This page should be one of the biggest pages of information on the tinWiki. I’ve started by adding information from an old thread of mine,
Greys are not Aliens.
Can someone come up with a non-copywrited image of a grey for that page? I used to have a little model of one but have no clue where it can be... I
felt this one I got out of a gumball machine was not appropiate!
I'm tinkering a little bit... I added a section on cultural impact and wanted to link to the Schwa page on Wilipedia, but don't know how to do it.
Can anyone help?
Just in case anyone wants to look, the Schwa stuff is super cool...
Originally posted by rich23
I added a section on cultural impact and wanted to link to the Schwa page on Wilipedia, but don't know how to do it. Can anyone help?
For external linking and more check out the tinWiki Tutorial.
The new thread on ats = has made me add some stuff to the greys page to reflect what seems to be
the case. This is really cool, I'm learning stuff here!