posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 01:20 AM
Nice shots, I've seen em before probably on your website.
Unlike most montauk project researchers I actually contacted the former commander of the base and other former employees,
Because they aren't selling anything I tend to believe them over the sensationalized conspiracy books,
Basically the commander and former military employees said there were no drugs there except the occasional pot smoker, nothing bizzare went on there
at all during the late 70s and the 80s, the time frame in which the project supposedly took place, they didn't know Nichols and they said nothing
other than being a radar afs protecting the skies no experiments took place let alone time travel.
The commander was unaware of the chemical testing that took place there during the 50s or 60s, and toxic waste was stored there in some of the bunkers
according to a government wate materiel site.
As much as I'd like to believe something amazing took place there as interesting as time-travel, I don't think anything happened, I believe the
inspiration for the story was a combination of Preston Nichols remembering his past and Peter Moon taking advantage of Nichols and using Camp Hero as
the setting for the story, Peter Moon owns the book company that published all the books and he co-wrote (edited) them all, he's an ex-scientologist
deep in the occult, such would be the background of someone I'd pretty much have zero respect for, credibility wise, supposedly Aleister Crowley
performed a secret occult ceremony in the region of Camp Hero, Peter Moon being a fan of Crowley, perhaps the montauk project itself is his way of
honoring Crowley and/or L. Ron Hubbard by furthering a deception. Even though he's an ex-scientologist he only speaks highly of him in the books,
just thought of it but Vince Barbarick aka Peter Moon probably changed his name just like Crowley did, probably for the same reason.
Another BIG reason the montauk project is all foolishness, is the source of the montauk project, The Philadelphia Experiment, which was a story
invented by Carlos Allen aka Carlos Allende, there's a good youtube documentary of a guy who tracked down Carlos Allende's father, who admitted his
son was a storyteller, admitted the story was fabricated, the guy had a good imagination, but the Philadelphia Experiment for anyone who has
researched it in great depth did not happen, but I wouldn't expect anyone to believe me unless they did equally as much research.
At the same time perhaps something strange went on with Nichols, a form of mind control, I don't know but mind control is much more possible than
time travel, I contacted Nichols as well and got some information about his story never published, because I want to believe it's true but the facts
clearly show time-travel experiments never occured.