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Hidden Messages dilevered by TV - Subconsious influence - DISTURBING!

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posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 11:58 PM
the subliminal message stuff does work, the CIA tried to debunk this with their "experts"/shills in court in the 70s along with the ritual abuse of children.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
also though... Tivo customers watching recorded programs at medium-basic definition would not be shown these subliminal messages, as the frame count would totally cut them out, more than likely.

At least a 1/24 to 1/29 chance of getting "in synch" with the framerate.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by zren
I notice when I don't watch TV I have pleasant and insightful dreams and when I do watch TV, my dreams are dark, strange and jumbled.

I firmly believe that TV has been used for quite a while to "control and brain wash the masses". Just a gut feeling. Now the fifty million dollar question to ask is by who and why?

Funny, sometimes what seems the most ridiculously absurd ideas often turn out to have some truth to them.

I do believe that the human brain is able to consciously perceive a certain range of frequencies BUT I think our brains unconsciously are able to also pick up a wider range of frequencies that we are not consciously aware of the subliminal messaging contained / embedded within these tv programs and this is the basis of which could be considered mind control of the masses.

Humanity is possibly being controlled and people think we are in charge and running the show.

I'm constantly amazed at how dumb dumb DUMB programs on tv are now and they are getting dumber with each passing year. The movies that Hollywood puts out now are either blood lust or just stupid. Very few films now are intellegent, almost like we are being dumbed down as a society but by who???



[edit on 9-8-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 09:43 AM
Read Thanks For The Memories by Brice Taylor (Susan Ford).

The real battles are no longer fought on patches of earth, they are now fought within the frontiers of the mind.

I'm amazed how far humans (or ?) will go to to achieve "power" over others.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Taikonaut
Coca-Cola and subliminal visuals

Some time ago, I accidentally discovered subliminal visuals embedded in Coca-Cola's Polar Bear TV ad whilst experimenting with the freeze/advance frame function on a new VCR.

If you watch the clip, pay attention between the 16-18second mark. In the top left of the frame you will see the aurora billowing in the sky, but on closer inspection you will see that it strikes a very uncanny resemblance to a Stars and Stripes flag flapping in slow motion, even down to the red and white banded colouring

Added to that, the ranks of bears in a 'chest out and head held high' pose would suggest a powerful subliminal image of US militaristic propaganda

Good find - however, the polar bears look more like a herd of 'sheep' (which would make more sense), looking up as you would find in a Chinese militaristic stance - in awe of its creator / leader style event!

Big sheep nonetheless.


posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

I'm constantly amazed at how dumb dumb DUMB programs on tv are now and they are getting dumber with each passing year. The movies that Hollywood puts out now are either blood lust or just stupid. Very few films now are intellegent, almost like we are being dumbed down as a society but by who???

I agree, and what I hear more often from people is the tag line: so what was the movie like? ''ah, you know, just turn the brain off and enjoy''.

Certainly that comment is becoming more prevalent in society as we look for anything to satisfy ourselves at the behest of quality or even spirituality etc.

IMO, if there is any conspiracy or any mind control feature or strategy out there, it is for people to expect and demand less from other people, (from education, politicians, movies, general tv programs and entertainment etc). Therefore, when something goes wrong, there is absolutely no accountability for the action / inaction. Always quantity over quality.

Expect less and yee shall receive just that!!


posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 01:57 PM
Yes, subliminals do work and are employed for use in Europe AND America.


what WON'T work is getting a valid point across on a board full of naysayers.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Privy_Princess
Yes, subliminals do work and are employed for use in Europe AND America.


what WON'T work is getting a valid point across on a board full of naysayers.
That's because you're not offering any proof that your point is valid. Show me ONE properly conducted study that shows that subliminals have ANY effect on human behavior.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 12:57 PM
Wow, sort of like in the 1988 John Carpenter movie "They Live" where the books and buildings had subliminal messages on them you needed sunglasses to see.

Now, question, as crazy as Brice Taylor's Thanks For The Memories Book sounded and let me tell you it's one heck of a crazy read, she mentions Walt Disney World/Company, as being into this mind control / manipulation got to wonder after the article link you posted, maybe Ms. Taylor/ aka Susan Ford wasn't lying or delusional?

If you know something is bad you avoid it, but if you think something is good and wholesome you don't avoid it and bam that makes one heck of a spider web. Ingenious really, Walt Disney one would think the most wholesome of the wholesome.

The rabbit hole just goes deeper and deeper.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:01 PM
does anyone have links that work for the images?

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by JoshNorton and where have you been the last 40 years? Subliminal messaging does work, whats more there's even more ways to manipulate the human brain to control your thoughts, microwaves, implants, drugs (that's a old one), our brains are nothing more then a organic living computer and can be "programmed". Controlling not just someone but a whole group of people's thoughts is possible. Think your the master of your thoughts, think again. Do some research and you will see.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/03/09 11:06:54 GMT
Subliminal images impact on brain
The brain does register subliminal images even if a person is unaware they have seen them, UK researchers report.
The research, in Current Biology, suggests subliminal advertising is probably effective.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/03/09 11:06:54 GMT


[edit on 8/25/08 by FredT]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:10 PM
Dutch have been known to be involved in the sex industry but not just that. Snuff films and every other diabolical form of spooky stuff that would make Hostel 1 and Hostel 2 look tame.

Im still convinced That Nancy Hollaway in Aruba was taken by powerful people involved in the underground world for sick sex, torture, and murder. There is no mistake Jon Benet Ramseys dad got involved romantically with the mom of Natalie Holloway after Gretta and Grace ran it in the ground on their shows. For many of you to simply say that this is coincidence means these subliminals really do work
So what does this have to do with the topic? Everything...observe your thoughts and reactions

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by JoshNorton and where have you been the last 40 years?

Right here...

Published: 2007/03/09 11:06:54 GMT
Subliminal images impact on brain

Although it has long been thought that subliminal images can be detected without people being aware of them, and have been used in techniques such as subliminal advertising, this is the first time researchers have provided physiological evidence of the impact.
(emphasis added)

The guy who claimed it worked in the 50's was shown to be a hoax. I've worked as both a projectionist and a video engineer on numerous DVDs, and trust me, if someone shows something at 1/24th of a second (film speed) or 1/30th of a second (NTSC video framerate), you WILL notice it. Even in the subliminal classic The Wizard of Speed and Time you can see that there's something there.

[edit on 8/25/2008 by JoshNorton]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by zren

I don't see anything with the external file links. When I clicked them it said there was no file.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by Pocky
reply to post by zren

I don't see anything with the external file links. When I clicked them it said there was no file.

Me as well it sucks...

sure blows the context.. and kills any interest in the thread.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by PuRe EnErGy

Originally posted by Pocky
reply to post by zren

I don't see anything with the external file links. When I clicked them it said there was no file.

Me as well it sucks...

sure blows the context.. and kills any interest in the thread.

No doubt.. The OP needs to re-upload the Pics.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by zren


it is YOUR choice to sit or put the kids infront of the TV


no one should complain when they notice freaky things inserted into tv ads or shows

IT IS YOUR CHOICE TO BUY A TV...therefore allowing other influences (hidden or dirrect) to come into your home

wa wa wa wa.. stop crying.
NO ONE put a gun to your head and made you watch.

TAKE SOME FREAKING responsibility.

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