posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 08:48 AM
Hello all.
This is the first post I've ever made here. I've never really been big on predictions and the whole deal . . . don't know why - I suppose I've
only been told about the incorrect ones, much like you only hear about the CIA ops that go sour.
But a few minutes ago I just cruised past the television and some ad was on, and it really twanged a chord of interest.
So, I would like to get involved with all this prediction business.
Perhaps a quick summary for me by someone of, say, all correct recorded predictions(i know that could be a bit much, but hey)? Main people involved,
past and present, in all this?
A few good places for me to start building up my knowledge?
I know I could just go back through the pages, but this could also be a good place for members just to summarize up a bit. I would imagine that all
this could get a bit confusing at times . . . or no?
I remember watching a show on the History channel a long time ago on the Bible code. That seemed damn intresting. Would that be an influential topic
Ok, thanks for your replies!
[edit on 18/4/2006 by watch_the_rocks]