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Reasons why 9/11 is the JFK of our generation

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posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 07:11 AM
* Everyone knows where they were when they heard the news
* Suspects named within hours, before any investigation carried out
* Commission agrees with initial story and sticks to it despite evidence

I am sure ATS users can add their own reasons

The thing is, the world is a very different place than in the 60's - internet communication for one thing. Many people actually watched the second plane hit WTC live on TV

I think it is harder to cover up this crime and I hope the truth is quicker in coming out this time in the mainstream media

JFK heralded a change in thinking in America - the government came under suspicion for the first time and the CIA was cast in a bad light. This resulted in public scrutiny which led to some 'house clearing' - unfortunately, little changed in the long term and they still play their little games

I wonder if 9/11 will be a conspiracy too far?

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 04:25 AM
The Kennedy Assassination probably gave them the confidence they could pull this off. We must not let it happen again.

I am not calling for anyone's head, but a honest and unbiased investigation. Only then do we have any chance to know what really happened that day.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 03:55 PM
True - that is what is missing and seriously needs to be addressed - a full and proper examination.

This crime has arguably changed the course of the world - if the official story is true, you would think it would warrant the largest, most thorough investigation in modern history.

Instead we get a commission report presenting shady evidence, omissions, distortions and downright lies

On another note, the various JFK hearings brought about a whole list of suspicious deaths and ‘suicidings’

Anyone heard of anything like this with regard to 9/11 yet ?

[edit on 17/4/2006 by alienanderson]

[edit on 17/4/2006 by alienanderson]

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 07:25 PM
I saw the second plane hit live on CNBC. It happened differently that the official story. The plane came from the North and hit the North face. It didnt carry out the complex manouvres that are claimed. Instead it headed straight for the Tower and then it dived and swerved to the left to hit the corner. The explosions they show are real. but the airplane they show is fake.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by alienanderson
On another note, the various JFK hearings brought about a whole list of suspicious deaths and ‘suicidings’

Anyone heard of anything like this with regard to 9/11 yet ?

Just bumping an old thread of mine and also asking if anyone has any updates in my question regarding mysterious deaths

Has anyone done any research and complied a list of any strange deaths of 9/11 witnesses or key figures?

Perhaps there haven't been that many to make a noteworthy list...

I know that the JFK death list is well over a 100 key figures who died from muggings/suicides/car crashes but there was also more than one investigation (i.e. the Select Committee on Assassinations and the Warren Commission) which created more reasons for key witnesses to be bumped off

It is questionable whether or not in 10-20 years time a new 9/11 commission will ever occur but it would be VERY interesting to see what happens if it does

[edit on 16/5/2009 by alienanderson]

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