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I think I got chipped.

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posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 03:07 PM
I hurt my arm at work today and I was rubbing it a while ago when I noticed this little bump under my skin. Its about the length of my thumb nail and 1/4 inch wide. It seriously looks like this:

I think I picked it up while I was in the county jail in September 2001. Every one had to get tested for TB one day. What they did was take everyone out of their cell one at a time to go see the "doctor". When I went he gave me a shot in the lower arm and told me if the swelling didn''t go down after an hour to see him again. When my insurance at work kicks in I'm going to a doctor and see what he says.

Edit - thank you

[edit on 12-4-2006 by NeoHippy]

Mod Edit: Fixed Link.

[edit on 14/4/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 03:46 PM
Its possible but several other possibilites exist as well: (The injection (actually its just under the skin) is an accurate description of a TB test)

Other possibilites
A cyst under the skin

Either way you should get it checked out and perhaps see if you can get an xray of your arm. Ask to look at it when they do:

Quick Xray Interpretation 101: An exray is like a photo negative and denser objects absorb more of the rays. The more dense the whiter they will show. Thats why bones are well highlighted. If there is an object implated under your skin it will show up.

If you are unsure or feel you cannot trust your doctor get a secont opinion, or there are those places where you can walk in and get a whole body CT and keep the results.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 03:53 PM
You could run up to the nearest animal vet and have them run the scanner over your arm. Most all vets have RFID scanners now. Might want to also take a cat or dog so they don't laugh at you too much.


posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 04:01 PM
Would they really chip someone without telling them? That's scarey
. Damn government.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Nemithesis
You could run up to the nearest animal vet and have them run the scanner over your arm. Most all vets have RFID scanners now. Might want to also take a cat or dog so they don't laugh at you too much.


Thats a great Idea. I don't care if I look crazy anymore, I was showing some pictures of chem trails to people at work so I'm kind of used to it.

And the guy above me, yeah they would do it. Because I'm a big bad scary person who was in jail. Everyone needs to be protected from people like me. The same goes for anyone thats ever been in jail for 30 days for public intoxication, minor in possession, or possession of marijuana

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 04:16 PM
Not sure if the vet thing will work unless they had the animal chips in the same timeframe you may have gotten yours.

I still say go for the xray Or see if you can get a RF reader from say radio shack or something

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 04:17 PM
Wow a TB jab in the lower arm? hhmmm thats well strange. Health care workers here in the UK have TB jabs, and the scar is left if it is succesful, and is small white slightly raised area on the UPPER arm... I'd sure get it checked over if I was you, and demand the records of your treatment - There should be a batch number for the vaccine, an expirey date also, and who and why you had the jab. TB jab in prisons makes great sense, but in the lower arm? Did they give you a test first on / near the wrist to see if you had immunity all ready or ask if you just needed a booster for the TB ??

Get it checked, and if it is a RFID.... well thats scary as!

Keep us informed.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 04:29 PM
I just got a new job and I don't have insurance yet, I get it this week or next.

So I'm going to the vet tomorrow. If their scanner (if they have one) beeps or does what ever it does I'll just treat it as a fluke.

When my insurance kicks in I'm going to get an x-ray of my wrist/lower arm anyway because I think I cracked a bone. If I see something out of place they're going to cut it the f*** out of me.

Edit - I don't have a digital camera so I'm going to try and use my scanner to take a pic. You can only see it when I press down on my arm right below it so it will be above my left thumb.
They gave TB tests to everyone that was sentenced and had to serve time, and anyone that couldn't get out on bond and was waiting for sentencing. How it went was they call you out of your cell you see the doctor, he gives you a physical makes sure you're not going to die, then the TB shot/test thing and you go out of holding and into general population.

[edit on 12-4-2006 by NeoHippy]

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 04:35 PM
There are many different types of chip, if it's not one that the scanner recognises it will be useless, I would imagine any covert government sponsored affair would not use one of the standards available on the common market.
Read up about them, there are ways of querying them and detecting the output I believe, knowing the information on it would not be important - it would probably only be a serial number anyway - what is important would be finding out if you have one or not.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 11:43 PM
If the stupid government ever chipped me against my will I'd cut it out myself if I had to

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 12:05 AM
Yes, as FredT suggested, the best way to be sure whether there is something inside you or not is X-ray. Even if it's not a chip, maybe it is something medically worth looking at, but I can't make that decision for you, especially since I haven't seen your arm.

Assuming it was a chip, perhaps an RF scanner or metal detector might pick it up? Other than that, I'm not sure what you could do, unless it is close enough to the surface to feel; it probably isn't, or you would have said something, I'd wager.

I've never heard of any (reliable) stories (yet) of people being chipped against their will, although there are several true stories of people who were willingly (!!!) chipped. I really don't trust this RFID stuff; too much possibility for abuse. Hopefully everything turns out ok for you.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 12:25 AM
If you think there's an implant under the skin, go to the doctors and request that they remove it. Tell them that if they don't, you will do it yourself (imporant* don't do it yourself * ).

IF its a chip, you'd've uncovered a vast and sinister conspiracy.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 12:37 AM
Honestly, why would the government care enough to take the time, effort, and money to implant a chip in an average, middle class American?

Seems a bit daft to me.


posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 01:19 AM
Why would they do it? Government control; total slavery. New World Order...

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 01:49 AM
Ok, you honestly think implanting chips in an entire population would be the most likely/efficient means of controlling that population?

HELLLOOOO! Have you heard of mass media, religion, political spin? Much more powerful, efficient, and easily controlled tools. A chip can be removed, but a lifetime worth of brainwashing that you have been exposed to since birth and thus do not notice, not so easy to undo.

Please, let's TRY to at least put a little bit of logic into this discussion. Many people never receive medical treatment either due to insurance issues, low income, underserved area, or fear of the medical treatment itself. So, using some logic, how would chips be implanted in these people? Doesn't it make more sense to use political machinations to control these people's actions, especially since almost everyone is exposed to some form of media, whether it be television, radio, newspaper, word of mouth, etc?


posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 07:10 PM
I absolutely refuse to go see a doctor!!! I don't care if I get breast cancer and die.... I don't trust any of them....haven't seem a doctor in about 5 years. I heard sometime back..that people were affraid of being chipped when they get a flu shot. I wouldn't take that filthy shot for nothing....not just because of that, but how the heck do you know what they really are injecting you with???

The AMA, FDA.....they are all in cahoots ...screw them all.

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by ProudCanadian
If the stupid government ever chipped me against my will I'd cut it out myself if I had to

I think I would too....I'd cut it out of myself. I've read too that people believ high powered magnets can cause chips to not work?? Some people run them over their body.

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 07:43 PM

i sincerely hope you never catch or succumb to any infection or genetic disease...

because if you think that homeopathy or the internet is a sufficient alternative to conventional medicine....

i don't pretend that the NHS (i live in the UK) is flawless but i trust it far more than the alternative....

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 07:53 PM
and what exactly would be the point of a chip?

locator? - they already know where you are by tracing your mobile phone

tracker? - in the UK we have the highest density CCTV coverage of anywhere outside HongKong and i believe the highest in Europe

police records? - you need a police check before you can do ANYTHING these days...

cant speak for America where you have different constitutional rights but an under-the-skin implant would be virtually meaningless for uk citizens

so... what would be the point of
"ripping it out"

sounds so 'macho' but THEY'D instantly know that you'd "ripped it out" and would have you disappeared/institutionalised/ignored at their leisure

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 09:51 PM
We have those kinds of subcutaneous lumps that form under the skin in my family. It's genetic. I have one on the back of my right arm that I had removed and another appeared on my forearm. Had that removed.

My dad had two similar ones. My aunt also had several. I had a friend who had four on her scalp.

For the record, I did watch as a friend (pre-med) sliced it out of my arm (free of charge) and examined it. It was, like he said, fatty tissue (and it actually did bother me/felt irritating) and there was nothing else to it.

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