posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 08:48 PM
We run our lives by the choices of others. You may be up one minute and be down the next. All of those are common sayings because some times whats
already been said is the best. When some one close to you comits suicide your left with so many emotions. You don't want to hear that some ones
sorry for you, you may not want to hear anything at all but instead just have some one there. To day a friend of mine was told in school that his
foster father shot him self. I don't believe ive ever saw or ever thought that i would see a 19 year old boy cry, and what was a step fether than
that the two he wanted to confort him was two 16 year old girls. i geuss life works like that it takes something that bad to relize some one cares
more for you than you think. I couldn't answer his queastion for why his foster father had kill him self...i told him that some times people do
things that affect others, but The the person who was a loved one probly will never know why that person did it because that might be one of those
queastions that are never answered or will be. That was their chioce not yours. and that it wasn't his fault he couldn't have done any thing to
stop it or to cause it.
yea i just had to rant...
but if you think about it a person has to be exstremely smart in order to kill them selfs...i mean to over come death, to relize something that
average people will never do it...not to mention courage, to take that last step from from holding back to doing what he wanted
I'm not saying that it was nesaaryly ok what he did but he did it and i really can't ask queastions for why he did it i can just stand by his son
and help him when he needs it
but i have to say suicide is a selfish act, i mean he felt behind a wonderful wife and a boy that loved him like a father...but its not my place to
judge at least thats what i keep telling my self
any way think about these words from a 16 year old girl
im sorry about the spelling errors im dislexic lol and i spell by phonix... on a test this week i spelled Easter, was a bonus queastion on
what holiday was sunday, also ive got bad grammer.
Any way have a good night people ive startedspring break
p.s. also "other" is you, so when i say "We run our lives by the choices of others." i mean that your actions to the same for others