posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 01:43 AM
One of the threads on this forum was started by "Major Cee" purporting to demonstrate how safe the war in Iraq really is. Safer, you may be
surprised to know, than going to the mall or getting in a car. (Presumably much much safer than getting in the car and going to the
mall.) I'm not actually sure his statistical analysis was very good - he concentrated only on fatalities rather than all those poor devils (on both
sides) who've had limbs blown off... and he completely ignored the fact that if you're an Iraqi who's had your country invaded, this kind of
number-juggling is hardly a comfort when occupation soldiers shoot your children or cluster-bomb your farmhouse.
At any rate, I raised the issue of why the US was in Iraq in the first place and the Major (if such he be, and why not?) posted such long, spin-soaked
replies it was all going seriously off-topic. The mods were letting him get away with it but I thought it was all a bit unfair and perhaps the time
is right for, again, reviewing the reasons for being in Iraq. The major thinks he has something to say, evidently. If he replies here, you'll
certainly see he's prepared to type and type (although he does, to date, hit the enter key rather a lot).
I'm fairly new to ATS but I'm up for the argument. So come on, then, can anyone tell me if there are any sensible reasons left standing WHY the US
is in Iraq? It might, after all, be a good reminder that some of the reasons given for attacking Iran MIGHT, just might, be full of it.