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Mirror Meditation

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posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 03:05 AM
I've been meditating for roughly 11 years now, and I feel I have a very big influence on the direction my meditation takes.

I won't go into all the types of meditation, because this post is past that and is inquiring the input of the more skilled (then myself) meditators.

I recently decided to take on a new more controversial approach to meditation.

Using mirrors.

And I need to ask someone skilled in this area if I have diven too deep or if I'm prepared to continue my ventures.

Mirror meditation is truly an invigorating experience if you allow your mind to wander unhindered. But the aspect of releasing your mind during meditation can be very uncomfortable to many.. and will allow many to be exposed directly to the light and dark powers of religion.

I've acknowledged theres an dark entity associated with mirror gazing. You can feel it the entire time you're in meditation. Almost as if you have to mentally fight it off the entire time you're in meditation. But I feel that I've sucessfully faught off the "urge" or "feelings" well enough to press deeper into meditation and attempt to connect to a higher spiritual lense (I call them lenses because I have to mentally throw myself to that type of understanding, and when I find it, it's almost as if my mind is being altered to better understand my meditative surroundings).

But just know theres a mental struggle going on behind me makes me reluctant to push further for very long. I can put myself in the higher spiritual plane, but not long enough to comfortably experience it. Mostly because I'm paranoid into thinking I'm leaving myself too exposed.

I highly don't recommend mirror gazing if you're not a professional in controlling your thoughts during meditation. If the notion that the reflection of your face begins to mentally change scares you, then definatly don't push any farther ;p

My question to the experienced is this.. If I can sucessfully control my thoughts from dark entities in one spirtual plane, can I be comfortable knowing I can control it in a higher plane? Or do I need to first gain the experience of experiencing the higher plane before comfortably throwing myself there?

Will I lose control of the previous plane's spirtual control? Or am I being paranoid?

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 03:10 AM
Very interesting, I am not a constent meditator but enjoy clearing my mind when i do very much so. Mirrors can freak me out sometimes, and I can see the type of stress you might have to fight off by clearing your mind in front of a mirror. Its a tough call to say its a dark entity or your own mind playing games with you but either way its a very real presence. I might try it if i get the balls too but it does indeed give me the creeps as of right now. Glad you've found some success in it, because I have a ways to go before i reach that level of brain waves!

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 03:36 AM
When I was younger, I used to catch myself staring in the mirror... there's something very weird about looking into your own eyes.

Sometimes, I'd stare for a long time and everything surrounding my field of vision would just fade to white, leaving only my eyes that was I concentrating on. One time, I did it and I started to see a very spooky-looking face looking back at me. It was my face... but there was something strange about it and it scared me. I don't look into mirrors for very long now... not because I'm so used to my good looks ;-) but just instinctually, I feel the urge NOT to look into a mirror for any long period of time.


posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by firebat
When I was younger, I used to catch myself staring in the mirror... there's something very weird about looking into your own eyes.

Sometimes, I'd stare for a long time and everything surrounding my field of vision would just fade to white, leaving only my eyes that was I concentrating on. One time, I did it and I started to see a very spooky-looking face looking back at me. It was my face... but there was something strange about it and it scared me. I don't look into mirrors for very long now...

I think what you see might be a manifestation of who you really are, you see into the eyes, meaning you see into the soul???

I bet you are probally a very evil guy?? j/k (I hope)

lol are you? I need to go try this brb!!!

[edit on 16-4-2006 by trIckz_R_fO_kIdz]

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 03:46 AM
Well, my parents would disagree but I was quite the angelic little kid ;-)

Keep in mind, I was probably seven or eight years old when I did this...

I think I remember listening to a C2C:AM episode a few weeks ago and a guest talked about mirror-meditation or mirror-magic... maybe it was that witch. Can't remember. Anyway, she said there's a way you can see your past-lives in your face but concentrating and looking into a mirror. I've never tried it and my attention-span is too short for me to attempt to try it but I thought it was interesting.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 03:55 AM
Yeh I know who you are refering to, the one witch lady who follows under orders from lucifer or something, she is not the normal Satanist but she talks about how god cheated satan and such.

I tryed look into the archieves but maybe you will have better luck.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 04:01 AM
Dr. Evelyn Paglini is who I was referring to... she's an occasional guest on C2C and she practices witchcraft. I doubt she even aknowledges the existence of Lucifer, as she is a REAL witch.

At any rate, I've always found her to be one C2C's more credible guests and I usually enjoy the show when she's the guest.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 04:06 AM
Hmmm so I guess we can try asking her if possible, she will have more then enough prior knowledge, she is really nice lady. I might of been getting her mixed up with another guest on the satan thing. Oh well I am off now I hope you guys find out more about this and I hope the topic creater gets answers soon. Good day all.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 04:23 AM
Mirrors Are The Eyes Of The Soul

Originally posted by QuietSoul
Will I lose control of the previous plane's spirtual control? Or am I being paranoid?

The irony to fearing the loss of control is that it is the fear of losing control itself which can lead to it.

Despite virtual appearances to the contrary, I haven't experimented with mirror gazing, and generally don't like to spend too much time staring into mirrors.

And perhaps that's the point.

Mirror-gazing may well be a valuable tool for gaining self-acceptance, which in turn can lead to other desirable outcomes.

My advice is to follow your instincts. If you feel like you're going in the wrong direction or getting stressed out, stop, take a few steps back and meditate on where you are ("center" yourself).

I think you'll find your best and most reliable guide is yourself -- as long as you listen to yourself, of course.

Meanwhile, maybe I should see about spending more time in front of a mirror.*

* Beware! You may have just created a monster!

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 10:38 PM
I agree there indeed is something eery about staring into a mirror for a long period of time. You can stare off and get the same blurry white field around your perspective anywhere, not just on mirrors. However, the link between meditation and psychic abilities is obvious. The more power you have over your brain, the easier it would be for you to develop more sophisticated abilities. They say to develop your psychic ability, meditate for long periods of the day and afterwords stare just to the side of an object, or even better a person. You will see what they call an "aura" around them. Some people report to see white outlines, and some people report to see colored outlines. It's all in the experience. I, too have stared into a mirror for too long and my own face creeped me out too. It's a wierd connection between psychology, and imagery. Have you ever felt one way, and looked in the mirror and your face isnt a reflection of your inner feelings? I have, and it can almost feel like your not alone even when you are.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 10:54 PM

Meanwhile, maybe I should see about spending more time in front of a mirror.*

Thanks for the straight forward reply. I'm going to take what I just learned and probably feel more comfortable.

The mirror gazing isnt something I do often.. maybe once every couple of months I'll do a sitdown infront of a mirror. Completely Undisturbed. Comfy chair, really tall mirror. It also seems the bigger the mirror, the easier to become engulfed in gazing. So be careful ;p

Someone posted about seeing a mean, or scary, face in the mirror. That's what I meant when I said if the shape or expression of your face freaks you out, then don't even bother until you've reached better understanding of your capabilities.

When I mirror gaze, I let everything out. At first, I went through the whole being scared of the face changes, or weird "bleeding" of vision (the whiteness or darkness that fills your vision because you dont blink for an extended period.). After learning to focus on blinking instead of breathing, I was able to overcome the weird bleeding of the image and more on looking deep into my eyes. The faces never really go away.

Considering how well you control your mind, the faces can mean several things in my opinion. I'm not sure what brings them on, or how to even control them, but they seem to mimic your thoughts. If you're angery, even a little bit, you may see a blip of anger. If you're depressed, you'll see a huge amount of loneliness in your face. Same goes on for alot of feelings. Being able to identify and acknowledge your feelings and reactions to your feelings so that you better understand yourself is the first step to mirror gazing.

Most of the time I use mirror gazing for closed eyed meditation. I'll gaze into the mirror for an hour, and when I finally feel comfortable with my surroundings and control, I'll close my eyes and picture the mirror's reflection (the same thing I stared at for an hour). Once you let go, your mind will take your for a wild ride. For a long time I did this merely to enjoy that sudden onslaught of thought and logic; after awhile, I began to realize that theres even more to the flow of mental information. I could harness that "feeling" and again view my surroundings. Finding my "center" deep in meditation. And being able to push farther.

The coolest thing in the world is when you let your mind loose, and you come to a conclusion, or something exciting (which would normally through you out of meditation) and open your eyes. Not to see to your meditation collapse, but a grounding point, and image that showed you the path to where you just were. And almost instantly upon closing your eyes, you'll continue on your voyage.

Mirrors are excellent grounding points I would guess. I've often wondered the effects of using multiple mirrors, but thats borderline insane at my current state ;p

I love talking about this stuff, because everyone has there own little way of "getting there" and those that have "been there" seem to be able to relate.

Majic, let me know in this thread how your gaze goes, I'd love to hear about it.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 11:16 PM
Whats strange is that with mirrors, I always feel like something is watching me from the other side of the mirror. Even if I'm not looking at it, I can always feel its presence, even if I've never been to a place before, or was aware there was a mirror there.

Theres something wrong about mirrors....

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
Whats strange is that with mirrors, I always feel like something is watching me from the other side of the mirror. Even if I'm not looking at it, I can always feel its presence, even if I've never been to a place before, or was aware there was a mirror there.

Theres something wrong about mirrors....

Thats what I dubbed the "evil entity" so to speak. I can't tell that its evil, but its definatly there. And I don't want to expose myself if it is evil.

I'm dabbling into some heavy # with mirrors. And most, if not all, of the information about mirror gazing, doesnt consist of sessions of longer then 20mins. Some of them actually warn against long sessions.

But using a mirror as an anchor point seems be helpful to maintain deep meditation.

I juggle the idea that this entity I feel, the "something is here" may be my Soul staring back at me but reluctant to present itself.

Not really sure what it is.. but its there.. whatever it may be.

The day it grips hold of me will be the day I tread carefully.

[edit on 4/17/2006 by QuietSoul]

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 06:48 AM

Sometimes, I'd stare for a long time and everything surrounding my field of vision would just fade to white, leaving only my eyes that was I concentrating on. One time, I did it and I started to see a very spooky-looking face looking back at me. It was my face... but there was something strange about it and it scared me. I don't look into mirrors for very long now... not because I'm so used to my good looks ;-) but just instinctually, I feel the urge NOT to look into a mirror for any long period of time.

I've had this happen quite a few times as well. Often I'll start off just squeezing a pimple in the mirror or something, and end up sitting on the counter staring at myself for 30 minutes. Maybe I'm just narcissistic?

This is what Nostradamus allegedly did to get his predictions. I believe it falls under the catagory of scrying. I've actually seen a post on here explaining how to create your own scrying mirror with some silver, felt, etc. and how to do it.

Personally it scares me to look into mirrors in the dark. Maybe it was just all the "Bloody Mary" legends when I was young, but something just ain't right. lol.

It's not just mirrors though. Just get a picture of someone. Usually the lower the quality the better (yearbooks are good), but magazines etc will also work. Then just stare intently at the person's face for a few minutes straight. The closer your face is to the picture, the easier your eyes will sort of go out of focus as well. I don't know if this is paranormal, as much as it's just a neat trick of the eyes. If you stare at something long enough it will gradually start to change. Sometimes it gets more beautiful, sometimes it gets funny, and sometimes it gets scary.

[edit on 17-4-2006 by Yarcofin]

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by firebat
When I was younger, I used to catch myself staring in the mirror... there's something very weird about looking into your own eyes.

Sometimes, I'd stare for a long time and everything surrounding my field of vision would just fade to white, leaving only my eyes that was I concentrating on. One time, I did it and I started to see a very spooky-looking face looking back at me. It was my face... but there was something strange about it and it scared me. I don't look into mirrors for very long now... not because I'm so used to my good looks ;-) but just instinctually, I feel the urge NOT to look into a mirror for any long period of time.


what you describe is exactly what happens when I stare into a mirror...but I suspect it'll do no favours staring into your own eyes for an extended period of time..who the hell knows what might happen?


posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 08:01 AM
Well let me see if this post goes through a second time. The evil energy made a page cannot be displayed the first time, a strange way to block me from sharing, good thing I most always save what I have written. The higher plane is infested with electronic/brainwave interference, both caused by this evil you sense in the mirror.

Quiet asked
Will I lose control of the previous plane's spirtual control? Or am I being paranoid?

You are not being paranoid. You will lose control of the telepathic incoming negativity that comes through the reflection of your own spirit. On that higher plane of telepathy in which your face morphs ot others memory of faces, I have no such presumption that I can control a whole world of peoples' brainwaves. I am certainly worthy of doing so, and that is not a matter of ego, but one of moral integrity.

Most of my observations are included in my thread

althoug the last two pages are about dreams, the first four address what has resulted from mirror meditaion for over 3 decades. My dogs are still sensing spooky spirits coming around which are highly interruptive. I have stopped mirror mediation as of October, 2004. I tried to force my way through the external evil cloud energy to a purer form of seeing my face change and actual fire in spontaneous combustion flashed next to me. In thin air. Ther is a friction between my brand of wickedness and the common consciousness brand of wickedness that creates heat. Intense heat. There is no going back to the times when I meditated once a month in front of the mirror for 8 hours and saw the wonders of the universe including a telepathic connect to one distant alien soul. There are only memories about far out souls. Some of them kind, some listeners, some talkers and a lot of them controlling wicked ones that would like to be mistaken as the devil or the grim reaper. But alas i have no use for those who would like to control with fear wearing 'Halloween costumes'.

And so as to not dissuade you from journey into the valley of unlimitless fears, by any sense of my own statements being a warning. An attempt to control you using second accounts of danger to stop you from meditation in front of a large mirror any longer, I will state this. A higher plane of thinking does not exist for you and I within the common consciousness of mankind, that is like the carrot leading the donkey.There can be individual happiness if there is misery all around.

Wisdom comes alone through suffering. -Aeschylus 525-456 BC

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 11:29 AM
Mirror gazing is a tool for opening oneself up to Spirit, like the Ouija Board. Most of those in the discarnate dimensions (as here) are not on a spiritual path so it is only logical that there will be negative influences to face when one does this.

As with any form of channeling, it is always a smart move to first Radiate a prayer for three things before engaging Spirit:

1. Healing
2. Protection
3. Guidance

Surrounding oneself with White and/or Gold light and drawing in White Light (or prana) with the breath - as with Qigong exercises - are all helpful.

Radiating a sincere prayer for past life awareness and then doing the mirror gazing is one way of seeing how one looked in a former incarnation and/or how one looked during the last Interlife or period in-between physical lives. Faces often change over time and how we looked in the Spirit is generally nicer (and much more variable) than how we generally appeared during our adult years in any given incarnation.

Keep in mind that what one often receives through mirror gazing and clairvoyant/remote viewing pursuits are only images. Like horror films, images alone cannot hurt us. I've had various demonic spirits through the years project hideous images to me at times. Like the spiritually retarded in the flesh, they enjoy frightening people. I learned to project back to them an image equally as (or more) disturbing but with greater emotional depth than they can muster. This works very nicely in ending the problem.

Taking mirror gazing one step further...

The tradition of staring into a clear optical depth in order to receive insight and/or visitations from people on the Other Side stems back thousands of years. The Greeks had a whole culture surrounding this practice. It is said that Nostradamus also used a clear optical depth for setting up the right atmosphere to receive visions of probable futures.

Build Your Own Psychomanteum

Find yourself a small room. Block out all the outside light so it is completely dark. Pad the inner walls with black velvet or paint them black. Hang a large mirror on the wall that is slightly tilted towards the ceiling that also should be black. Get yourself a short chair or a big chair and cut off the legs. Have the chair tilted slightly upwards toward the mirror. Make sure that the mirror is high enough on the wall and tilted right so you don't see your own reflection when sitting or standing. Next, install a low intensity light just behind the chair, as this provides just the right effect.

I've done a little research into psychomanteums and they work much better than simple mirror gazing. Many report having full blown visions about the future, visitations from discarnate loved ones, all kinds of things. Limit your sessions to no longer than an hour or so per person and only once in a while, as it can really freak you out if you are not used to channeling Spirit so directly.

It is very important to go in the psychomanteum with the right spiritual focus.

In my opinion, the use of psychomanteums is greatly underrated, perhaps because not enough people know about their potential. They could be used to explore future probabilities, upcoming wars, the remote viewing of alien bases, distant medieval worlds, Zeta IV, etc.

[edit on 17-4-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 11:35 AM
Could I use these types of meditations to see the winning lotto ticket numbers for the next day?

Just curious.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
Could I use these types of meditations to see the winning lotto ticket numbers for the next day?

Just curious.

Possibly, but only if a large Group Entity was using their energies to manipulate the lotto in your favor

For you see, winning a lottery is not really dictated by chance: it is actually the result of many Group Entities and many discarnates in general who use their energies to influence their chosen numbers to win.

If it were truly just a matter of chance, then it would be much easier to predict winning numbers through mystical means.

For example, the lotto numbers that Criss Angel accurately predicted were telekinetically influenced by his Group Entity. Most psychics, mediums, channelers, etc., don't have that much energy working through and around them. Consequently, they cannot come up with a winning number.

In which case, my Gift of Discernment doesn't help me win a lottery.

[edit on 17-4-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 11:59 AM

You almost had me interested in starting some of that good old voodoo.

So a group entity, they are attracted to a person?

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