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Moussauoi Mistreated?

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posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 04:21 AM

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia Zacarias Moussaoui complained at length Thursday about his lawyers, telling a federal court jury that they were more interested in achieving fame through a terrorism-related trial than they were in saving his life.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

More in article.

Is this going to turn into another Saddam trial?

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 04:34 AM
Probably not.
I think his lawyers could do a better job of defending him.
As long as the defense included duct tape, and Moussauoi's mouth.
He spews that much hatred, and then blames his lawyers.
He's a fox..

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by spacedoubt

Probably not.
I think his lawyers could do a better job of defending him.
As long as the defense included duct tape, and Moussauoi's mouth.
He spews that much hatred, and then blames his lawyers.
He's a fox..

You think his lawyers could do a better job? How? Moussauoi has, for all intents and purposes, confessed to being a part of the 9/11 attacks!

Not only that, but Moussaouoi has shown no remorse , no sadness, for the attacks. In fact, it's been quite the opposite. I think that the defense team has performed admirably considering that they had a client who has practically written a book on "things not to say or do if you are being tried for murder".

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 06:16 AM
This man kept quiet and allowed 9/11 to proceed. This is nothing similar to the Saddam trial, and he has been afforded every right according to law.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 09:29 AM
Throughout the trial, Moussai has demonstrated that he is a bombastic, fanatical extremist. I've heard some sidelines talk about whether he can even face the death penalty, because his mental state has been brought into question.

Makes me wonder what type of defense lawyer could, feasibly, defend him ... or even believe his actions were excuseable. (How do the lawyers sleep at night?)

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 09:35 AM
I'm not defending Moussauoi in the least by saying this but. Could his lawyers actually believe him to be a pawn (patsy) and doesn't deserve the death penalty. Actually, don't cops go after the major drug dealers after they try to get the small town guys to spill the beans on them? So, why are we asking for Moussauoi's head when Bin Laden is still at large? Shouldn't we be trying to find out the location of Osama? But, I forgot Osama is not on the top 10 wanted list anymore according to Bush.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 06:24 PM
Well, He can't really show emotion without being critisized.

If he's sad, people will say he's putting up an act.
If he's happy, people will say he's a sadist.
If he's neither, people will say he's insane.

If he says anything in his defense, people will say he's just trying to bargain for his life and he's lying.
If he says anything against americans, people will call him a crazy fox.

Also: He's been in prison since 2001, in hardcore prison too. After 5 years in that kind of a prison, you try to show emotion. Ever see V for Vendetta? Not a good example but by the end of that scene (trying to not spoil the movie, but if you've seen it you'll know) she can't show any emotion, she just doesn't care anymore.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant

Originally posted by spacedoubt

Probably not.
I think his lawyers could do a better job of defending him.
As long as the defense included duct tape, and Moussauoi's mouth.
He spews that much hatred, and then blames his lawyers.
He's a fox..

You think his lawyers could do a better job? How?

Hey BT read it again.
I do believe we agree on this..Duct tape..

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 06:59 PM
HIs claims that his lawyers are 'bad lawyers' is basless and absurd. He himself has admitted in trial that he was part of a plot to fly a jetliner into the whitehouse on Sept 11, and has said to the families that attented the trial that his happy about their suffering, and whished that many more people had died on Sept 11th.

What in the WORLD could his lawyers be doing to ruin his case after that???

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 07:37 PM
The guy has got to have some screws loose, I like what the poster said about writing the book on what not to say when you're being tried for murder. I think the main charge is conspiracy, I don't really remember, but I agree. I don't have a problem executing someone if they're nuts, it shouldn't make a difference.

He's been in prison for awhile but not certainly not "hardcore" prison as has been asserted. The guy is certainly isolated from other prisoners because of his notoreity - you think pedophiles and rapists have it bad in prison? Try being a brash, boastful, vocal disciple of the most hated man alive. He'd be wishing he were dead if he were in a hardcore prison in the general population. Probably not a bad idea since the guy isn't cooperating so no information of real value is being gathered from him and the trial is just a waste of money... but I digress. He's had tons of time to sit and think about his actions, inactions, he hasn't lost his ability to express the full range of emotions due to any kind of atavistic "showing emotions = weakness" as a result of time in "hardcore prison" with the other animals.

It is so dodgy that lawyers are defending this guy, especially since he's shooting himself in the foot everytime he opens his mouth. But tons of lawyers were probably lining up to take his case pro bono - not to seek out justice, but just to gain recognition, it's sad. But hey, isn't former attorney general whats-his-name on Saddam's legal team?

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 03:09 AM
Yeah true.

How do you defend someone that admits to a crime. You COULD say "He's suffering mental illnesses" or "He's emotionally lost" or "He's been brainwashed"

But then he goes and turns his back calling you a bad lawyer

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