posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 07:58 PM
For me, this book got off to a somewhat slow start. I kept waiting for the author to explicitly say that Americans who are Fundamentalist Christians
(or Orthodox Jews) have been having enough children in each generation recently to account for the growth of those religions in the U.S., and he
finally does say that, but in typically long-winded academic fashion.
Where the book does come alive, however, is in the last few chapters. The author, Kevin Phillips, portrays the devastating economic and scientific
problems emerging in the U.S. as an array of fundamentalist doctrines (you guessed it, anti-economic establishment and anti-science establishment)
take hold. Ironically, the religious fundamentalist U.S. readers who made the "Left Behind" series of books perennial best-sellers for the last 10
years don't realize how much of the Bible that the "Left Behind" authors get wrong. Mr. Phillips, a former Republican party strategies, expresses
deep dismay with the gradual takeover of "the party of Lincoln" by an increasingly theocratic voter base.
Definitely worth a read! I found particularly worthwhile the explanation of fundamentalist codewords such as "stewardship", as in the
"environmental stewardship" doctrines that Republicans affiliated with the U.S. Christian Coalition keep espousing. Yup, now I understand.
It's especially interesting that today the Vatican joined with a variety of Jerusalem religious representatives to denounce what it terms "Christian
Zionists", claiming that Christian Zionists look forward to Armageddon happening any time now... the Vatican says that these fundamentalist beliefs
get in the way of supporting effective peace talks in the Middle East. Well, yes.
Book title: American Theocracy, by Kevin Phillips
Copyright 2006 by Viking Publishers
[edit on 31-8-2006 by FutureLibrarian]