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So OBVIOUS they planted Flight 93 debris it's laughable!

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posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:11 AM
Here are some new photos of "Flight 93 plane debris" that was apparently shown at the Moussaoui trail:

(Scroll down to: "Gallery: Crash site of Flight 93") - CNN

Remember what we were told about the Shanksville crash scene. We were told the 155ft long plane buried itself 20ft underneath the crater (including the tail section apparently) because the ground was spongy from being refilled with dirt back in '96...

The 115 ton Boeing crashed so hard at a nearly a 90-degree angle traveling 580 mph that the plane disintegrated. So much so that the coroner couldn't find a single drop of blood around the crash scene.

But some how small scraps of debris no bigger than a notebook were found scattered in the woods perpendicular to the angle of the crash.

NOW all of a sudden, we have these TWO BIG fuselage pieces "found" off hidding in the woods that somehow escaped being buried in the crater and escaped being burned by jet fuel!

Of course, what did happened to all the thousands of gallons of jet fuel that should have still been in Flight 93 when it crashed???

(Left pic is from Flight 93 crash scene. Right pic is a crash of a small leer jet.)

Does anybody still think that a Boeing 757 crashed in Shanksville???

Let's review what Operation Northwoods said:


13 March 1962


7. Hijacking attempts against civil air and surface craft should appear to continue as harassing measures condoned by the government of Cuba.

c. At precisely the same time that the aircraft was presumably shot down a submarine or small surface craft would disburse F-101 parts, parachute, etc.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:22 AM
Be sure that you tell that to some of the families that listened to the [url= box voice recordings[/url] today in court?

Funny, if not ironic, in how you left that out in all your photos...


[edit on 13-4-2006 by Seekerof]

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Be sure that you tell that to some of the families that listened to the black box voice recordings today in court?

Funny, if not ironic, in how you left that out in all your photos...

What does that have to do with anything?

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:29 AM
Just edited and inserted the link to them.
Try reading them instead of looking at pictures of that alleged F-101 photos.


[edit on 13-4-2006 by Seekerof]

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof

I have no idea what you're getting at. The families, passengers, phone calls and all that are a moot point to this topic that Flight 93 didn't crash in that crater. What ever really happened to the plane is a moot point.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:37 AM
Cool pic of a scaled 757* that shows how ridiculous it is that it caused that small crater....

(*even though I think the scale is slightly too big.)

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:43 AM
And I am sure that you know exactly how redundant this very topic is, correct, especially here within ATS?

Your bringing back into the spotlight is dubious.
What is "obvious" to you is also relative to others.
What is "ridiculous" to you is also relative to others.

Accordingly, present your findings to one of the family members who had a loved one or friend killed on Flight 93 and see how they react to your "obvious" findings.

Furthermore, that picture your calling "ridiculous" looks pretty non-"ridiculous" to these eyes, but hey, its all relative anyhow, correct?
Now that is what I think is what should be truly "obvious."


[edit on 13-4-2006 by Seekerof]

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
1) Accordingly, present your findings to one of the family members who had a loved one or friend killed on Flight 93 and see how they react to your "obvious" findings.

2) Furthermore, that picture your calling "ridiculous" looks pretty non-"ridiculous" to these eyes, but hey, its all relative anyhow, correct?
Now that is what I think is what should be truly "obvious."

1) for the same reason you don't put victim's family members on the jury.

2) Which pic?

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Killtown
Cool pic of a scaled 757* that shows how ridiculous it is that it caused that small crater....

(*even though I think the scale is slightly too big.)

Wait wait, so they're saying the plane crashed at a 0 (180?) degree angle???


Originally posted by Killtown

Originally posted by Seekerof
1) Accordingly, present your findings to one of the family members who had a loved one or friend killed on Flight 93 and see how they react to your "obvious" findings.

2) Furthermore, that picture your calling "ridiculous" looks pretty non-"ridiculous" to these eyes, but hey, its all relative anyhow, correct?
Now that is what I think is what should be truly "obvious."

1) for the same reason you don't put victim's family members on the jury.

2) Which pic?

Seekerof, they're merely being presented with the truth, that doesn't mean we disregard their loss. I've talked to victims about the Cleveland theory, where all 3 planes went to cleveland before hitting their destinations. The theory states that the passenger planes landed, 2 government-remote-controlled ones and a rocket took off, what happened to the passengers? Massacred.

Missle hit the pentagon, 2 planes hit WTC, United 93 was shot down on its way to Cleveland.

That's the theory, I personally don't find it likely however have talked to victims of 9/11 about it, they acted poorly towards my stewardship of the truth, however didn't find it offending because I wasn't denying their family died.

[edit on 13-4-2006 by Vinci]

[edit on 13-4-2006 by Vinci]

[edit on 13-4-2006 by Vinci]

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:55 AM
Uh no. 0 degrees would be flat on the belly. It crashed at a NINETY degree angle. Straight up and down.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by VinciWait wait, so they're saying the plane crashed at a 0 degree angle???

News reports both "45-deg" and "90-deg". If you look at the creater, if any plane created it, it would have to have been at a 90-deg angle.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 01:02 AM
Sorry at my poor math, but...0 degrees = nose pointing up, 90 = flying straight, 180 = nose pointing down. All along an imaginary x-axis.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 01:02 AM
Killtown is right the real flight could have been hi-jacked and flown anywhere to the hundreds of possible airfields in reasonable distance such that the passengers did have the ordeal that evidence claims.

Air traffic controllers had trouble tracking each of the hi-jacked flights completely eg. there was admitted discontinunity in the tracking. What happened?

The plane that crashed in that pit could have been anything in a remote area like that and who would have known otherwise?

I am getting concerned that normally rational people ignore facts when it suits them so that they can cling to their emotions. These same people berate others using logic when it suits them but switch to emotion when they wish to ignore facts that they find unpleasant. This is happening a lot with the exploration of 911 and it seems to indicate something but I'm not sure what it is.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by Vinci
Sorry at my poor math, but...0 degrees = nose pointing up, 90 = flying straight, 180 = nose pointing down. All along an imaginary x-axis.

Holy...Okay now, nevermind I'm completely off-course, ignore all my math, ever. Well, geometry related math atleast.

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
I am getting concerned that normally rational people ignore facts when it suits them so that they can cling to their emotions. These same people berate others using logic when it suits them but switch to emotion when they wish to ignore facts that they find unpleasant. This is happening a lot with the exploration of 911 and it seems to indicate something but I'm not sure what it is.

That's exactly what I meant to say before, in this thread and others (holocaust one for example).

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by Vinci
Sorry at my poor math, but...0 degrees = nose pointing up, 90 = flying straight, 180 = nose pointing down. All along an imaginary x-axis.

The plane of the horizon is 0 degrees. The surface of the earth is what sets the angle. When you are standing straight up and down that's 90 degrees. Parallel to the ground is 0, perpendicular is 90.


posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 05:16 PM

Does this look like anything from something that CRASHED or from something that EXPLODED ?
To me, and others I have shown this to, seem to believe that this piece clearly shows a chuck of plane that exploded as it shows it is ripped rather than bent and tweaked from an impact.
Larger image HERE

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 05:38 PM
I'm a little disturbed by this thread, and some of the comments posted berarting people who are looking at the matter from another angle.

This isn't a jet liner crash area, no way on earth is it. Lockerbie any one? My dads friend was a policeman on scene, and he describes it as hell on earth the vision he saw as he came across the crash site. The hole was huge - Photos all back this up as to the sheer scale of the destruction the planes impact created. This poxy small hole, no blood, hardly any damage ect ect ect was supposed to be a fully fueled jet liner? do not make me laugh.

I feel for the families involved, but even the fact that using a cell phoone from the plane has been proved to be impossible, because in 2004 the airline industry itself said it had solved the technical difficulties of doing so! so how the hell in 2001 did they manage this???

Ok so what did happen? and yes I agree 100 % that the debris shown was utter BS - Planted utter BS to boot... Oh and for all those that still believe that this is an airliner crash site, heres Lockerbie impact site....

Look at the size of the damn hole! oh and heres debris from the crash site.... scroll down to see just how much remained...
and heres just how much of the plane remained....and a smalll black and white of the impact area again..


flight 93 impact zone my butt....

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof

What is the name of this aircraft?
My searches for f-101 comes up with turbofans.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 06:24 PM

"...or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon" (a possible slip up referring to the September 11, 2001 attacks[7])



[edit on 13-4-2006 by Tasketo]

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 06:29 PM

Above link
"At precisely 0938 hours, an alarm was sounded at Langely Air Force Base, and those whom were on call, drinking coffee, were scrambled. Thus the 119th Fighter Wing was off for an intercept.

They, the Happy Hooligans, a unit of 3 F-16 aircraft, were ordered to head toward Pennsylvania. At 0957 they spotted their target; After confirmation orders were received, A one Major Rick Gibney fired two sidewinder missiles at the aircraft and destroyed it in mid flight at precisely 0958;

He was awarded a medal from the Governor one year later for his heroic actions. As well as Decorated by Congress on 9/13/2001. The Happy Hooligans were previously stationed in North Dakota, and moved to Langley Air Force base some months before 911 occured on a "Temporary assignment."

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