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NEWS: Comet to Collide with Earth Says Former Military Air Traffic Controller

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posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 03:08 PM
Former Military Air Traffic Controller, Eric Julien, predicts the collision of a comet fragment from Comet 73P on May 25th. His studies are based on the dispersal of the comet fragments from the original comet. He has not identified a specific fragment that will hit, but says that the fragment that will hit is too small for astronomers to see yet.

Using NASA simulations of the comet's path, Julien concludes that impact is likely around May 25 precisely when the comet crosses the Earth's ecliptic plane. While the first fragment will cross at approximately 10 million miles, lagging fragments threaten to collide. While astronomers have stated that the comet poses no direct threat, Julien argues that some fragments are too small to observe. Astronomers have predicted possible meteor showers indicating some cometary debris will enter the atmosphere.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

I've been predicting the possibility of meteor showers from this comet for months now. The highest probability is May 24th with a higher probability in the days after than in the days before. He's also trying to include some hocus pocus about crop circles and Bush's bad karma for his threatening posture in the Middle East.

Now mind you, I'm no fan of Bush by a longshot, but I'll not blame this on him. The first predictions truly came from an amatuer Japanese astronomer by the name of Seiichi Yoshida whose website is at . There is currently a whole world of astronomers(amateur and professional) watching this comet right now, but if you want to know about future comets that won't make the press for years to come then Yoshida is the guy to talk to.

There may very well be fragments that will impact the Earth and there is a possibility that some considerable damage could be done, but there will not be 200 meter tidal waves emerging from a car or bus sized object striking in the Atlantic. It would require larger chunks of ice than that to do produce a tidal wave of that size. Then again...there is a possibility that larger chuncks of the comet will pass close to Earth or may actually impact. As one who has been watching the progression of things with this comet, I expect the car sized objects to enter Earth's atmosphere for some interesting and perhaps scary results. Stay tuned for more...

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[edit on 13-4-2006 by davenman]

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 06:20 PM
I have to wonder how and why he thinks a fragment of the comet is going to hit earth when he states that the fragment in question can't be seen yet. That makes no sense?

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 08:14 PM
If the comet mass was known, and the large fragments dispersment known, prediction of the small ones "shotgun" effect can be simulated. This has been predicted for a long time in other sources.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 09:58 PM
OK, but no offense... After reading the following:

Comet Schwassman-Wachmann follows a five-year orbit that crosses the solar system's ecliptic plane. It has followed its five year orbit intact for centuries; but, in 1995, mysteriously fragmented. According to Julien, this is the same year that a crop circle appeared showing the inner solar system with the Earth missing from its orbit. He argues the "Missing Earth" crop circle was a message from higher intelligences warning humanity of the consequences of its destructive nuclear policies. He links this crop circle to May 25, 2006, and identifies the comet Schwassmann-Wachman as the subject of higher intelligence communications.


He concludes the May 25 event is tied in to the Bush administration's policy of preemptive use of nuclear weapons against Iran, and the effect of nuclear weapons on the realms of higher intelligences. Regarding its importance, Julien declares: "we have to save lives when we have such information to share with the public".

I think I read enough....

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 11:20 PM
I think the theory is valid, but the source is ... well... just plain wacky...
the other guy looks nice though... surely there are other people who support this theory.

But dont worry... i suspect that if there was a larger than house fragment, then we might see trouble, but an ice rock much smaller, would just melt...
wouldn't it?

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 12:48 AM
Interesting find.

Discovery just published a series of relevant articles.

Tsunami Quake Reveals Flaws in Model

Tsunami Creators Identified

Tsunami Earthquake 'Unzipped' the Earth

...if an asteroid of any significant size hits Earth in the foreseeable future, the tsunamis it generates, however huge, will be the least of our concerns amid the rain of molten debris worldwide and massive earthquakes such a strike would generate.

I heard size isn't everything though...


posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 12:56 AM
oh for crying out loud. being a former military controller qualifies him as an expert in astronomy how exactly?

i'm a former military controller and i think the moon is going to collide with the earth tomorrow because a little birdy told me so. in fact, i am currently a federal air traffic controller so i must really know what i'm talking about!


posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 04:55 AM
Hey why bother to try and prove or disprove this one? May is just around the corner, at least it isn't one of those long wait prophecys things. I'm telling you spending 3 weeks in the woods because i err someone thought y2k was coming isn't fun.

Let it play out, if you see molten rock, a giant wave, a massive cloud of dust and feel a big earthquake in about a month then you will know it hit. Either that or George W Bush got a little to bored and pushed the button.

[edit on 14-4-2006 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 06:43 AM

posted by LazarusTheLong: “I think the theory is valid, but the source is . . well . . wacky . . the other guy looks nice though . . are other people supporting this theory? But don’t worry . . I suspect if there was a larger than house fragment, then we might see trouble, but an ice rock much smaller, would just melt . . wouldn't it? [Edited by Don W]

Is this the same guy who predicted the April 6 trouble? I was thrilled the first time I read accounts of the Tunguska Event. The event was recorded around the world on seismographs, as happening on June 30, 1908. Triangulation located the point of impact near a place now named Evenkia, in Siberia. The site is northwest of Lake Baikal. The site was not explored by westerners until 1921, when the first pictures showing the powerful effect were taken. Contemporary estimates postulate an air burst explosion of a comet or asteroid 15,000 to 25,000 feet above the ground, with an explosive force equal to 15 megatons. A medium size H-bomb. Arguments continue between advocates of comet theory and advocates of meteoric theory. It seems to boil down to either an extinct comet - with a crusty mantle - or a rocky meteor most likely from the Asteroid Belt. Somewhere between 30 feet and 100 feet in diameter. Smaller events happen every day. Tunguska is estimated to be a 1 time in 300 years event.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 11:58 AM

You've done your research well. The tunguska event is one of my favorites. I'm partial to the theory that it was a small comet that caused it.

The fragments of this comet that have been found are are known to be strewn across space for 4 million miles. The larger fragments are closer to the location of the (former) main comet. The further the fragments are found, the smaller the fragments are. As the comet approaches, more fragments are being found. At last count, I knew of 31 fragments that astronomers are tracking.

This comet debris is slated to pass anywhere from 4.5 million miles to 8 million miles from us based on known fragments. The first of the fragments is now about 24 million miles away. The debris is scattered in a direction that follows the former main comet. Behind that former main comet, the debris also fans out from the original orbit. This is not a comet tail. This is a debris field. Each fragment will still have a tail in the direction that is away from the sun. High solar winds will likely cause longer and more difuse tails while low solar winds will likely cause shorter and more condensed tails.

Where the comet fragments TAILS pass on May 23-25, the Earth will pass through the same points in space where the comet fragment's TAILS were about 4 days later.

My point to all this information is to state that there is a distinct possibility for a tunguska like event or two or three in Late May or Early June somewhere in the world. There is a better probability that we will only see some interesting meteor showers and fireballs.

What this guy states is possible and based on good information, but his premise of crop circles or other superstitions is where he goes wrong. If a man is going to speak in the name of God, then let him do so...plainly and without superstition.

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 12:05 PM

Former Military Air Traffic Controller, Eric Julien, predicts the collision of a comet fragment from Comet 73P on May 25th. His studies are based on the dispersal of the comet fragments from the original comet. He has not identified a specific fragment that will hit, but says that the fragment that will hit is too small for astronomers to see yet.

That's the news and that's the title NEWS: Comet to Collide with Earth Says Former Military Air Traffic Controller

To speculative. You read the title and makes you freak out. Why always people try to "sell" thier story by speculating with the title. It says fragments and not the comet it self. Is another ebola, anthrax, bird flu story just to keep us in tension and away from reasonable thinking so they can control us easier?

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 02:18 PM
What if the comet is Gods way of protecting Israel before the summer? What if it hit Iran? The US or Israel would take all the heat even if it was a comet. Or what if it hit Israel and there was nothing to fight about anymore? OMG we're all gonna DIE!!!


posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 07:12 PM

Weekly World News!

It all makes sense now, the French Military joke etc.

[edit on 15-4-2006 by TPL]

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 12:06 AM
That's a good link TPL. According to the article if a car size piece of ice hits the Earth, it would likely explode in the atmosphere and we wouldn't even notice unless we got lucky and saw it high up. Some estimate that a one meter size piece of ice or rock hits the Earth once a month on average and we don't even notice. Well the military guys detect those but I won't go into that. So I guess the important part about this possible subject becomes will we get to see an impressive meteor shower around May 12th, 13th, or 14th or maybe something later around the 25th if you believe one guy's simulations have some merit. I'm thinking May 13th sounds like a good day for a meteor storm. I would like to see something.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Damocles

lol that just means u work for the man so obviously anything you say you were told to say by the NWO......

lol....oh yeah, that's me. cointelpro all the way baby!

anyway, the point i'm trying to make is that this guy simply used his former military affiliation (a job field that has absolutely nothing to do with astronomy by the way) to make a headline because he knew that "amateur astronomer says comet to collide with earth" would never make the news. as far as i'm concerned, that sensationalism takes away any merit his story might have had.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 07:33 AM
Well, I've been playing around with simulator programs, and I can tell you right away that size doesn't matter. It's the speed.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 02:00 PM
The Cosmos: It's All Bush's Fault

Originally posted by snafu7700
as far as i'm concerned, that sensationalism takes away any merit his story might have had.

What skunked the deal for me was blaming it on Bush.

Anyone who ascribes cosmic events to earthly politics is a few slices short of a loaf, in my opinion.

That doesn't mean there won't be debris hitting the Earth -- others who don't attribute cometary movement to U.S. politics have predicted the same, to some degree or another (generally much less, and without the hyperbole).

For example, Seiichi Yoshida:

Weekly Information about Bright Comets (2006 Apr. 8: North)

Now totally four components, C, B, G and R, are visible bright. It keeps observable in good condition all through the encounter in May, while it will be brightening rapidly. Due to the approach of the comet, Bootids meteor shower observed in 1930 may appear in outburst again in May and June. But the earth will not pass through the dust trail in calculation.

Just the facts, actual facts, and no inane, irrelevant political commentary.

How refreshing.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Earlybird
What if the comet is Gods way of protecting Israel before the summer? What if it hit Iran? The US or Israel would take all the heat even if it was a comet. Or what if it hit Israel and there was nothing to fight about anymore? OMG we're all gonna DIE!!!

You know? It doesn't matter where it hits in the West, it'll be the Neocons excuse for going to war with Iran according to the Neolibs of course.

Maybe this is the Biblical Wormwood that's suppose to destroy a third of all life and poison a third of all water.

Well, if it happens, I've had one hell of a life and don't have any regrets.

See you all on the other side!

[edit on 16/4/06 by Intelearthling]

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 07:46 AM
If we take into consideration that small objects in space (small is relative. let's just say anything smaller than our moon..) can be directed by human technology now, then yes, the USA would DEFINITELY be blamed for it if it "happened" to hit an enemy of Israel or the USA or anyone of their allies or happened to achieve a goal for the long-term U.S. foreign policy.
They are now in controll of world-wide diseases, the weather and hence famine, and the earth, and the sea as a side-effect of controlling the earth. All this in order to INSTILL IN PEOPLES MINDS, THAT GOD IS BEHIND EVERYTHING THAT WILL HAPPEN. Also they can make visual effects in the sky, to make people think God is at work.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 08:31 AM
Oh well,
that my 21st celebrations next year out of the window

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