reply to post by Reckon
jesus didn't kill people, mohammed did. jesus didn't have slaves, mohammed did. jesus didn't say adultery is wrong then got some slaves and say
it's only cheating if they are not your slave, mohammed did. jesus said just love... mohammed didn't. he justified times to hurt and beat your wife.
UPGRADED BIBLE? it sounds like humanity to me. convert or die; if your wife complains about your other wives she's wrong. i could go on and quote
these from the quran for you and you could quote leviticus to which i would be glad you made my point. old testament says eye for eye, we couldn't
even keep that system, so jesus comes says new rules-just love, all you humans missed the point so just love.
so maybe we'll agree to disagree, but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt because mohammed was just a regular person and not God in the flesh and
didn't give his life for his friends let alone enemies so maybe he's not the best voice for this allah. is allah a loving god that we can know? if
your a muslim is it out of fear or love that you believe. did allah give you a son of his own that will vouch for you. allah's son to say he's not
perfect but he can stay. so if allah's god without a jesus what can you or any of us possibly do for an omnipotent thing, the concious space between
the atoms, the alive medium. why would it want your service, worship, or even opinion if you can't follow some guidelines for navigating the
environment it made. what makes you special? why does it need you?would you upon meeting this infinite macrobe shake your tiny fist and state your
case to it of why it should let you live in this new place it talked about that wasn't poisoned by the shaking of tiny fists.
so could mohammed heal? bring people back from the dead? walk on water? jesus followers did, his followers! can you name a mohammed disciple that did
any miracles? mohammed personally and his followers killed followers of jesus. mohammed is not the son of allah, he killed for his own gain. i would
like to say that if they didn't deify him i bet he said a lot of good stuff and i don't want to judge muslims, really, i just point out fundamental
differences, people can't say that it's all the same god. i'll also say that i'm jealous of the muslims devotion, and they truly have my respect.
but believing the old testament and even jesus but then putting mohammed "above" jesus? why? because he took matters into his own hands? condemned
christians and jews? i bet some people are like hey, my kind of hero, but at the expense of a living God working miracles through you, going through
life with you, saving you a spot in the place he keeps telling us about. i'll take jesus. and though i have a hard time believing in reptilians and
whatever a draco is, if i ever meet one i won't be calling on mohammed or allah.
with all that said the bible talks about several species of angels, and even references technology sort of. the nephelim however can just mean
followers of god. the original language does not specifically say angels had sex with people. i used to believe that, it's part of how i came to
believe in God. but it's more realistic that it means prostrate, as in before God. and marrying the non-believing is a theme of trouble throughout
the bible, like david and solomon, samson. so it makes more sense there too.
second i'm convinced an atlantis is all people before the flood, which the sumerians verify and if you lived 500-1000 yrs what couldn't you do?
which is backed up by the tower of babel story. God said we could do anything, ANYTHING!!! teleport, time-travel, space travel, holodeck,
regeneration, mind over matter. but as always we screwed it up so now we have to wait. God split our languages cause a fisherman in zimbabwe has
steven hawkings missing piece, and a teacher in china has the answer to one of our social issues,etc. ad infinitum.