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what are the chances of canada falling under Homeland Security?

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posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 11:55 AM
hello, im a new member here, although iv'e been reading opinions and links off this website for about 2 years.

i have some questions in light of recent events following the election of our new Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. incase some of you are not aware, the previouse Prime Minister (Paul Martin) was elected in 2004, a very short stay for a Liberal that only faced one scandal and beat it as far as evidence is concerned.

but regardless of evidence in the scandal, a well publicized smear campain against Martin and a 'snap election' decided that although Paul Martin was not directly accountable, the Liberal party must still be removed so that
the rampid corruption could come to a stop.

im barely 26 years old and im proud to say that this was the first election night in my life that i didn't have a thing on my mind other that who was going ot win the election. I, like many canadians my age have seem to have adopted the election principle of "lessor of the TWO evils", which suggests that we expect only two rivals for office, and i dont think many of us care or uderstand why. but a good example of "why" that i have learned is,although more people in this country voted Liberal (cities big and small) we were still told to accept a new Conservative Prime Minister. Im not going to suggest an election fraud, (obviously the number of"ridings" decide the outcome) but the most ridings to be counted are in the rural areas with smaller communities, with no cable television or high speed internet, meaning unless you have satilite you get two channels of information to base your opinions on, and if you do happen to find some new contradicting informaion, the people you know are limited, so the news does not travel as far as apposed to hearing something new in a large office environment. whatever. regardless if MOST of us wanted him or not we will now address him as "Right Hounorable Stephen Harper"

so who is Stephen Harper?

the Candadian liberals suggest that he is a stooge for the current American administration, and from what iv'e been reading on this site as well as many others, that can't be good.

shortly after the election, i though i would voice some concerns of mine to our new conservative government in an email that went as fallows:

" first of all congratulations on your parties victory. although i did not
vote conservative it does dissapoint me to see another minority government, i would be more intersested in what a party would do without the oposition getting in the way. Anyway my question is, what is canada's role in petrodollar recycling currently controled by the US dollar, and what effects should we be looking for if Iran does in fact start selling oil in Euro's? Obviously the US would acuse them of consorting with terrorists and wage war on Iran, but what if the US in not successfull, and they no longer have other nations oil profits to extend credit to it's own economy? What will the canadian government do to secure our own economy in the face of a collapse in the american economy? will we end up in another revolution of the 'business cycle' or will we find a way to maintain our grouth and confindence in order to continue as a prospering nation. I have no doubt the the USA will fall, after all every empire thus far has fallen, i see no reason why todays empire will not as well, but is canada at risk? "

so i layed it out to them how what i was thinking, and initially expected it to be shrugged off as babble, after all i didn't exactly hear about this stuff of CNN. but lo and behold i recieved a reply.

"Dear Mr.
On behalf of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, I would like to thank you for your e-mail, in which you raised an issue that falls within the portfolio of the Honourable James Flaherty, Minister of Finance.

Please be assured that the statements you made have been carefully reviewed. I have taken the liberty of forwarding your e-mail to the Minister of Finance so that, he too, may be made aware of your comments. I am certain that he will wish to give your views every consideration. "

B. Funes
Executive Correspondence Officer
for the Prime Minister's Office
Agent de correspondance de la haute direction
pour le Cabinet du Premier ministre

i was shocked... never recieved a letter from the office of the Prime Minister before, but i was bashfullwhen i sent it to some relatives titled "generic resposes" believing there was no way that they could have read this and there was no way that this was in anyones "portfolio."

so a month or two went by when i recieved another "generic responce"

"Dear Mr.
On behalf of the Minister of Finance, the Honourable James M. Flaherty, this is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence of March 3, 2006, which was referred by the Office of the Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Stephen Harper. Please be assured that your comments will be brought to the Minister's attention as soon as possible."

Departmental Correspondence Unit

so the claim is that my "statements" made it to the minister of finance, but by who?
"Departmental Correspondence Unit" of what?

it didn't seem very proffessional, but i kept it, though i didn't keep any hope of recieving any direct responce, which i have not, at least not via email.

so we now have a "canadian military presence" in afganistan, not a "peace keeping presence" (eg. food, medicin, clothing) but a military offencive presence, and in fact part of the "operation enduring freedom". I know this is not the first wave of canadian troops to aid in the American efforts in the middle east, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien contributed to "operation Apollo", however, our role was still kept to the traditional humanitarian focus that has kept canada a world class nation of dignity and pride for a century if you include the underground railway, (which is read aloud and discussed explicitly in elementry schools to teach us passive behavior, and to help those in need.) not to mention we only agreed to because
everything happened so quickly, and all we knew was alot of innoccent people died (9/11 tragedy), and a there was "evidence" pointing to the culprits. If we knew then whatwe are beginning to know now, i wonder if our Prime Minister would have felt the pressure he did to not be labled
anti-american. But then again it is a good thing he did since President Bush later anounced "If your not with Us, then you are with the terrorist." although i shouldn't say that since i can't seem to find a page to back it up.

yes, the liberal government was the first to send troops to the middle east, but boy have we learned alot obout the agenda of the american republicans since late 2001, i could research and post links, but most of it i learned right here on this site, so i doubt i will be bringing anything new to the table.

With all the unsettling views about President Bush's personal own reality series called "The WAR on TERROR", why would our newly elected Prime Minister make his first international visit to Afganistan to support troops he sent strait out of the gate after winning the election?

(if you want to read the full acticle you need to search "Afghanistan is ‘our war' too" into google unless you have a subscription) if you do manage to get the full article you will see a quote from Prime Minister Harper:

" Asked whether some Canadians might feel the conflict is not their country's war, the Prime Minister answered that it is “our war” because Canadians were among those killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

“The entire world signed on to this mission when, because of the former regime in Afghanistan, thousands of people were killed in
New York City, including a couple of dozen Canadian citizens,” he told ATV's Steve Murphy. “They brought home to us how real the threat
of terror is to our own country.” "

why would a general from the canadian forces be leading NATO offencive roles? Do we have some sort of special trainingin this area that would make us better capable of dealing with the situation than say, a general with gulf war, or first iraq war experience? or are we trying to make a point?

so all this starts making me think about my email from the office of the prime minister and and the so called "portfolio" that covered my concerns of lasting american global supremecy, although i know thats not what i said in the letter, those that understand what i was suggesting in my original email, know that thats what it is all about.

so i'm willing to throw out a theory that one, if not both, of canada's leading parties has decided that it is in canada's best interest to
see America prosper. ok, i cant say im not down with that, and that is only because i'm willing to admit that iv'e been raisedto be weak and dependent on all the things that we have come to enjoy while neglecting those that have made it "cost effective", i'mscum and i'm going to go to hell if there is one. ok if i dont put a cork in that thought i will never get to the question i posted at the beginning of this thread.

what are the chances of canada falling under the protection of homeland secruity?

i have seen a lot of strong debate here on this site as to weather the entire mission in the middle east has been a campain to promote homeland secruity and take away the "freedoms and rights of American citizens" as Alex Jones repeats so often. now that we are witnessing an agressive stance in afghanistan, beside the current american administration, with a Prime Minister that makes claims of "how real the threat of terror is to our own country.”

could Bush and Harper be working on a way to sell homeland security to Canada?

[edit on 10-4-2006 by backpain]

[Mod edit - shrink a link and ex tags]

[edit on 11/4/2006 by Umbrax]

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 08:18 PM
Who is in charge of HS now? Look, how far is it to Great Slave Lake? What if we laid six I meter diameter pipes from GSL, south, with 2 pipes splitting off into Southern California, 2 pipes running to Phoenix area and 2 pipes going to the High Plains of Colorado. 1 40 inch pipe can move 200,000 gallons of water every minute. Wow! America could tap this almost unlimited water resource just in time to expand our southwestern sun-belt population by another 50%. And turn Colorado into Imperial Valley North. it would be a better use of money and piping than to pump a few million barrels of oil out of ANWR. You can live without oil but you can't live without water.

[edit on 4/10/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 10:36 PM
Backpain, can appreciate your thread and obvious loyalty to the Libs, but I don't think Harper is one to be so easily sold out, he will surely compromise as any leader should but I don't believe for a second that he would ever sell out this country for his own personal means.

The very first country he should of visited is the one that he did. Afghanistan. For too long our forces there, and their mission has been silently ignored by many in this country
and overshadowed by a war(Iraq) that we were not involved in but merely repeatedly threatened by the libs that we might have been in:@@.

This is a great injustice to the troops who have been laying the groundwork for their continuing mission there, and who knew what was to follow.

As far as Homeland Security, Type in Google NORTHCOM, there is some interesting info you might like.

Anyways have a little faith
you might be surprised in our new government.

Gotta love those lovely biased liberal websites you posted, doesn't anyone there know that Paul Martin is not the Prime Minister anymore

Sorry just havin fun wit ya.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 02:47 PM
lol. Harper is a pawn to the American Corporations that own Canada.

Just look at what globalization has done to Canada. American Corporations have erased what it used to mean to be Canadian.

It would be nothing for the New World Order to take over Canada. We're already interlocked into the American Military Industrial Complex. And on top of that Canada is American Jr. We live off the American cultural influence.

I'm sorry but Harper is not going to be an opponent of the New World Order. He's an American style politician. He was groomed in American schools and in similar Neo-Con style to that of Bush. He'll go along with the Police State.

I wish I could find a source for his interview but in the early 90's he spoke his opinion that was very much pro New World Order. That we needed to merge with the United States because it would be beneficial.

I'm not scared about Harper. But it's the American corporations that are behind him I'm scared off.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 08:21 PM
" Canada is America Junior"
umm.. are you American or Canadian Mr Crowley, and no need to apoligize, I have never been one to succumb to opposition style scare tactics, besides it is starting to wear a little thin don't you think.

Harper was an Economics major from the University of Calgary(hardly an American School)

Conservative in Canada doesn't stand for Republican in the states as some of you so convienently seem to compare.

If you do some history on Paul Martin and his cronies(Maurice Strong) for one, I think you will be very unpleasantly surprised as to whom has more in common with your NWO theory and your fear of big corporations.

This site may not be as reputable as you like but it seems pretty accurate as far as Martin and Strong's connections. Just google Maurice Strong and you will get plenty of articles from major news corps. regarding his oil for food scandal in the UN if you want some back up.

Also I think NORTHCOM pretty much explains what government was in power during those behind closed door meetings. Anne McClellan was our Deputy Prime Minister for the Liberal government at the time.

Denying ignorance is not expanding your reading ability when you let others read for you.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 08:33 PM
Well, I happen to have been conscious of US space weapon technologies being used for 1 solid year over my ‘Canadian’ city (ending March 20th). This period comprised Martin’s presence along with the Harper election win.

I do think that Harper’s win was assisted by US technologies, subliminal messaging through non CBC English TV broadcasts and printed press bias.

But the US space weapon presence came to an abrupt end on March 20, thanks to the Russians/Chinese and friends, which also marked a severe drop in ‘the US’s’ ability to include Canada in their Continental Defense Strategy, (aka Homeland Security), but I choose to refer to it as the Continental Day Care Center since it implicated a well develloped population mind control application.

[edit on 11-4-2006 by organic]

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by alphacenturi
Backpain, can appreciate your thread and obvious loyalty to the Libs, but I don't think Harper is one to be so easily sold out, he will surely compromise as any leader should but I don't believe for a second that he would ever sell out this country for his own personal means.

The very first country he should of visited is the one that he did. Afghanistan. For too long our forces there, and their mission has been silently ignored by many in this country
and overshadowed by a war(Iraq) that we were not involved in but merely repeatedly threatened by the libs that we might have been in:@@.

This is a great injustice to the troops who have been laying the groundwork for their continuing mission there, and who knew what was to follow.

As far as Homeland Security, Type in Google NORTHCOM, there is some interesting info you might like.

Anyways have a little faith
you might be surprised in our new government.

Gotta love those lovely biased liberal websites you posted, doesn't anyone there know that Paul Martin is not the Prime Minister anymore

Sorry just havin fun wit ya.

Good to know that there are people around here that can appreciate somebody that really cares about his country and not just his own pocketbook .. our new PM that is.

Thanks for saying in a diplomatic manner what I would have said in a not so diplomatic manner.

Besides, Canada and the US had been drifting apart for the 12 years of liberal rule and it was time for them to come closer together again as is normal in the relationship between these two pivotal first world countries.

Liberals still think that Europe is our master and that we have to bow to them especially France for some reason which mystifies me.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 08:43 PM
The chances at this point are about 50-50 IMHO. That the previous regime was NWO is not without some debate but not beyond belief... same with this current one? I read on this site in the last week or so that Harper is a Bilderburger but no proof was cited... is this true and is there any way to verify this? What could trigger the adoption of HS in Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and nation wide? Fear of the greater perceived potential danger/evil by the lowest common denominator? Thoughts?

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 09:01 PM
"Liberals still think that Europe is our master and that we have to bow to them especially France for some reason which mystifies me."

...Reflection, culture, history, humanity.wisdom. If Canada's government didn't have access to the 'old continent', it would be as uselessly corrupt and litteraly drowning with it's sister, USA.

[edit on 11-4-2006 by organic]

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 09:46 PM
You might want to check out this thread calling for a "North American Union" similar to the EU

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by organic
"Liberals still think that Europe is our master and that we have to bow to them especially France for some reason which mystifies me."

Agreed. Considering all the unrest they are unjustly suffering IMO and taking it up the butt... following their path would surely doom us in the end.


.[..Reflection, culture, history, humanity.wisdom. If Canada's government didn't have access to the 'old continent', it would be as uselessly corrupt and litteraly drowning with it's sister, USA.]

A large amount of us are from the 'old continent' that's why we left. To live and breathe in a new continent where productivity is essential to our economy if we want to grow.

For some of us, the chains that bind us to the 'Old continent as you refer, hinder our ability to use the resources this great country provides us.

Must we always feel shamed and un-Canadian because some of us dare to not be so modest and want to explore these resources and opportunities that they will provide.

And yes we can always reflect on our wisdom, culture, history and diversity, but when these tangible intangibles override our basic need to move forward as a nation, the only thing left to be reflected on is the loss of that widsom we once held in such high esteem.

[edit on 11-4-2006 by organic]

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by organic
"Liberals still think that Europe is our master and that we have to bow to them especially France for some reason which mystifies me."

...Reflection, culture, history, humanity.wisdom. If Canada's government didn't have access to the 'old continent', it would be as uselessly corrupt and litteraly drowning with it's sister, USA.

[edit on 11-4-2006 by organic]

Gee man you not seeing what is going on in Europe these days in the news?

Things look bad over there if you ask me. I'm just wondering when the immigrants are going to go ape $%^& up in lil' Canada next??

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 07:13 AM
Denythestatusquo, thank you for your comments earlier, it is nice to hear someone else holds our present government in a positive light.

I thought I would add this link for those who don't seem to have all the facts straight when it comes to our previous Mr. Dithers and his indecisive flip flopping on the US missile defense program.

And also for those that seem to think Harper is Bush's lap dog.

It would be irresponsible to give an answer to such a serious matter as Missile defense without seeing the full report that the liberals refused to let the opposition view beforehand. I for one am glad this present government doesn't cave in before all the facts are on the table.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 11:47 AM

Harper wasn't in power when Missile Defence came up. How could he cave in when it wasn't his decision to make?

And yes, the Liberals flip-flopped all over it, because they were in a minority government and that would have caused an election. Kind of like how the current government is in no postition to make a commitment to it. The Bloc Quebecios is adamantly against the program and that is who the Conservatives have to make happy to keep in power.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Duzey

Harper wasn't in power when Missile Defence came up. How could he cave in when it wasn't his decision to make?

And yes, the Liberals flip-flopped all over it, because they were in a minority government and that would have caused an election. Kind of like how the current government is in no postition to make a commitment to it. The Bloc Quebecios is adamantly against the program and that is who the Conservatives have to make happy to keep in power.]

Hi Duezy, but that is just my point, Martin didn't want to make a decision without the view of the opposition party, even though that is what he is supposed to do as our Prime Minister, for fear of backlash from potential voters. You seem like a smart dude, would you give your support to something so important without understanding the full ramifications beforehand? I would hope not .

You and I and most Canadians are very well aware of the flip flop that goes on in Ottawa. There are some decisions, that we all make that have
a profound effect on our everyday lives, and we all hope to make the right ones. I'm sure there were times when Martin wished he was just fly-fishing
and not having to deal with such a burden of running a country, even one as fine as ours. In order to be a leader you have to make decisions.

Quebec's sovereignist's have had their butts kissed for far too long, it is about time that the rest of Canadians in that Province deserve the recognition of being a Canadian, without being labelled a separatist.

Harper obviously struck home with this, you can say all you want that the Bloc controls the vote, and the only reason, Canadians voted conservative is because they were fed up with the libs, Sorry "BS", deep down inside, I would garner that most wanted something better, whether they are willing to admit it or not.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 01:52 PM
Hi Duezy, oh mann, thought I fixed the problem with the quote, ha ha, guess not, pls. this so far is cool, most people don't care or are not interested in Canadian politics, but yeassshh I am.

As long as Sardion 2000 doesn't get me, I may still have ration tickets for my next great escape.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 02:15 PM
Canadian politics is my second favourite spectator sport, right after hockey.

Don't mistake my wariness of the Conservative party for a love of the Liberal party. I will admit that I am more comfortable with the social policies of the Liberals than I am with the new Conservative party. If they had not merged, I would have continued to vote for the Progressive Conservatives.

Getting back to missile defence, if the Liberals had a majority at the time, we would be full partners in the deal. In my opinion, the only reason it didn't go through is because we had a minority government. Martin would have had no problem cramming it down our throats, backlash or not.

Harper is in the same position Martin was, a minority government. Every government we have from now until eternity (or until Quebec finally pees or gets off the pot) will be held hostage to Bloc demands until the people of Quebec stop giving them 1/6 of the seats in Parliament.

3 more things - Sardion will get you eventually
, we Canucks are attempting to take over PTS, so you must continue to post here and it's dudette.

[edit on 12-4-2006 by Duzey]

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 03:50 PM
Ok Dudette, right back at ya. mea culpa femminen mystic blah, blah. Politics has no gender. What is right for the country is all that matters.

Your are right, without a majority our government whoever be in power will always be the opposition.. This is in fact and part and parcel of our previous Liberal ways. And in this corner, the one and only THE CRUSHER,
who's values do not really represent the true values of most Canadians.

You who were so quick to defend a government that puts it's own means far before the true understanding of the Canadian way.

What exactly is the Canadian way?. We are so now diversified, anyone coming to our Country would be hard pressed to find something uniquely Canadian about us.

Thank goodness the Politically Correct and indecisice days of the LIberal regime are over.

I for one would like to exprss my condolences for those who have not moved on.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by alphacenturi
What exactly is the Canadian way?. We are so now diversified, anyone coming to our Country would be hard pressed to find something uniquely Canadian about us.

Canada is a very young country and we are still finding our way.

Other than our love of beer, hockey, winter sports, Tim Horton's, peacekeeping, our reputation for being polite and our distinctive RCMP uniforms, what was ever uniquely Canadian about us?

Canada is the people that inhabit this great country of ours, not any one political party.

All of the major federal parties have made positive contributions to our country and they've all screwed up royally at one time or another.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 05:21 PM
Yo, smoke and a pancake, you are right , once upon a time there was no greater past-time than sitten on the fence , dreaming about a stanley cup win,washed down with a couple of quart btls of icy canadian, but sadly those days are long gone.

We could re-coup those days if we so desired, honestly, how difficult is it just to wake up and make a contribution to your own front yard.

Paul Martin and the Liberals stood, and still stand, for more power in Government control.

Stephen Harper and the conservatives, have stood, and stand for more power to the people.

Why is this so difficult to comprehend

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