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If a Nuke is dropped, what will happen next?

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posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Mehran
if we get nuked by you guys than we'll for sure nuke you guys back in iraq and afghanistan, not saying it in enjoyment, but statting it as a fact.

No you wont, Remember... Iran does not have Nuclear Weapons nor is Iran trying to aquire Nuclear Weapons.

Now back to the thread, What will happen?

Lots of people will die, land in select areas of Iran will become uninhabitable, And of course life in the west and for most people will continue on as usual, the only thing that will change anyones day will be whatever the news tells you to feel at that moment.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 08:18 PM
I believe if the USA Nukes Iran. 1 strike...10 strikes, IMHO a very large percentage of the World population will panic, Massive riots, crimes and people fleeing out of large cities worldwide antisipating some kinda counter attack with nukes from who knows where. [this may not happen right away]

But if you wake up tomorrow and hear that we did nuke them, what will your first reaction be??

The price of oil will skyrocket, Americans could see gas prices of $5 or more than $10 a gallon. This is if Iran is able to Greatly slow or stop the flow of oil from the gulf, witch I believe they can and will long they can do this is unknown, BUT also IMHO if they can do this for 6 months [maybe less] the world in witch we all live in will be effectively over

If my first paragraph is true, then that would also have the effect of mass walk-outs at most jobs across the country and the world...leading to panic buying in the stores...witch would run out of products within 3 days.

I see Martial Law bein in place, but how many cops and militaery people would show up for duty if the world is crumbleing around them, they will want to protect there friends and family???

Food, Water, Medicine, Weapons/ammo, Shelter will be most important things we will need.

Skilled workers including electrical engineers, computer techs, doctors, dentists, construction engineers, auto mechanics...and jacks of all trades will be the most prized posessions.

We could become a society where they only thing that matters is the fruits of your labor, living in little communistic societies all across the globe

No economy can survive oil over $100.00 a barrel, at least not for long....And if this Nuke thing happens I bet oil reaches over $300.00 a barrel

[edit on 12-4-2006 by LDragonFire]

[edit on 12-4-2006 by LDragonFire]

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by C0le

Originally posted by Mehran
if we get nuked by you guys than we'll for sure nuke you guys back in iraq and afghanistan, not saying it in enjoyment, but statting it as a fact.

No you wont, Remember... Iran does not have Nuclear Weapons nor is Iran trying to aquire Nuclear Weapons.

Now back to the thread, What will happen?

Lots of people will die, land in select areas of Iran will become uninhabitable, And of course life in the west and for most people will continue on as usual, the only thing that will change anyones day will be whatever the news tells you to feel at that moment.

dont you remember?, 15 nuclear KH-55 missiles bought from Ukraine and reports as many as 250, not to mention north koreas nuclear missiles. Even if we are nuked, you can say bye bye to your settlement both of iraq and afghanistan.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 08:32 PM
These comments lead me to another question.

If one nuke is dropped, lets say in a remote area of Iran, how long will it take for the info to get out?

I say quite a few hours.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire

No economy can survive oil over $100.00 a barrel, at least not for long....And if this Nuke thing happens I bet oil reaches over $300.00 a barrel

This seems to contradict itself. It jumps to $300 a barrel....But in the scenario you've listed, "small communist societies", where's oil coming in from? How is it being sold to anyone? If my main customer can't afford the product I'm selling, I have to sell it cheaper. My customer may want it, but if they can't afford it period, I HAVE to lower the price, or take a massive hit in profits no matter how much I charge.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Tripnastic

Originally posted by LDragonFire

No economy can survive oil over $100.00 a barrel, at least not for long....And if this Nuke thing happens I bet oil reaches over $300.00 a barrel

This seems to contradict itself. It jumps to $300 a barrel....But in the scenario you've listed, "small communist societies", where's oil coming in from? How is it being sold to anyone? If my main customer can't afford the product I'm selling, I have to sell it cheaper. My customer may want it, but if they can't afford it period, I HAVE to lower the price, or take a massive hit in profits no matter how much I charge.

Ok fair enough....Let me put it this way....If oil reaches $300.00 a barrel...I would bet the next day there will no longer be a market to sell it other words Society the one we live in now....that is based on money will IMHO cease to exsist.

The societies that spring up, would not be apart of a Global Economy like the one we have today, so I would assume they would not be a fossil fuel dependent society, or a money dependant society.

But it would take more than one nuke to do this. And only if Iran, Russia, or anyother country can close down the gulf...there are many variables in this problem.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 10:35 PM
Relating to the comment on the previous page about Iran asking Russia to attack Isreal... sorry mate but that's plain stupid.

For starters any war with Israel/USA for Russia would cost them MORE than the reactor is bringing in. There is no way they'd attack Israel.

Mehran - Iran doesn't have Nukes to attack the coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nor does Iran have a delivery system capable of accuratley dropping the warheads on coalition forces.

A nuke in Iran would piss Iran off something crazy - but it would be like comparing a child (Iran) having a tantrum to an adult (USA). If the US or US citizens (soldiers) were nuked the US nuclear policy would come in effect. And that means the nuclear destruction of Iran's 100 largets cities.

Mehran dude - You've clearly been exposed to Iranian propaganda. The russians have asked you to stand down, they will not go to war for you. The US is alot stronger than you militarily and economically. The USA would cripple Iran from the air and sea without loosing a single man if they really wanted to. All your threads about Iran military strength can be matched by something in the US military twice as powerful.

Iran should NOT have nuclear weapons or power. If you are living in Iran I strongly advise you to leave for your own saftey, if you wish to stay and fight - you don't have much of a chance.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by desert rat
These comments lead me to another question.

If one nuke is dropped, lets say in a remote area of Iran, how long will it take for the info to get out?

I say quite a few hours.

I think, it will very quick, there most be severals seismographs station around the world, that will trigger an alarm.

If I remember it right, when Chernobyl occur, it was detected relatively quicky (U.S.S.R. took much longer to acknowledge it) and question were ask almost right away.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 10:50 PM
if a nuke goes off in the usa, the rest of the world will laugh and say, look what those nuts in the whitehouse have done to their stupid slaves.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 10:53 PM

If this is true... I am speechless for now.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by desert rat
Right, not on its own. But I was thinking more along the lines of controlling some of the the outrage that would happen.

Ah ok - I understand what you are saying now. Well, I think if a Nuke was dropped it would cause chaos pretty much everywhere in the world, and possibly start World War III - UNLESS, the use of a nuclear weapon was pre-approved by the United Nations. Otherwise, I think it would turn out to be a huge outrage, and a sort of repeat of the Cold War for a little while; all countries wanting to use their nukes with high tension. And of course the what is becoming inevitable war between the United States and Iran.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 11:52 PM
Here is my take on it. The world seems to ignore the fact that America is gaining unimaginable wealth through the development and production of mineral resources ad precious metals. America is the second largest producer of gold in the world. Two US companies have secured the patents and technology to create diamonds in mass quantity and industrial production.

We will be able to trade our gold off at a lower rate for importing our typical daily commodities. I believe the measurement system will be switched to weight versus speculative value.

We have one of the highest resources of coal in the world. We will have plenty of uses for it once we have to develop our technology faster. Japan will suffer dearly from their own lack of exports and be unable to import the resources required to produce electronics. America may be forced to evacuate their forces from the Asia-Pacific region, or risk destruction of them.

Australia would not want them to acquire Taiwan and neither would America. Either way lab created diamond medium currency may likely take the place of paper currency, perhaps made with gold, silver, platinum and many other precious metals. I also find it probable America may also be required to evacuate their military bases from Europe, or risk imprisonment of their citizens.

However freedom in America would not change. With our forces pulled out of the world, we will be able to defend against any attempted invasion with close to a zero casualty rate. Perhaps the North American continent will overcome their differences and form the largest, geographically and constitutionally, single nation.

I suggest the Flag appear with the map outline of the member nations on a blue field speckled with the number of stars to represent the union, and the previous national flags of all the sovereign states laid out along an adjusted number of stripes to include any original colonies of the North American continent.

It is our destiney.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by desert rat
I'd like people's ideas of what will happen following a nuke being detonated in a war time situation.

What will happen?

A lot of men, women and children will be flash fried, a lot more maimed and suffering from radiation posioning. A lot of people that just wanted to work, pay there bills, make their childerns lives a little better than theirs were. A lot of people that knew little or nothing about forgien affairs and cared even less. A lot of people that not only were vaporised themselves....but every trace of them removed, like they never existed. The playground where they took their kids to play, their homes, schools, stores.....many wont even have anyone left to remember them.

But dont worry the leaders on both sides will be safe in bunkers, so that after its all over they can come out and try again another day.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:11 AM

I hate to put it this way, but when it comes to the Middle East, I say that as long as you are responsible, go ahead and produce Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Weapons. Just let those countries manage their people's affairs! But does any moron in our government think this?

Well put, and i completely agree. The funny thing is, people in Middle East think differently than those from the West. Hell, most of it is due to their developement of their language, their religious beliefs and frankly, the fact that some of the earliest thottbots were from the Middle Eastern Region. There's a lot to be said from understanding a culture instead of forcing ones beliefs onto it.

As for the ken-welch website, well... it's only a matter of a day or so to see if any of it it's true...

The nuke has remained there up to the time of this posting, and will be detonated at some time during the Easter holiday, April 14-16, to maximize the illusion that the world is involved in religious conflict.

However a few paragraphs down i read:

Perhaps, if you share this report with enough people, the plan will be changed. The nuke can be quietly recovered and they will take it somewhere else.

Which, in my opinion kind of make this seem like one of those old icq chain mail things to get you to send some stupid message to everyone on your list.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:14 AM
Well if a Nuke dropped...then I guess the new world order...or Martial Law I mean, would begin. That will be the end times....Then people will be hauled off to concentration camps. Seriously. They would. When the next terrorist attack happens, there will be major martial law, and they would say, "Ah in the event of an ermergency, you can ride the rails to safety." Isn't that sweet?
NO!! It's not..see how tricky those guys are..

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by desert rat

Here are a couple things that are possible.

1. Most of the internet shutdown

won't shut down. the internet is more than just one system. it was designed to be war proof.

that's why the initial research and construction was done by darpa

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by bigx01
won't shut down. the internet is more than just one system. it was designed to be war proof.

that's why the initial research and construction was done by darpa

Just to be picky, the internet was indeed a military research project, but it wasn't designed to be warproof - it had multiple redundancies to survive network losses, because the components weren't all that reliable.

Frankly, I have real dubious thoughts about a nuclear war coming to fruition. Everyone wants to beat the other person, but no-one wants to risk their own hide to do so. If a nuclear weapon was dropped (a full on nuclear blast, in hostility) the rest of the world will be all over the country that dropped it in the first place. It would be a really stupid move, effectively signing their own death warrant.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 01:33 AM
You all act like we would use them on cities, wrong, they would be used against iran's military and nuclear installations, not against cities.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 02:12 AM
Poeple, I would stop panicking because as you are all repeating the lies and speculating high. No nation has the intention to drop a nuke, knowing it could launch a massive nuke-war. The problem is like with Iraq some years ago, people are acting on the news. Indeed we hear every day news about Iran, but they are lies. iran has in no way the potential actually to make nukes. They just work on the technology, and they are being watched by a lot of western nations. Do not forget the they do not control the uranium market, so it is easy to monitor such supplies for intelligence agancies. What scares me is that , as it is said that you repeat a lie enough the public opinion will go into it (=WMD Iraq), so we should stop speculating on it, and we should avoid that US pressures the UN against Iran.
Let's talk hope and impeach the Bushes and kick the Cheney.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 02:27 AM
Russia Will not help iran, even if US does use nukes against Iran... only thing Iran can expect from russia is limited conventional weapon shipments with ridiculously hihg pricetag, samo goes for China..
Only North Korea might me mad enough to supply Iran with any wmd tech.

But you can be sure that if Iran is nuked it will retaliate on Israel, Afganistan and Irag with Chem and Bio weapons

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