, not kosher, etc.
For example, on 9/10/01, it was reported that the military announced planned significant military budget cuts. It also was a boring little news blurb
with no apparent relevance. But for me, it was the clue that something was coming that was conspiratorial in nature. That was the last story I saw
before turning the TV off and going to sleep, I went to bed fully expecting that in the near future our military would be used for an "unexpected"
need. I had no idea it would be the very next day.
As a side note, I believe that story about cutting the military budget was a planted story that "triggered" the agents that the day has come to
implement 9/11. But that is another story altogether, one worth looking into though.
Now, secondly, about Satanism specifically, when I mention Satanic Agents, I am NOT referring to your garden variety posers, no offense intended to
those of you who follow the watered down version of the real thing, example, the Church of Satan, etc.
And, I am fully aware that there are satanist in the military, that is why in my post I specifically used the phrase "in general". Please, do not
waste my time arguing about the little insignificant aspects of my post, that, if you had read more accurately in the first place, you would have
noticed I used the phrase "in general, Satanic Agents do not join the military".
As well, there is a world of difference between "Satanic Agents" and satanist. I will probably post more about who these Satanic Agents actually
are, but for now I will tell you... (on second thought, I don't want to cloud the issue at hand).
Right now, the purpose for my post is to get help in finding the story about the three civilians. It might turn out that I am worried about the
transition of authority over nothing. But the fact I could not easily find such a simple little story that was so clearly mentioned once on a major
network that should otherwise be easy to research leads me to believe this is the work of Satanic Agents.
As far as the issue brought up about military personnel having an obligation to refuse unlawful orders, that is exactly right, I was in the military
and that is what they train.
However, IN GENERAL, (I used caps for those who so easily ignore what "in general" means), the average soldier under pressure can not or will not be
so brave as to refuse orders. This has been proven time and time again. There are reports of soldiers who will throw themselves off buildings killing
themselves just so that their commanders can gloat about the loyalty of those under them (this is a Haitian story), but there are countless other
similar situations from all over the world.
And, I, for one, do not want my freedom to be in the hands of a cowardly 19 year old PFC raised on satanic music to do the right thing and stand up
against an order that he is not sure is "unlawful".
Look, I am just looking for that story so that I can learn more about it. I also expressed my concern about the implications behind such a story.
That's all!!! If you want to argue about my grammar, spelling, or that Haitian story about stupid soldiers, I guess I am on the wrong web site.
I apologize for coming across so abrasive and arrogant, it is just that I expected more than just getting misunderstood, taken out of context, and
receiving no help. I know some have looked for the story earnestly and have had the same results as I have, can't find it. If you are one who is
sincere, thank you.