posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 11:37 PM
my girlfriend related an experience to me that she had last week, very strange. she was lying in bed, wide awake, when she suddenly felt like a very
heavy weight was on her chest, it became hard for her to breathe, and she then went into what may have been a sleep-paralysis-like state, her senses
were awake, but she couldn't move. she then heard a voice whispering. these words are not verbatim, but as close as i can remember. it said, "you
need to hold onto it, they're going to try to take it away from you, why would i say it if it wasn't true? follow damian's(sp?) light." she
remained unable to move for a few moments, and when she was able to move again, she was terrified by what had happened, this is a girl who is not
frightened easily, and to see her so shaken up makes me believe that something happened. anyone have any ideas? thanks.
Seriously folks, i'm really worried about her, if you have any ideas what this could be, please let me know. thanks
[edit on 12-4-2006 by Space_CowBoy33]