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Does anyone have pictures of the flight 93 crash? Do any exist?

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posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 01:12 PM

Amatuer diagram Hehe.

The blue is plane wreckage.

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Ernold Same
Is it at all possible for that crater to be caused by an engine alone? if it was shot down at 500+mph, could an engine become detached from the explosion? could explain the smaller crater and the small bits of smoke, lack of fire and lack of debris, the bits of debris that are in tact could of landed several seconds after the explosion and fell to earth at a lesser velocity than the engine.

What does an engine weigh? must be about 5-6 ton, looks feasable, what say the air investigators?

The main weight of the plane would cause the crater, with the wings "dissapearing" from the explosion of the fuel, and their sheer weight. In an impact the wings are the weakest point

I've said this till I'm blue in the face in 9/11 threads, the RB211 carried by the 757 is 3.2 tons each, with about 50,000 pounds of thrust.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 02:53 AM
I just realised there should be more wreckage, if that diagram is somewhat accurate.

It was shot down, so we can rule out the engine on the tail, that leaves 2 engines, on the wings. And the fuselage (sp).

So the wings wouldn't of "disappeared" because 1. they both flung into the ground at ~500MPH, before the explosion, thus would of broken off, then the explosion, which according to that diagram is underground, would throw up so much dirt, that it wouldn't affect the wings because they'd be under atleast 3-4 feet of loose dirt.

THat's all based on that diagram though

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 06:17 AM
If you examine the trace left by the debris of Flight 93 it seems to be clear that the airliner was hit by a 20mm cannon of an interceptor plane.

At 500 miles per hour, it takes an airliner about 53 seconds to travel eight miles. The debris fields of Flight 93, situated between New Baltimore and Shanksville/Mostoller ARE are appr. eight miles apart. Enough time for an interceptor to fire a round from above into the cockpit - for destroying all possible means of communication first, dive underneath the airliner, climb back and fire again. Or, give way for any second interceptor to finish the "job"...

And! The plane was flying westwards. Not heading for "New York" or "Washington" at all - as the FIRST debris field was to be found at Baltimore...

Documents found on the ground in the area of New Baltimore most likely came from Mail containers - which are stored in the front of the plane of the cargo hold, right beneath the cockpit. Flight 93 continued flying in a straight line from the first debris field direction WEST right over the Indian Lake. The airplaner then crashed shortly after, near Shanksville....

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posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by ludaChris
I found another

I dont know, I know that the debris was spread for miles though. My uncle is a fireman in DC. He himself didnt get to see the wreckage in Penns. or the Pentagon, but some of the guys he works with did, they said the wreckage was everywhere. These may have been during or after the clean up.

I swear I remember seeing an aeroplane engine in the middle of a suburban type road on tv...?

[edit on 24-4-2006 by Loopdaloop]

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

I just returned from a visit to the temporary memorial sight (9-20-08). Some area volunteers serve as "Ambassadors" to this National Park. Our timing was perfect on this visit whereas an Ambassador was just beginning to tell the story of Flight 93. She had a notebook folder with photographs that show the wreckage and recovery. I wanted to take a photo of one of these pictures but the Ambassador politley declined because most photos were copywrited. Some interesting shots were taken by local residents just after impact. One shows a huge plume of black smoke, almost mushroom cloud-like just after it crashed. Another showed the largest piece of wreckage which looked to be a section of the fuseloge(sp?). If you ever get a chance to visit this temporary memorial it will be worth the trip. I wasn't sure what to expect but when I arrived you knew this was a sacred place. Even with the crowd that was there, not much chatter...only quiet reflection. The planned memorial will be awesome.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

You cant see the plane because it hit the ground at such a high speed. I think the plane was probably going overspeed when it hit the ground. if the plane hit the ground at that speed it will be disintegrated instantly.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by BigTrain

the space shuttle crash has more debris than flight 93 and it was entering the earths atmosphere and was traveling a lot faster

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Loopdaloop


Went looking for photos and maybe you have already found these. The first link shows an engine in street but this from the WTC attack.

The second link has a section on debris from Flight 93.


posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Loopdaloop

Sorry forgot a third link - a similar discussion to here.


posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by airtrax007
I do believe this plane was shot down because of the so called scattered wreackage . The piece with the windows that was shown above is a prime example of this theory. If it just crashed this piece would have been found many feet below the surface,infact most of the wreackage would be concentrated in one spot. Showing pieces that are scattered all over the place for MILES is a sure sign of an explosion befor final impact.

You know I never thought about that before but its a very good point.

How exactly does a rather large piece of aluminum sheet containing multiple windows end up outside the hole, when the plane is traveling supposedly over 500 mph and we were told that the blowback from the explosion was confetti type of material. How does one piece of flimsy aluminum land outside the whole with what basically looks like no damage other than being torn around the edges.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 06:04 PM
Well will one Eyewitness do...?

I just dont know why we can not find the tail section ... even though someone had no problem at all obtaining the flight data recorder... >>>?
well that was mounted in the tail section .... where is it... ?

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by BornPatriot
Well will one Eyewitness do...?

I just dont know why we can not find the tail section ... even though someone had no problem at all obtaining the flight data recorder... >>>?
well that was mounted in the tail section .... where is it... ?

Good point. Where is the Flight 93's tail?

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by screwedagain

This was a high speed nose dive crash. This is not a crash like the recent Turkish Airlines crash. When a plane does a nosedive into the ground over 500mph, that tail is going to be destroyed into ittybity pieces regardless.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Stillresearchn911

Good, good point. How did that "flimsy" piece of aluminum survive that day?

Better question (to you) how did this flimsier piece of videotape survive the fiery hell it was exposed to?

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
reply to post by screwedagain

This was a high speed nose dive crash. This is not a crash like the recent Turkish Airlines crash. When a plane does a nosedive into the ground over 500mph, that tail is going to be destroyed into ittybity pieces regardless.

Then show us where all those ittybity tail pieces landed.

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