posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 01:52 AM
Beautiful how so? The thing is, this book has the potential to disprove one of the biggest betrayals in history. That's right to disprove. Like you
said to obey, Judas had to kill Jesus. However this does not mean that Judas betrayed Jesus, the definiton of betray that would be used in this
situation would be "To deliver into the hands of an enemy in violation of a trust or allegiance" or "To be false or disloyal to." []
The unfortunate thing about this is, is the fact that this was a lose-lose situation for Judas. If Judas disobeyed Jesus, he would be thought of as a
traitor, a man who disobeyed Jesus, a true betrayal in which a disciple betrays his master. However, if Judas obeyed, he would also be thought of as a
traitor. A disciple to kill their master would be and is a great betrayal. So why didn't Judas ask Jesus for an alternative choice? Maybe perhaps it
was because of this "You will exceed all of them. For you will sacrifice the man that clothes me." The Gospel states that Jesus said this to Judas,
possibly meaning that Jesus wanted Judas to liberate his spirtual self by aiding him in his death. Obviously by doing so, Judas was looked upon as a
traitor. Even though the other Gospels state that Judas did it because of money and the workings of satan, If the Judas Gospel is true, this all could
have been a misunderstanding.
It is like looking at a wall from a different point of view, one side is red, the other is blue. It all depends on your point of view. The other
Gospels aren't lies, merely a different perspective on what happened. If this Gospel turns out to be the real deal, it will be quite interesting
hearing the story from Judas himself on how he merely helped his master and not betray him. Not only that, but this would be a giant impact on the
Christian faith (as this is the basis for what is to come in the bible). Things in the world of Christianity might get a bit more interesting in a
couple of months.
On a last note, it seems like Judas knew idea of betrayal would come into existance. The Gospel states that Jesus said to Judas "You will be cursed
by other generations – and you will come to rule over them." Perhaps this adds to more reason why the Gospel was written and its possible
And with that here is my final note
[edit on 4/11/2006 by igigfufu]