Sure, by all means, do as many as you want! The more the merrier!
Note that this isn't an OFFICIAL challenge, nor has it had any form of administrator/moderator approval, it's just something that I cooked up to
attempt to bring more credibility to ATS podspace, and hopefully some more podcasters.
Since there really aren't any ACTUAL prizes for this as of yet, there's no deadline, but the more podcasts we get out there, the more listeners we
will have.
That said, please try not to make it a simple spamming of personal opinions of conspiracy theories, it would be great to see us try to pull together
some credible sources and improve the image of ATS podcasting quality in general.
The thing that I've noticed with the conspiracy podcasting at ATS, is that most of it has been reactionary, of which I mean that people are doing a
quick 2-3 minute opinionative podcast about whatever conspiracy theory they happen to have heard in ATSNN,, or wherever. (I'm guilty of
this too, and it's what fills up most of my weekly show, LOL!)
I'd like to see the sort of quality that we see in the Research Forums, and on, complete with sources, differing debates on the theories,
debunking, counter arguments, supportive documentation, etc..
If you want to make a conspiracy theory podcast purely for the intent of debunking something, please, do so! However, it would also be good to see
both sides of the fence represented, to detract from one-sided arguments, and also to allow for further comment and discussion by the other
P.S. Thanks for giving it a go.
Now if only I could somehow get the mods in on it... *rubs hands together like an evil archnemesis*
[edit on 10/4/2006 by nrky]
[edit on 10/4/2006 by nrky]