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Led Zeppelin - "Here's to my Sweet Satan"

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posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 09:05 AM
VERY large file size link.

This link is an episode of the urban legends series. It starts with the Led Zeppelin song, Stairway to Heaven, which when played backwards contains the lyrics: "Here's to my Sweet Satan, the one whose little path, would make me sad, whose power is Satan. He'll give those with him 666. and all the evil fools who know he made us suffer sadly."

Was Stairway to Heaven deliberately made like this, was it Satan trying to communicate with the world by song? Or is it a psychological thing, where we pay too much attention to this and cause ourselves to believe that Satan is present?

[edit on 16-4-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Burn The Witch
[Was Stairway to Heaven deliberately made like this, was it Satan trying to communicate with the world by song? Or is it a psychological thing, where we pay too much attention to this and cause ourselves to believe that Satan is present?

[edit on 16-4-2006 by sanctum]

yeah it's just that. The whole thing started becouse mothers and religious fundys didn't like that the teens that listened to that type of music didnt embody traditional values, so they called it the devils music.

At least thats what I've heard. My best friend had a record player and all sorts of great music when we were in highschool, we had like 3 copies of that album. We sacrificed one to try it. And we did. We tried all the different variations of what speed, which part of the song. But it never worked.

Off topic, but zeppelin is one of my favorite bands. Rock on!

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 03:42 PM
I think it was just a rumor started after Jimmy Page admitted he was interested in learning about the black arts.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 07:18 PM
If you think that's scary, the Boards of Canada album Geogaddi is exactly 66:06 minutes long and this is a 100% deliberate, doesn't mean they are Satanist, even though they had MANY reversed speech "subliminal messaging" like "the god with hooves, the god with horns", the song the Devil in the Details is portraying Satan as a good person.

Well I don't mind, I considder my self Satanist anyway.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 11:22 PM
This is no Urban Legend. It's very unfortunate that it apparently all started with 3 bible-thumping fundamentalists, because that really does hurt the case in the eyes of skeptics.

Growing up, I heard the rumor that this was on the records and I had to see. Since I had slightly older siblings, I had inherited a wealth of good records to listen to - including a massive pile of Zep.

It's on every record they produced with that song on it - including The Song Remains The Same, which is live!

If it's indeed not true - I can never - ever trust my ears.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Bripe Klmun
It's on every record they produced with that song on it - including The Song Remains The Same, which is live!


How do you know this? Did you play all those records backwards?

Did you try listening to any of the other songs backwards as well?

If what you say is true, Jimmy Page must be an even greater genius than we think he is, because he managed to put all these secret backwards messages on without spoiling the forwards music.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 02:00 PM
no way. i've owned a copy for 28 years, & played the part in question back years ago. If the words were not already suggested, ie"here's to my sweet satan etc", you would never pick it out. You can apply this to practicaly any lyrics.
Also, how would a person be affected by or understand a subliminal message if it's played backwards & loses any semblance of what it was? The 'evil' backwards 'message' makes no sense anyway, even if it was spoken the right way round!
If a rock band wants to tell ppl to become satanists, they just tell em in straight forward lyrics & occult
Hello by the way, great to be here....i better go say hello in the correct place.

[edit on 5-6-2006 by mudz]

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 02:08 PM
I gave it a listen a few months back on some website, and I have to agree with those who say you wouldn't hear anything if you didn't know what you were listening for, and you still have a hard job. Personally, I don't think it sounds anything like that. It just sounds like singing, backwards, which isn't good.

And it's a fantastic song forwards....why would anyone want to reverse it?

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 02:19 PM
A friend of mine and I tried it multiple times and not once did I hear those exact words..... we even tried it with other groups' records (Iron Maiden, DIO) to the same effect. Just a bunch of garbled nonsense that sounds like someone's whispering in the language of goat

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 02:32 PM
Ozzy has some backwards stuff on his CDs, you can tell because you notice the backwards voice when its playing forward.

You'd have to be very clever to put some reverse speech on a cd that cant be noticed when playing forwards but is very clear when playing backwards.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 11:06 AM
its an urban myth.
remember Judas Priest being tried in a court of law for using 'subversive backwards' lyrics? The singer (Rob Halford) went out to the shops during a break & bought some obscure crap heavy metal album....he played a bit backwards to the court & you could clearly hear something like: "i wanted a peppermint, i asked her to get me one coz i wanted a peppermint...".The case was thrown out & Priest were not charged with having a hand in the deaths of two stupid teenagers.
says it all.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 12:44 PM
Let's assume for the sake of argument that this is real, and the work of Satan.

Can someone show me a scientific study that demonstrates back-masking has a real effect on the human mind? Otherwise all this backward stuff is sillyness.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 02:49 PM
sometimes, even normal forwards lyrics reveal "messages" when played backwards.
On Queen's "Another one bites the dust", if you play the chorus backwards you can easily hear "it's fun to smoke marijuana..", but there is no masked backwards stuff at all.
when i was a kid we were always trying it on every record! The Beatles "Revolution 9" was a good one, again with no backwards hidden stuff, but when the phrase "number nine, number nine..." is played backwards, you can hear "turn me on dead man..."repeating. There's loads of em, & this time i think it really is coincedence.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 05:29 PM
LOL! I just reread this unearthed thread and I think it's kinda funny how this Zep/Stairway thing was/is any kind of controversy.

Ever listen to Slayer..............forward?
Are you with me here?

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by zerotolerance
LOL! I just reread this unearthed thread and I think it's kinda funny how this Zep/Stairway thing was/is any kind of controversy.

Ever listen to Slayer..............forward?
Are you with me here?

spot on zerotolerance. Pretty obvious really.

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 10:05 AM
There are those that say if you play a Windows CD backwards that you can hear a SATANIC message.

Worse I think is if you play it forwards it installs windoze

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by stalkingwolf
There are those that say if you play a Windows CD backwards that you can hear a SATANIC message.

Worse I think is if you play it forwards it installs windoze

I second that. Kids should not be subjected to Windows!... oh and Satanism

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 11:19 PM
It is definately not an urban legend. If you have an mp3 version, just stick it an audio editor that lets you run stuff backwards.

The portion it is in is as follows. Run that backwards and you will hear it.

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow
Don't be alarmed now
It's just a spring clean for the May Queen

Yes there are two paths you can go by
but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 05:55 AM
If you hear "satanic lyrics" by playing your records backwards, you are experiencing pareidolia.

If you sit around and play your records backwards, you ARE satan.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 09:53 AM
sironion has got the same part of the song where i heard it, i was very bored one night so decided to listen to it. in my opinion if you take the part

Yes there are two paths you can go by
but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on

and take the "long run There's"
get the run and There's
reverse them
s'ereht nur
remove the ur bit and u get
s'ereht n = serehtn
say it and it sounds like satan, can you tell how bored i was

i just reckon its down to the way certain words are said backwards and the fact that so many people are certain that its satanic means we try and find it in the song

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