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posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 11:21 AM

And YOU expect ME to feel bad for these people? It wouldn't matter if the United States acted with the aggression of a Saint, these terrorists would still want us dead.

[Edited on 15-10-2003 by goregrinder]

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 11:25 AM
I agree, they are friggin animals, the terrorists anyways.

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 11:36 AM
This proves, at least to me, these people aren't in pursuit of a roadmap to peace, they're in pursuit of a road map to wherever they can kill americans.

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 11:44 AM
They never were... They could have had a Palestine years ago. They only want a Palestine without Isreal, and with Jerusalem as it's capital. And that has about as much chance of happening, as me winning the Lotto...
They care more about destruction, than construction... If they spent half of the money and effort on infrastructure, as they do terrorism...they'd all be in a much better position these days...and with international support... Right now, all they have is the support of fellow thugs....

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 12:12 PM
Did everyone forgett that Arafat is/used to be a terrorist????? Its like trying to make a deal with Usama Bin Laden!!!

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 12:16 PM
It still amazes me that there are some people out there that would like to pretend that Palestinian terrorists are actually harmless, cornered nation defenders. I'm sure they'll try and say this was actualy perpetrated by Jews in order to gain US support for getting rid of a Palestinian state. I don't buy it. Maybe i'll reverse my way of thinking when an american runs into a market full of women and children and blows them to pieces.

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 12:48 PM

Several hours after the bombing, U.S. investigators were attacked by Palestinian stone throwers and sped away as their cars were pelted by rocks.

Hours after the Palestinian-Authority was condemning the terrorist attack, the Palestinian-Arab people are throwing rocks at U.S. investigators.

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 12:58 PM
I dont blame the stone throwers, I really don't. I #ing hate terrorists, but to be quite frank, the palestinian people have been well and truely #ed by isreal and isreal is supported by America, and thus by Britian. I mean Ariel sharon is a #ing war criminal. I'm not saying in anyway i support palestinain terrosim but when you here of isrealis stopping women in labour at checkpoints stopping them to get through to a hospital.

edit: crucial spelling and grammer mistakes

[Edited on 123131p://333 by earthtone]

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 01:09 PM
Mycroft, that's an excellent quote. And earthtone, what about suicide bombers being paid by Saddam to blow up innocent Israelis? It seems like it's all relative in the Mid-East.

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 01:53 PM
The latest headline from DEBKAfile says this:
"US President Bush blames Palestinian security for Gaza bomb attack in Gaza Strip on US diplomatic convoy Wednesday in which three Americans were killed and one injured. This is first direct US presidential attribution of terrorist attack to Palestinian Authority

"Popular Resistance Committee� takes responsibility for US diplomatic convoy bombing in Gaza Strip. Committee made up of Arafat�s al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Hamas and Jihad Islami, is headed by Arafat�s man in Rafah, Jamal Samadaneh."


Also this article:
"Americans Targeted in Gaza Like Baghdad"

"The explosion that blasted a CIA vehicle outside Beit Hanoun just after an official US embassy convoy entered the northern Gaza Strip through the Erez checkpoint represents a dangerous escalation of Palestinian terrorist aggression. It is a milestone, akin to the August 19 suicide strike against UN headquarters in Baghdad which claimed 24 lives including special UN representative in Iraq Sergio Vieira de Mello. He was the linchpin of American efforts to restore normalcy to the country. Since then, the security situation in Iraq has deteriorated disastrously as international bodies assisting those efforts quietly withdraw themselves and their services from Iraq.

The Palestinian assault on an American convoy in the Gaza Strip had the same objective."


posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 02:23 PM
Come on you can't tell me that people here are suprised that this happened.

Or have you forgotten that it was the palastinians who cheered Saddam during both Iraqi wars.

And that is was palastinians who also were cheering at 9/11.

As usual they stab themesleves in the back.....

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 02:32 PM

As usual they stab themesleves in the back.....

Understatement of the day

One has to wonder if they even knew that they were americans or just random "non-arabs". If they are targetting americans deliberately then they are just plain stupid. Who else can they look to for help? Other Arab countries?
Yeah, right.

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 02:33 PM

I'm not saying in anyway i support palestinain terrosim but when you here of isrealis stopping women in labour at checkpoints stopping them to get through to a hospital.

Well, if the same women, weren't often carrying bombs strapped to them....

No, I never forgot Arafat is/was a terrorist....I grew up in the 80's...Arafat is synonymous with terrorism...always was, and always will be... To think of him as a politician is laughable to the extreme....

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 02:59 PM
You still dont get it, do you?

We shouldnt even be in the #ing middle east PERIOD. Dont you get it? They still attack us because we still give billions in aid to Israel. BILLIONS. More than any other country on the planet. As long as we do that, our pathetic roadmaps dont mean #, the Arabs still can see we support thier enemies.

US involvement anywhere is going to get us killed period. But no one is capable of grasping this very simple #ing point. If you really gave a # about your country, goregrinder, you would be supporting total withdrawal of all troops, and a lockdown of our own borders for anyone from that area of the world, period.

You republiklansmen seem to think that we should just go and bomb the #ers, and youre blind to the most basic fact: you cant bomb nothing. Unless you plan on locating every single arab in the world and exterminating them, you will never defeat terrorism. Trying to attack terrorists is like the lion trying to kill every flea and tick on his body. You cant kill disorganization, because, as we have seen, everytime the Israelis start rolling in and wiping out one village, something somewhere else will crop up. And they are willing to use whoever to get thier revenge.

The only way to defeat them is to give them the rope they will hang themselves with. For starters, stop supporting Israel. # them, they are not an ally, contrary to the brainwashing that prevails. Allies do not attack US ships and try to kill escappes, nor do real allies spy on each other. Its a marriage of convienance for now, a convienance that will kill us in the future.

Give the middle east the rope it needs to hang itself with. Pull the troops out now. Cut off ALL funding of the middle east, trade embargo them all of them. Once were out of the picture, they will go back to killing each other off.

The oil from Alaska, California, Oklahoma, ect will wether us through for a few decades. During those decades, we can put the money we wasted on the middle east into full scale research into new energy sources, that dont require foreign dependance, and will be alot cleaner.

But, until you fools figure out that our involvement in the middle east is stupid, and will get us no where, only weaken us while our enemies get richer and stronger, then dont complain when a bunch of Americansd get greased by these "savages".

Because Americans shouldnt be in that #hole in the first place.

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 03:26 PM
doesnt most palestinian groups get funding from groups inside the US that are never bothered by us? now why would they attack americans? all the funding would be cut and then america would join israel in attacking them.

i think its another terrorist group from elsewhere, the way the americans were attacked does not go with how hamas or any palestinian groups execute attacks on israel.

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
You still dont get it, do you?

We shouldnt even be in the #ing middle east PERIOD. Dont you get it? They still attack us because we still give billions in aid to Israel. BILLIONS. More than any other country on the planet. As long as we do that, our pathetic roadmaps dont mean #, the Arabs still can see we support thier enemies.

US involvement anywhere is going to get us killed period. But no one is capable of grasping this very simple #ing point. If you really gave a # about your country, goregrinder, you would be supporting total withdrawal of all troops, and a lockdown of our own borders for anyone from that area of the world, period.

You republiklansmen seem to think that we should just go and bomb the #ers, and youre blind to the most basic fact: you cant bomb nothing. Unless you plan on locating every single arab in the world and exterminating them, you will never defeat terrorism. Trying to attack terrorists is like the lion trying to kill every flea and tick on his body. You cant kill disorganization, because, as we have seen, everytime the Israelis start rolling in and wiping out one village, something somewhere else will crop up. And they are willing to use whoever to get thier revenge.

The only way to defeat them is to give them the rope they will hang themselves with. For starters, stop supporting Israel. # them, they are not an ally, contrary to the brainwashing that prevails.:

Finally somebody making some #ing sense around here. nice on skadi, good points. I have been to all the pro-palestinian ralies in London, it something i feel strongly about.

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 03:37 PM

Finally somebody making some frokin sense around here. nice on skadi, good points. I have been to all the pro-palestinian ralies in London, it something i feel strongly about.

I agree, i feel sorry for the harmless palestinians who were killed.

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 03:43 PM
Well said Skadi....

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