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Cranberries as a possible aid?

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posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 09:53 PM
I have been doing a little digging to locate information that might help stave off H5N1 and other diseases while our Governments try to find their collective butts. I have found some information on the Cranberry and cranberry juice that appears to have promise.

Could cranberry juice also protect cells from viruses?
Apparently so, according to research just reported by Patrice Cohen and Steven Lipson of St. Francis College (Brooklyn, N.Y.). When the researchers bathed animal cells in the red juice (we'll call it juice, but it's actually cranberry juice cocktail, straight from the supermarket!), virtually none of the cells got infected by reoviruses or rotaviruses, two common causes of diarrhea.

Viruses cause 30 to 40 percent of infectious diarrhea cases in the United
States and viral gastroenteritis is the second most common illness, after
upper respiratory infections. Rotaviruses cause enteric disease with
symptoms characterized by diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort and
fever. The virus affects mainly infants and young children and is responsible
for 50 percent of hospitalizations of children with diarrhea. The naturally-
occurring anti-viral components of cranberry juice may be useful in
preventing or treating these intestinal viral infections.



Is it possible that the properties discovered so-far could be extended to other diseases?
Could this be a possible hedge during the pandemic?

Only time will tell … in the meantime … to your heath!

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 10:43 PM
Great find

I will need to take look at the findings, but perhaps cranberry juice strikes again. We use alot in our house and blend pure unsweetened cranberry juice in with OJ etc as commercial varaities have waaaaaay to much sugar

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 11:21 PM

Excellent find. Especially because H5N1's not-talked-about symptoms are gastro - it can cause diarrhea and bad tummy stuff.

posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 12:36 AM
Cranberries have amazing properties! I grew up in an area with both blue and cranberries growing in the summer bogs on floating islands of decaying stuff we called "muckaturds". I don't pay too much attention to the "literature" but I will say that they do taste great and won't make you sick (if properly prepared and not picked from sewage/chemical contaminated areas).
We had guys from places like MIT and the Mayo in the early '70's come all the way up to Churchill to collect strains for study. They spent a lot of time collecting "what" they grew in too. Me and my sister Laurie took one guy up to visit the "res" and when he came back he was raving about how Mrs. Tabobadung's Granny knew all about micro-nutrients (whatever they are) and immuno-reinforcement. He seemed happy.
From my convalescent period post-stroke event I can relate that cranberries and their juice can really help with urinary concretions often associated with beta-blockers and the increased nephrologic strain caused by fluid retentive hypervolemia and subsequent hypovolemic "crashes".
It's great stuff. I don't doubt that it has anti-viral properties one bit - sick dogs and fox will even "gorf-em-down" for some reason too.

posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 12:49 AM

I really need to start eating more fruits and vegetables.....on my pizza.

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 04:39 PM
That's quite impressive...but kinda alarming for me...I don't eat cranberries!!

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 10:47 AM
I have used unsweetened cranberry juice for years for urinary tracts infections and it works wonderfully, especially when combined with vitamin C. You can buy bottled, unsweetened, pure cranberry concentrate from the following online store:
Brownwood Acres. I don't have the URL handy but if you google it, you'll find it.

My biologist husband says it is extremely effective against E. Coli, too, the cause of so many infections. We drink it alot and put in just a teaspoon into water. I get my water and my cranberries, too, that way. Cranberries also have lots of vitamin C, also good for immune support.

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 12:41 PM
I believe that there may be a much better herb out there to combat the avian flu. it's sometimes refered to as the "Nez Perce Indian Root" :


It may possibly be the only natural 'anti-viral'. For some who have an unknown fungus or deepseated virus in the body combined with an 'alkaline system' the body may produce a reaction like a rash. Soaking in a bath of warm water with about 16 ozs of Baking powder disolved in it. The 'rash' like indication of the body's removal of any hidden virus hit's about ten in one thousand.

Creating an 'acidic' base by drinking 5 to 6 tablespoons of Vinegar in water three days before ingesting LEPTOTAENIA may help prevent and visible reaction.

Combining TAHEEBO or PAU D' ARCO and Bitter Almond may prove to be more powerful as TAHEEBO is an 'anti-fungal' & a 'anti-bacterial'.

posted on May, 2 2006 @ 06:05 PM
Cranberrys?? Great. Love 'em. Also read that saurkraut (spelling?)
is another natural remedy. I don't know how good they will do, but
I suppose stocking up on some cans of saurkraut and some jugs of
cranberry juice cocktail wouldn't hurt.

posted on May, 2 2006 @ 06:10 PM
This is fantastic!

What happened to the apple cider? It was reported to work magic as well.

I was told that vodka and honey in equal proportions cure common cold, but don't try it at home (you've been warned)

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