posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 03:30 AM
I can gurantee you that before any government records of such a program, there has been programs set up in case we do indeed get invaded by a distant
civilization. However, if they are as advanced as traveling a thousand light years our weapons (that have been declassified atleast) will look like
sticks and stones to them. However crash landings and accidental landings will be covered in secrecy. Peaceful landings will also be shrowded in
secrecy if possible by governments for the trading of intelligence and raw materials for the use of by governments, for governments, without helping
the overall civilization in progression. Unfair but very possible. Some saw government ties with aliens have existed for many decades, but good luck
finding a government document to prove it. LoL. So if you skimmed my paragraph to this last sentence, Yes there are several emergency plans for ET's
arrival. Sadly protecting politicians and corporation owners much more than the middle-lower class. (just about the same as any government program)