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Extraterrestrial warning on the 25th of May?

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posted on May, 5 2006 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Like the whole world is suddenly going to be nice to each other
by May 25th?? Well then, it definately looks like this thing will
smash into us (at least according to this guy's thought process).
There is NO WAY that everyone on this planet is suddenly
going to go Polyanna within 3 weeks.

Well, here's what I originally said, in it's entirety:

"He also goes off on a diatribe about how he thinks that these aliens will destroy us outright if we don't comply by being nice to one another. I'm just gonna wait until May 25 to see what happens.

Gotta go buy some popcorn and hot dogs too.. looks to be a BBQ coming."

Now, to clarify, I was being sarcastic; I was merely pointing out the absurdity of such an idea. I mean I understand the fears associated with an asteroid collision. Believe me, I wouldn't want one to hit anymore than you or anyone else. However, I'm not about to state that aliens are expressly involved in something like this without some sort of proof. I've been taught my whole life to do just what these boards profess, to Deny Ignorance. To me, I think I am when I make statements like the one above.

But, as always, it's just my opinion, and it doesn't have to be shared by anyone. When that comet passes by us though with no major incident, I want everyone to remember this thread. It will serve as a reminder to everyone of how easily ideas can be misconstrued.

See you all on May 26th,


posted on May, 5 2006 @ 12:30 AM
I guess I kinda agree with you, Borg... at the end of the day, all this stuff is just theory and much of it is far-fetched. I think it's interesting to talk about these kinds of things and they should be talked about. But a lot needs to be taken with a grain of salt. You can't make your plans for the future based on what you read on a forum.

But if, by a very remote chance, something DID happen on the 25th... I'd like to not be surprised, you know?

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 01:24 AM
What a surprise a never ending supply of noise thrown at Ufology post- high defense spending, high oil prices Bush administration. ESA and NASA have been looking at ways to possibly devert an asteroid. Dr. Carrol Rosin mentioned a possible covert asteroid threat scare tactic with her testimony but as usual this comes across as a made up for hollywood materialistic fiction that makes UFOlogy look bad when it turns out not to be true with a high level of PR pushing it .
Are you starting to see a pattern emerge here? Thumbs down.

[edit on 5-5-2006 by moog synthesizer]

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by the_sentinal
here is a shorter version of the same story it's very creepy that the bible codes are also calling for an event on the same date given for an impact

Ahhh, I read that article and i am sorry but in my opinion Mr Eric Julien should not have changed his job, he doesn´t know why the comet broke it self apart, well the comets are very fragil compared to an asteroid it is normal that the comets break apart (comet shoemaker is the most common example, Jupiters wipe him out with his tital forces), and more for each pass that an comet does around the Sun it looses 20 to 30% of it´s mass making the 3 pass an suicidal event, LoL.

For the impact, well by the data from NASA (i know but hear me out!) the magnitude of each fragment is very low meaning probaly that they are very small, and as an fragment the are very weak so with so may fragments i think no major damage will happen.

And more the first fragment will probaly hit earth in 11 od May.

sorry now for the capital letters but


go to NEO site and see the data. see the minimum and normal miss distances, u will love it.

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by TheBorg

But, as always, it's just my opinion, and it doesn't have to be shared by anyone. When that comet passes by us though with no major incident, I want everyone to remember this thread. It will serve as a reminder to everyone of how easily ideas can be misconstrued.

See you all on May 26th,


But of course you'll see us on the 26th...regardless of whether anything happens on the 25th or whatever we'll still all be here at our computer screens won't we? And if nothing's going to hit on the 25th, we can always expect some other scaremongering nutcase to pull another date out of the hat to provoke fear...if we see 2013 without any major world-changing events then I will NEVER believe any sort of prophecy again...

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 09:00 AM
But of course you'll see us on the 26th...regardless of whether anything happens on the 25th or whatever we'll still all be here at our computer screens won't we? And if nothing's going to hit on the 25th, we can always expect some other scaremongering nutcase to pull another date out of the hat to provoke fear...if we see 2013 without any major world-changing events then I will NEVER believe any sort of prophecy again...

I never said that something is not going to hit Earth, what i said is that the fragments will start to hit on the 11th and in that day the minimum hit distance is the smallest of all day that 73PXXXX will pass, and what i said it was that the fragments by their apparent magnitude appear to be small, meaning an small danger if it stroke.

But i agree we will talk about this on 11 on 12 13 14 15 16 ... 25 26 27 28 ... and for very long time, LoL. I hope ( what "God" word, I HOPE).

Remember that 99% of all scopes are at the Northen hemisphere, the south as only 1%.


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[edit on 9-5-2006 by AgentSmith]

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 11:13 PM
New update on Eric Julien's site:


By Eric Julien, MAY 3, 2006.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 01:13 AM
Ok. This nut just lost all validity he had up to this point, what little that he really had. He made the statement that those that don't believe that this is going to happen won't be here to shelter those that do. I find that to be very close to a threat on my life just because I don't believe him.

Therefore, I formally challenge said nut to stand up to the innevitable persecution he will recieve on the 26th should there be no impact. I will be more than happy to make a public mockery of him if he's wrong. If he's right, then I'll be one of his biggest proponents. Until then, I'd really hope that he'd shut up on this.

In advance mods, I apologize for the harsh criticisms on this, but this nut needs to learn that he can't just go around threatening people, whether he claims the message came to him via aliens or voices in his head. In this case, one in the same.


P.S. armageddonbeliever:

Just so ya know, I'm not talking about you. I'm speaking about this Eric guy. He might have something, but no one will know until the 25th. It's stupid to keep explaining himself over and over again. All he's doing there is instigating contempt. I don't know why anyone tolerates or listens to people like this after they make a statement like that. I must admit though that he had me going for a while. I don't want a rock to hit us either, but I"m not going to try and garner support by claiming that aliens are telling me that we're going to get hit by one.

You just wait, the next post he makes will be telling us that the aliens are telling him to instruct those that believe him to go commit suicide in the streets so that they can be taken away by them as they pass by in front of the comet.

[edit on 9-5-2006 by TheBorg]

posted on May, 10 2006 @ 09:31 PM
from Prepare4Contact (Dr. Michael Sallas' Yahoo members discussion group on exopolitics):

from P4C member Hugh Matlock
The Arcturians have intimated that May 25 will bring some revelations in the political realm.

"The date May 25 is a date of upheaval, but of a different sort. In times of old, the appearance of a comet was feared, not because of possible impact, but because of political changes that occurred at the same time. This is as true today as ever. The astrology of the moment indicates change. But in this case, change is (ultimately) for the better. Stay tuned."

So according to a new channeled ET message, which may appear to offer a bit more detached perspective than the one originally quoted in the subject of this thread, any prediction of global change on Earth as the result of a comet passing near it on or around May 25th, shouldn't be interpreted here literally, but symbolically...

That would not be to say that one would be right and the other wrong, however. imao the chances for worldwide destruction resulting from an imminent nuclear world war, given the current climate of falling presidential approval ratings, should not be discounted nor underestimated! Therefore imho both Hugh Matlock's message above stressing the eventual peaceful outcome of changes beginning on or shortly after May 25th, and Jean Ederman's (Eric Julien's) more alarmist ET messages about May 25th can be helpful as predictors of some sort of major change that has the potential to alter all of life on Earth, which may be beginning during this time. One optimistic, the other (Jean/Eric) playing the pessimist: both two sides of the same coin perhaps.

So no, sorry Jean, but i don't believe the particular comet in question is going to turn into a meteor causing any direct deaths. NASA is very possibly right and i truly hope so on this one, yes. But, in the event that the potential for catastrophe is averted...

what could be the ensuing changes around the world that might become so significant??

[edit on 10-5-2006 by Collin]

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 03:03 AM
Could be a political change. I don't know. Could be war, could be famine, could simply be some new invention that will change all of humankind forever. However, I must admit that everyone I've talked to about this believes deep down that something's approaching. More specifically, change is coming. We shouldn't fear it, regardless of what it may be, as change is necessary for evolution of anything. How does anyone think we got to where we are? We got here by changes. Those changes led to other changes, and next thing you know, we're here.

My point is that it's time to embrace change, and not shun it like the Plague. Just my few cents.


posted on May, 15 2006 @ 09:52 AM

Joking, anything new about this claim ?
We are not far away from 25th May !


posted on May, 15 2006 @ 05:39 PM
Other than the author of these claims seems to have gone silent, nope. I'm sure he's wrong, and when the 26th gets here and he's trying to compensate for his failure to convince anyone of anything, I'm going to laugh in his face. Ok, that was a run-on sentence, but it gets the point across.


posted on May, 15 2006 @ 06:06 PM
I actually saw a good sized meteorite about a year ago leave a slight smoke trail behind. It was very faint though and the meteor was only a fraction of a seconed. My head was looking in the right place at the right time at the night's ski. I also saw a Moonbow. Large halo around the moon.

As far as this quack. UFO's have been reported around our Nuclear activity but causing asteroids, directing commets toward the Earth, and tsunami's give me a friggin' brake. The voices in the head communication with ET's should raise a red flag. Anybody can make up that loonsense.

[edit on 15-5-2006 by moog synthesizer]

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 08:47 AM

Ohhh OK, now we will see how many more will say, "WE ARE GOAING 2 DIE".
And when we are at the point, nada just a fine hot summer day.

[edit on 20-5-2006 by Reckon]

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by moog synthesizer
I actually saw a good sized meteorite about a year ago leave a slight smoke trail behind. It was very faint though and the meteor was only a fraction of a seconed. My head was looking in the right place at the right time at the night's ski. I also saw a Moonbow. Large halo around the moon.

As far as this quack. UFO's have been reported around our Nuclear activity but causing asteroids, directing commets toward the Earth, and tsunami's give me a friggin' brake. The voices in the head communication with ET's should raise a red flag. Anybody can make up that loonsense.

[edit on 15-5-2006 by moog synthesizer]

Sounds like he's calling me out. You got to do better than simply contradict me if you want to engage me in a debate. I learned long ago, sonny, that it is a waste of time to argue with someone who si mply states the opposite of whatever you say and then says something like, "I'm right" or "you're wrong". Can you say something intelligent other than just contradict or scoff?

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 11:12 PM
When the 25th comes in 5 days and nothing happens maybe more people will realize that prophecies are BS and no one can see the future no matter how hard they think about it.

Just like Y2K and other prophecies that never came true neither will this one furthuring my side of this arguement. Chances are who ever made this prophecy and those who beleive it are a few fries short of a happy meal.

How about this for a prophecy the world won't end for a long time.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 11:52 PM
Of course this would be the week I'm on vacation Geeesh!

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by The_Doctor
When the 25th comes in 5 days and nothing happens maybe more people will realize that prophecies are BS and no one can see the future no matter how hard they think about it.

Just like Y2K and other prophecies that never came true neither will this one furthuring my side of this arguement. Chances are who ever made this prophecy and those who beleive it are a few fries short of a happy meal.

How about this for a prophecy the world won't end for a long time.

I was once highly interested in prophecies... even obsessed. I'd find really popular ones, big ones, and post the date up on my calendar. Then I'd just wait for the day to come. Nothing ever happened.

I learned, after awhile, that life is too short to spend it worrying about what's going to happen in the near and not-so-near future. I believe there are people with precog. abilities... people who catch glimpses of the future. But I think this is a highly personal phenomenon and it is not meant to be used as a way to gain fame or glory in predicting prophecies that come true. Nor are they meant to be used as a means to warn other people, IMO. I think we all face certain things every day, both on a global and personal way, and we face these things...wether they be hardships or happy-times... I think we all have to go through these things for a reason. We learn lessons by them. So if we try to live our lives according to what someone else tells us may happen, we miss out on "life"... it limits our willlingness to learn new things and grow as people. On a certain level, I consider it cheating (but not necessarily immoral).

These days, I still take interest in prophecy-related subjects. But I've learned to take everything with a grain of salt. You can certainly take into account what other people have to say... exchanging ideas is healthy and learning about prophecy, however legitimate it may or may not be, is certainly entertaining and thought-provoking. There may indeed be something to it. But to completely give yourself over to someone else's prediction is dangerous and unwise and when it affects you to point of controlling your everyday thoughts and behavior and what you do... it is changing who you are, IMO.

So I lump Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and The Bible all in the same pile. Each of them have varying degrees of credibility, at least in me eyes. But I refuse to allow any of them to influence how I behave or act. I just try to do the right thing in everything I do and when all is said and done, my conscience will hopefully be clear. That's the only "prophecy" that I can follow.

[edit on 21-5-2006 by firebat]

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 06:21 AM
Well if this is true i am getting a bit worried ,yesterday alot of people actually saw a "craft" falling/crashing/diving (i go with latter) into the sea ,something that South Africa News will never report on ,but this time there were just too many witnesses.

Trying to get more info on this ,hopefully some pics,people i spoke to earlier said there is military activity there from yesterday,but on a low down,even now no reports of any missing planes has come in there was no known activity present,my dad (lives about 100km (60/65 miles) from site says nothing strange happening exe for the presence of authorities.

The story

I am trying to see if anyone actually caught this object cam,but as most S.Africans will 10-1 give any proof they have to authorities ,where they should not,this has happened before ,and then the stories just "disappear ".

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 06:31 AM
LMAO Rekon!

IF we are then lets go out partying!!!

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