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Iran getting itchy

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posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by k4rupt
Iran doesn't need a missile to nuke the United States. It's not too hard to ship one over and detonate it on US soil...
Agreed. Further, Iran is so overly confident it makes me wonder if they are playing a game of "I know something you don't know" with the West. Only, in this case, it is not a game.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 12:23 PM
Iran hates the USA because :

a) America's unwavering support for a criminal Israeli enterprise in Palestine for the past 30 years

b) America's MEDDLING in Iranian affairs (in '53 you helped OVERTHROW a democratic Iran and install the Shah, setting in motion events that bring us up to what Iran is today, congrats!)

c) America's BULLYING of Iran for the last few years.

Iran has not nearly enough centrifuges to produce a nuclear weapon. The closest estimate is that they may have one operational in 7 YEARS!

Don't any of you read anything? Or, you know, think?

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 02:34 PM
Do you think they will like us better after we level half their country with a million or two dead? Because that is where all this "wipe Israel out" talk is leading.

But I suspect all the "thinking" people know that its not really the Pres of Iran but a clone faking the speeches from the Massad/Cia/Reptilian headquarters in area 51. Those clever Zionests......

Dont get me son just started Ranger training and I pray every day that a peaceful solution will be found.........but as long as the Pres of Iran is calling for the complete annihilation of Israel.....SOON....I dont see it happening.

I will ask the same thing I have asked all along............if this was Bush going on TV every night calling for Iran to be wiped out, annihilatied, destroyed, pushed into the ocean, dissappear in a storm, and all the other lovely phrases for genocide he can come up many of yall would say......."ah shucks........hes just kidding"?

And no matter how mad it makes the "Jew behind every tree" crowd..........if they think the US wont go to war over Israel...........maybe THEY need to do some "thinking"

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Jakomo
Iran has not nearly enough centrifuges to produce a nuclear weapon. The closest estimate is that they may have one operational in 7 YEARS!

Don't any of you read anything? Or, you know, think?

Yes, the number of claimed P-1 centrifuges are low.

The introduction of the P-2 centrifuges would curb that timeline quite a bit. The IAEA has been asking questions for several years on Iran’s P-2 developments and Iran recently oficially announced the P-2 will be going online (if not already).

"Our centrifuges are P-1 type. P-2, which has quadruple the capacity, now is under the process of research and test in the country," Ahmadinejad told the students in Khorasan in northeastern Iran.


Iran admitted to doing research on the P-2 in 2004
2004 Article

Without real transparency no one will ever 'know'.


posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 06:31 AM
I need a source to back this up?

US made some political/rhetorical moves, Iran check-mated them.

Again do you have a link to back this up?

thats not something you back up with a 'source' thats just a general perception of whats going on..I heard one of the hosts on fox news remark that the "Pentagon does not want war with Iran" we he posed a question to one of the guests on what the US should do..

talk of nuking Iran is a demented fantasy and it will not happen, the President will never have an option to use nukes first..that would ever be seriously considered..US nukes them then they nuke Israel and tactical nukes on US bases in Iraq will kill all the Americans there..US can not use nukes because when doing a military option the US military must assume that the Iranians have nukes & tactical nukes already in some secret program..a very real possibility..the only thing the US can do is launch a conventional strike on sites like Natanz-which is a waste of time considering their nuclear weapon program would not be manufacturing at that site which is regularly inspected by the IAEA..and anyways the Iranians would launch conevntional missiles back at US bases in Iraq which are sprawling and very vulnerable, not to mention US shipping in Persian Gulf..the cons now and in the future outweigh the pros..I been saying for months that an attack on Iran is not going to's not going to happen..

Originally posted by Amuk

Originally posted by jajabinks
Sorry don't got a link, don't want to search for the translated text of his speech but I know for a fact that

Well as long as you know it for a fact there is no need to back it up....we will all just take your word for it.

.then the Pentagon reports back to Bush-Sorry Mr. President but these guys have some nice sht so we'd better no screw with them at this makes the US look like pussys..

Just exactly when did the Pentagon tell the President that we better not mess with Iran? I didnt see that on the news. Do you have a link.....or should we just take your word for this too?

US govt/military/media/pundits has to check itself..if your gonna shoot off your mouth about military action, better be ready to back it up with action..

Its a good thing Irans not shooting their mouth of aint it?

US made some political/rhetorical moves, Iran check-mated them.

Again do you have a link to back this up?

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